Too Early

Chapter 475: Tongtianguan is just like this

Xia Ming will not let a younger generation die for himself.

"Your mind is my collar, but you are not his opponent! There are some early disciples in the temple who have been ambushed and ambushed. Those disciples need you more, you hurry and lead them to escape!" Xia Minghong The smelt is awesome.

The opposite of the Buddhism Taoist, the eyes are slightly stunned, such as snakes, the opposite of Xia Ming and Chi refining.

To deal with Xia Ming’s words, he spent some time and could slowly kill the dead old man. But now there is a fairy cultivator in the fairyland. Although this immortal tree cultivator has broken arms and blinks, it looks very poor, but it is also a fairyland with a flying sword.

If two fairy trees are joined together, things will be troublesome.

The Buddhism Taoist thoughts turn around. "No matter what, first kill this weaker disability. Then the elder Xia Ming will be able to deal with it. You must not let them join hands!"

In the heart, this thought was saved, and the Buddhism Taoist people set foot up. The life-flying sword smashed out in the void and went to the red smelt.

Elder Xia Ming was shocked and was reminding him to avoid the red smelt, but he saw the red smelt around him, and behind the emptiness, a surplus of trees and trees rose to the sky.

Immediately, his momentum continued to rise upwards, and a round of the sacred wheel of the moon rose in Bishu.

“Is a round of fairy trees?” Elder Xia Ming was taken aback.

However, after a fairy wheel, it was another appearance of a fairy swaying... The road of the fairy wheel actually came out.

Every time a fairy wheel appears, the momentum of the red smelter rises by one point, and at the end of the full eight sacred wheels hang over the fairy tree.

Fairy tree eight rounds!

When the red refining son was in the squadron a year ago, he received a small scent of pure Yang Xianwang Avenue presented by Qin Haoxuan.

He receives the temperament and scouring and scouring every day, and his heart is clear, and there is no obstruction in the way of cultivation.

More than a year of cultivation, day and night to understand the Xianwang Avenue, plus the support of Qin Haoxuan various elixir, qidan.

Chi refining has long since reborn, but he has also been suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth, and it is difficult to improve in it.

After the demise of Chunyang Xianwang, there is no such strange world rule, and the red smelt can already break through.

Therefore, when faced with the martial arts of the Buddhism Taoist, he immediately chose to break through on the spot.

"Emperor's eight rounds?" Elder Xia Ming looked at the cultivation of the red smelt, and he was stunned.

At this time, the red refining son has the same kind of disintegrated appearance, the dim light flashes in the pupil, there is a vague legend of the arc, and the body exudes a strong pressure against the strong.

Although it is a broken arm and a blink of an eye, it stands between the heavens and the earth, and the Yuanyue Yuelu has a feeling of mountain elevation.

This feeling, even in the face of Huanglong real people, the elders Xia Ming did not feel so shocked.

Where does he know, in fact, this kind of awkward feeling is entirely due to the fact that the red refining son has the smell of pure Yangxian.

The strong atmosphere of that realm, such as the sea, such as Zhou Yu, is unpredictable in the abyss.

Unconsciously exhaling a star and a half at the time of the breakthrough of the red refining, it is enough to inexplicably shock the elder Xia Ming.

Under the support of the surged strength after the breakthrough, the red refining son of the flying sword suddenly burst into the light, like a million suns broke out.

"Is it what you said? At first it was just like this?" Chi Shunzi raised his sword, but his voice was cold and proud: "Today, I will let you see it, but it is so early!"

A sword smashed out, as if it was a rolling star-shaped river, and it seemed that even the space could be torn. The swordsmanship stretched like a mountain, and there was a big star-like rune floating on the sword front.

This rune exudes a scent of avenues of the ancients, with the suppression of all the momentum, directly greeted the sword of the buddha.

From the red refining son to choose the breakthrough on the spot, to his stunned sword carrying the avenue of the avenue. However, it is between the electric and the flint.

When the Buddhism Taoist people noticed that something was wrong, the swordsman that he had spurred by the flying swords, touched the avenue runes on the swords of the red refining son, and completely broke down.

Sword Manton suddenly decomposed countless runes and annihilated.

When Jianmang collapsed, the red smelt of the sacred sword directly attacked the sacred sword of the buddha.

At this moment, the people of Nha Trang have felt the unpredictable breath of the rune carried on the swords of the Red Sword, and they have long been scared.

In front of the avenue of the avenue, he had a feeling of powerlessness, as if a baby was facing the sea and the waves of the sky. Can only wait and be swept away and swallowed.

"He... He actually broke through the eight rounds of Xianshu... What is the avenue of this avenue?"

The last thought flashed, and the avenue of the sacred sword on the sacred swordsman did not diminish, slamming on the sacred mountain sacred flying sword, the direct divine brilliance flashed on the rune, and the buddha on the flying sword was completely scented. Obliterate.

Suddenly, the Buddhism Taoist flying sword and the body lost control, hanging in the void.

Finally, as if it were a galaxy-like sword, it would completely engulf the entire body of the Buddhism Taoist.

A scream, accompanied by a pile of splashing flesh and blood falling from the void.

After the swordsmanship that was smashed, after killing the Buddhism Taoist people, the sword was not reduced, and it rushed directly to the front, and the peak of the crown towering into the clouds.

The entire mountain, suddenly a sword traversing the heavens and the earth, slammed into two halves.

"Red refining, when is this strong enough? Even if the ancient Yunzi of Guyuntang came, it is not necessarily able to find out the sword just now... If that sword is to me... "Elder Xia Ming was stunned at the side, and the sword that was just pulled out by the red refining son was deeply shocked. There was even a rare fear in his heart.

One thought in my heart is not circling: "On the sword of the red refining son, the rune of the rune that is carried is swaying, and the broth of the brilliance of the brilliance, the vastness of the soup, seems to contain a law of heaven and earth in it... Where did it come from..."

"Too early? Not only that! Tongtian view?" Red refining sons gathered swords to watch the battle. Several scattered cold and cold said: "But so! Today, you don't have to live..."


From Yufeng Peak all the way forward, it has been completely occupied by scattered repairs.

Qin Haoxuan led a disciple of gray robes, and there was a brown robes, green robes, and even two orange robes disciples saved from the back, killing the past.

How terrible is their strength in this group of people. There are more than 70 strong people who rely on the 40-leaf of Xian Miaojing, and most of these people are proficient in close-knit, and the various spiritual methods are endless, and they are not able to survive.

Has been smashing a hundred miles, killing more than 700 scattered repairs, killing blood into a river.

Qin Haoxuan led the crowd to stop and looked at the place where a horse was flat.

A few miles away, you can see the hustle and bustle of the sacred ancestors, a tent like a cloud like rain, the flag is densely covered, and it has been repaired before the fall.

"Two years ago, here was the front line of our early teaching... These scattered repairs are really hateful!" Qin Haoxuan secretly squeezed his fist.

All the way to rush, he saw a lot of the bodies of the early teaching disciples.

Some headless bodies have piled up into hills, and the flags of the early teachings have been trampled in the mud. It is conceivable that there have been fierce battles here in the past few days.

The early education was completely defeated by an unprecedented defeat.

The dripping blood of the same brothers and sisters made Qin Haoxuan’s heart clouded and silent.

When I saw the scattered pioneer camp in front of the falling horse, the anger buried in my heart was completely ignited.

"Kill them." Qin Haoxuan's voice was cold, and the index finger slowly lifted up, pointing to the vanguard main position where the scattered repairs were.

"Report! The stronghold of the Jade Peak area, there is no audio!"

"Report! The stronghold near Lanping Mountain, there is no audio!"

"Report! Before the vanguard position we were in, there was an enemy..."

A piece of news, successively passed to the Scouting Pioneer camp.

But even if the enemy is found in the front, the squadrons in the Pioneer camp are still alive and quiet, without any panic.

Indeed, they have the confidence and cost of not panic.

Although there are no strong people in the fairyland, but there are two immortals who are fourty-nine leaves of Xian Miaojing, known as "half-step fairy trees."

In addition, there are more than forty or forty people who have more than forty leaves.

Such a strong capital, unless it is too early to teach the face to send a few fairy trees to come to the elders can be done.

However, the masters of the fairyland will be self-sustaining and will never be swarmed. Moreover, the early sects of the early sects have been continually disturbed. Some of the sects of the immortals have only dared to sit in the martial art, and there are only a handful of sectarians who can be sent out.

What's more, there is a buddha who is surrounded by a fairy tree. The buddha is killing him. When he kills the old elders, he will come this priest is in the early days of the Pioneer camp. Disciples, not enough to sew.

"When people come, what else do you need to report? Go to people and kill them directly." Inside the camp, an old-fashioned essay is an understatement of the slap in the ground, and there is no such thing as a disciple. In the eyes.

His voice just fell, and the slamming sound of the smack, I saw a headless corpse crashing a cowhide tent, falling from the sky.

Splashed a lot of blood.

"What happened?" The old man was taken aback and stood up. The body on the ground in front of him is clearly one of the scattered repairs that have just arrived forward to report.

"Hong Tiandu Shizun, those who are too early to teach ... gray robe disciples, sneaked in!" At this time, a **** scattered, screaming in the panic rushed in, 禀 reported.

"When the gray robes are disciples?" Upon hearing this, Hong Tiandu, who looked like he was not looking at him, suddenly stood up and his eyes were round and his face was unbelievable.

At the beginning, those high-ranking disciples who had heads and faces were killed and turned over.

Just relying on some of the strength of the gray robes disciples dare to attack the scattered striker camp, but also kill, this ... no reason!

The heart was angrily and incredulously thought about it, looked up, and suddenly saw a shadow on the high sky.

It was a thunderbird that was ten feet long and shimmering.

There is a rune flashing between the wings of the Thunderbird, which is actually a beast.

Seeing the moment of the beast, the old man was shocked by a big jump, the charm of the beast... The strength of the battle is comparable to the strongest of the forty-five leaves of Xian Miao!

The thoughts in his mind have not yet been turned, the Thunderbirds flap their wings, and the sinister screams out from the wings, slamming the entire camp and smoking.

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