Too Early

Chapter 443: Xianye sitting on the fairy king 1 with 20 leaves

At this moment, Qin Haoxuan couldn't move, and he couldn't get out.

Struggling for a while, he finally gave up the resistance, letting the body pause in the void, attracted by the body of the pure Yang Xianwang, followed by a vortex of the vortex in the outermost stars.

"I am still too weak now. The innate aura that penetrates into the body will suppress the spiritual power in my body. It is better to devour a little more congenital aura and to strengthen myself a bit. I may be able to leave here. "Qin Haoxuan’s heart is dark.

At this moment, he had to play the spirit, look at the nose, nose and heart, stretch the skin of the whole body, ears, eyes, nose and other seven or even the pores of the whole body, all open at the same time, trying to absorb the congenital aura around.

La la la la, a stock of congenital aura, suddenly like a flowing water from the direction of Qin Haoxuan body.

If the ordinary cultivator sees this scene, he will be shocked and stunned, saying that Qin Haoxuan is a fool.

After all, the congenital aura is too pure, if there is no protection, it will be absorbed in a large amount, and the body of the ordinary cultivator will be blasted.

But Qin Haoxuan is a metamorphosis among the cultivators.

At the beginning, he cultivated Daoist's magical Dafa, the fairy demon species... Although it is impossible to change the essence of Qin Haoxuan's weak species, the fairy magic species does indeed develop another direction of cultivation, and its carrying capacity is indescribable!

Nirvana after a serious injury, the previous avenue listening... and the ghosts above the arm are coming! After such a huge innate spiritual power entered the body, although his body skin was the same as the water wave, it was supported by water waves.

It’s convex everywhere, and it’s convex west. It looks like a pit.

Qin Haoxuan feels a sore and sore pain in his body, always feeling to be blasted. However, if it is worse, then the fairy magic will try to help absorb it...


A congenital aura was all introduced by Qin Haoxuan from the blood of the body, the introduction of Dantian's fairy species. Instead of spending money, I began to work hard to water the fairy.

After watering for a while, he was able to clearly feel that his fairy was shaking and cheering, and the fairy leaves above began to shine, and they radiated like the sun.

This is clearly a spectacle in which the aura of the fairy roots is abundant enough to reach a peak. Even in the early days of teaching, the purple cultivators who were most optimistic about Huanglong’s real life were mad, and there was no such wonder when they practiced.

He faintly felt that he was watered by the congenital aura, swelled to the extreme genus, and again had stupid movements...

At this time, a strange sound of singularity, the pure Yang Xian Wang body shot a substantial colorful magnificent power.

As soon as this force emerged, it slowly swept through the world of Sunday Stars.

When he swept to Qin Haoxuan, Qin Haoxuan suddenly found consciousness in the sea, and there were hundreds of thousands of people sitting cross-legged.

Each villain wears a flat-topped golden crown, wearing a bright yellow robes, hanging over the sea of ​​consciousness, and chanting the scriptures together.

They are all like the pure Yang Xian Wang, practicing in the knees. The body also carries a deep and vast atmosphere that is exactly the same as the pure Yang Xian Wang.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly came over, ah, it turned out that these little people were actually condensed by the power of the pure Yang Xian Wang.

It is just that the **** of pure Yang Xian Wang is much stronger than him. Every point of the gods has cultivated the will of the gods like the true body.

Being swept by the gods of the pure sacred king, Qin Haoxuan was so frightened that he could feel the horror of this horror.

He has no doubt that if the **** realizes his existence, he will surely launch a mighty power, and he will burn him without residue.

It seems that this **** appears, specifically to sweep away all the thieves who try to lurk into the starry world.

However, Qin Haoxuan was relieved, and the gods only swept him, and immediately left and fired at other places.

"It’s really lucky for the weak... This is ignored again! It’s like I didn’t notice my existence and ignored me directly.” Qin Haoxuan grinned, his heart was angry and funny.

"Forget it, in this case, I will simply eat a spiritual supplement to replenish my strength and continue to practice here."

Qin Haoxuan also wants to open, anyway, the knowledge that will be shot from the moment will not pose any threat to him. In this case, why not try hard to cultivate?

When the next genius is working, the body's yin and yang breath each other, while absorbing the innate aura, while entering the state of Xuanzhi and Xuan.

In this way, the cultivation of non-stop, constantly swallowing the innate aura, the celestial species in his body continue to continue the spiritual power.

The understanding of the avenue in his heart is also step by step deeper.

I don't know how long it took. Qin Haoxuan is like a statue. He has been following Zhou Tianxing, and the body around the pure Yang Xian Wang has been slowly turning around.

It seems that after a year, it seems to have passed hundreds of millions of years.

In absolute silence and silence, Qin Haoxuan almost forgot the feeling of passing away.

I can only feel my body - the skin, bones and blood, and everything else, all of which are constantly receiving the innate aura.

The spiritual power in the sage is also accumulating at a horrible rate.

Then one day, suddenly he felt a sway in the sacred stalks, a slamming sound, a glimpse of jade, and a green-smelling Lingye drilled from the fairy seedlings.

When the leaves appeared, they were the same as his first leaves, and they all presented a strange golden color.

The most amazing thing is that there is a little man sitting on the blade.

The villain wore a flat-topped golden crown and wore a robes, which was almost like a pure Yang Xian Wang!

His body constantly exudes a "dao" atmosphere, so that Qin Haoxuan can feel the existence of the boulevard for a moment, and is close to the "dao".

"Haha, finally the fifteenth leaf, and the smell of pure Yang Xian Wang remains on it!" Qin Haoxuan was overjoyed! Since Xianmiao had the fourteenth piece of fairy leaves, he waited for the fifteenth piece of fairy leaves to wait for the hard work.

Now the fifteenth leaf gives him too many surprises. In the future, the villain on the leaf, he can feel the "Tao" of Chunyang Xianwang for a moment.

If you are lucky, you can really escape this tomb in the future. Maybe all beings will be used endlessly?


Finally, the hard work pays off, and the moment I reached the breakthrough.

Such a constant cultivation, time flies, and the stars move.

One leaf, two leaves, three leaves...

Qin Haoxuan kept forgetting my cultivation for a moment, and unconsciously, the seedlings on the seedlings were one piece and one piece, and they grew to the nineteenth leaf.

On every leaf, without exception, there is a miniature version of the pure Yang Xianwang.

When the nineteenth leaf appeared, he felt that he was swept away by the devastating **** full of great horror.

This time, the gods actually stayed on him and patrolled for a long time before he hesitated and slowly left.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is mad, but the signal is very obvious. If it continues to improve, it will probably be discovered.

When the gods left, it was a little relaxed, but the heart was already very vigilant. He can clearly feel that this **** has already noticed him.

It’s just his strength, he hasn’t been able to make it to the point where the **** knows.

Perhaps in the judgment of the gods, he is still an ants who do not have threats.

However, Qin Haoxuan can be very sure inside, as long as the cultivation to the 20th leaf of Xian Miaojing, this **** will certainly obliterate himself without mercy!

At the same time, he also found a good thing. After he cultivated to the present state, the aura in his body was no longer suppressed by the innate aura filled with the stars in the past.

As long as he uses Reiki, he has the possibility to loosen the power of the suppression.

In other words, he is far from overthrowing the power to suppress himself, and barely escapes from this Sunday star world, only a line away.

This line is the 20th leaf of Xian Miao!

"As long as the realm rises to the twenty leaves, I can struggle to get out. It's great." Qin Haoxuan's tough heart can't help but shake and feel excited.

Twenty leaves... there will be capital to escape.

Twenty leaves, there will be dangers of being swept away and completely killed in this place,

When capital and opportunity are at the same node, Qin Haoxuan has no choice. Even if he does not want to take risks, he has no choice. In the face of powerful forces, he has to choose to take risks.

Because I have been here for too long, I may not know that it has been a few months or years, and it is too long to be intolerable.

And he is eager to care about how they are with the is no more, the zombies are not controlled, I don’t know if it will cause a big mess...

After staying in the starry world for so long, Qin Haoxuan has gradually mastered the time rule of the scan of the gods.

This knowledge is usually scanned every once in a while.

At the interval between the two scans, it will be the safest to break through to the 20th leaf of Xianmiaojing.

Finally, patiently waiting for a period of time, the familiar **** full of destructive atmosphere, swept him again.

Still patrolling him for a long time, Qin Haoxuan nervously squatting! Yes, I am urinating! Scanning of the gods can really scare people out of the urine!

For a long time, the gods slowly quit his consciousness and scanned the past.

The machine can't be lost! Qin Haoxuan hurriedly practiced and continued to squander the innate aura around him.

After a few more days, his sensation suddenly screamed.

I sneaked out, a golden flower, and I sat on a leaf that exudes the avenue of the avenue, and I got out of Xianmiao.

Tsing Miao Twenty Leaves, finally became!

At the moment of the leaves, Qin Haoxuan was overjoyed. The spiritual power in the body has reached a peak, like a flood. The force that attracted the body was trembled a little.

Only one chance!

Qin Haoxuan took a sigh of relief, and the little 'Xian Wang' on the fairy leaf read a sound of the sacred sound of the ancient dynasty under the agitation of the spiritual power. This voice vibrates the spiritual power and makes the spirit of the agitation The geometric form has risen again and again, three times... five times... ten times power!

The mighty spiritual power is madly poured into the ghosts and gods, and the reappearing ghosts and gods are tenfold inflated, and the powerful forces bombard the past with the power that controls and attracts his body.

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