Too Early

Vol 2 Chapter 1594: Zhang Kuang's name is too straightforward

At first glance, Yaochi is not particularly large.

But after really entering, I realized that the Yaochi was so huge that I could not see my head at a glance. But the two coffins are extremely large, like Foshan Yue, they are constantly rotating, and they seem to form a formation.

The little snake entered the Yaochi, and after a pause, he cried out, "There is no creator in this Yaochi! But..." The snake letter of the snake whispered in the direction of the two coffins: "I can feel that, The two coffins contain the power of creation."

The creator of Yaochi is dead, but the coffin has the power of creation!

Qin Haoxuan was so shocked in his heart, he said: "Can it be that the first Yinyang fairy in ancient and modern times, after entering the Yaochi, did the two kill the creators of Yaochi?

Yaochi, who can devour the fairy king, is occupied by them!

What do they want to do? Rebirth? "

"Impossible!" The Snake heard the voice and directly denied: "The creator is invincible in the Yaochi, invincible! It is an invincible existence! It cannot be destroyed!"

"So..." Qin Haoxuan wanted to ask again, but he stopped, and the light-filled Yaochi rocked gently, as if it was... it wanted to resonate with the little snake!

But the little snake, but the little snake refused this resonance!

Not only that, as Yao Chi wanted to resonate with the snake, he clearly felt that the two huge coffins had a strong hostility.

Qin Haoxuan looked puzzled at Xiao Snake: "Just now, Yao Chi wanted to resonate with you, right? Why did you refuse? Didn't you say that you want to come in and grab a Yao Chi? This Yao Chi has no creators now. of."

"You can't grab it now." Xiao snake looked at Qin Haoxuan contemptuously: "This Yaochi is on the verge of life and death. It's meaningless to **** it. If it's dead, I have to die with it. I Don't grab this broken Yaochi now."

As the snake said, she continued to refuse the resonance from Yaochi.

With its refusal, the hostility spread by the two giant coffins also weakened a lot.

Qin Haoxuan walked towards the two huge coffins with the little snake, and at the same time, he divided a trace of thoughts and tried to communicate with the two huge coffins.

But the two coffins seemed to be ordinary coffins, and there was no response at all.

Qin Haoxuan walked towards the coffin while looking around, but found that there was nothing but the two coffins.

"Will the entrance of the Tomb of the Immortal King be the two huge coffins?" Qin Haoxuan walked towards the coffin, and he could feel that the two huge coffins exuded a mighty coercion that could not be violated.

That coercion is too horrible, if it is outside the Yaochi, outside, it is now that he can not get close to these two huge coffins.

Perhaps, only the fairy king can approach these two coffins.

But here is Yaochi again, even if the fairy king enters, he will die.

The burial place chosen by the first king of Yin and Yang in ancient and modern times is too subtle. Under normal circumstances, no one can enter this place, and can be close to these two huge coffins.

However, because of the existence of the little snake, he entered the Yaochi, and also because of the existence of the little snake. After all, it is the creator of the Yaochi. Even if he does not resonate with the Yaochi in front of him, he can be let in this Yaochi. Unimpeded.

The two huge coffins are also in the Yaochi, he can come close by himself.

As he approached, the ever-growing power of Yin and Yang became more intense, and at the same time a strong hostility poured out from this coffin, not only against the snake, but also against him.

He even had the illusion that he was being watched by two immensely powerful fairy kings at this time, and it seemed that he would withstand the thunder of the fairy king!

Qin Haoxuan couldn't understand it before he communicated the coffin with his own mind. The coffin did not respond. Now the coffin exudes such strong hostility. Is the coffin alive or dead?

Suddenly, the little snake looked up at the sky and let out a long string of howling sounds. In the sound, there seemed to be a faint hint of Long Yin.

With this howling, the ground under the Yin and Yang coffins that had been turning around seemed to be ordinary, and the ground suddenly saw no difference from any other place.

The ground splits towards the sides, revealing a long passage.

This channel is paved with white jade. On both sides of the channel, stones are hung, making the entire channel exceptionally bright.

The passage of the first yin and yang fairy cemetery in ancient and modern times?

Qin Haoxuan quickly looked forward. It seemed to be the depths of Yaochi. He looked very far away, and the other end of the channel was an endless continent. The continent was covered with towering clouds. It seemed There are towering trees leading to Nine Heavens, and there are huge giant beasts flying and running among them, gluttonous, giant two-winged tiger, blue dragon...

And in the middle of this boundless continent and the channel, there is a very huge terrorist formation!

The large array seems to be endless. During the formation, the flow of yin and yang gathers a giant tree, a sword with a handle upside down, a huge mountain of stones, and a handle can penetrate the sun and the moon. Spear...

At first glance, he couldn't even find the center of the big formation.

Qin Haoxuan stepped into the passage.

His two feet had just stepped into the tunnel, and behind it, the tunnel suddenly closed.

In front of him, the great array of time emanated an endless terror, and a terrifying coercion poured out of the large array. The strength of the coercion even made Qin Haoxuan almost unable to stand and wanted to kneel Fall to the ground.

During the formation, the flow of yin and yang seemed to converge into a blazing sun and a bright moon, above the sky, and the sun and moon appeared together.

It wasn't the phantom of the sun and the moon, he felt at this time that the sun and the moon were the real sun and moon!

Pure yin and yang gas flowed from the sun and the moon.

The yin and yang qi rotates, and the sun and the moon also rotate with it. The frequency of the yin and yang qi is generally the same as that of the huge yin and yang coffin outside.

He even gave birth to an illusion, it seems that this sun and moon is the Yin and Yang coffin outside!

This formation is about to be launched!

Qin Haoxuan's spirit was tense, and his body's blood and blood flowed rapidly. This formation was just started. He was still on the steps, and he did not feel the horror of this formation when he walked into the formation!

Suddenly, a long roar came.

It is the long roar of the little snake!

When the whistle came, the terror formation stopped working immediately.

Qin Haoxuan frowned slightly. Was this the communication between the little snake and the first Yinyang fairy king in ancient and modern times? Although the fairy king died, what did he leave behind to communicate with the snake?

As long as you and the snake don't have the kind of thorough aggression, and because of the peculiarity of the snake, can you enter it?

Qin Haoxuan thought while walking down the steps and into the big formation.

The large array has not started, but even so, walking in it, you can still feel the horror power in it, he can feel that if this large array starts, even if he really condenses nine fairy palaces, it is in vain!

This is the real fairy king array!

He suddenly realized that the remains of King Tongtianxian might be because the dead King Tongtianxian died too much, and it was bombarded by the imprint of heaven and earth, so the formation was so weak.

In front of him is the real fairy cemetery formation.

That is, at that time, the tomb formation of the reincarnation fairy king did not seem to be weaker than the current formation, but he was too weak at first. Even in that formation, it was not as good as a grain of dust, so he was in the formation Survived.

The large formation will not be launched, he even directly displayed the wings of freedom and cover the sky, flying away quickly in the large formation.

Too early!

He has entered here, too early to be here, he is too eager to find too early, it is one day, not want to wait for a moment!

However, it was a full nine days for him to fly.

He was even speechless. This great array was so big that he flew for nine days and nine nights with his current practice.

He finally flew out of the range, and in front of him, a huge city appeared.

Outside the city, in the green farmland, an old peasant was wearing a hat, with a hot sun on his head, facing the loess, waving a hoe, and sweat flowing down their necks.

At the gate of the city, a hawker walked past the wooden cart, leaving two deep ruts, and the cart was full of food.

In the city, the vendors either shouted or bargained with others.

The shops opened their doors...

In this city, he did not see a practitioner.

This city seems to be an ordinary city in the outside world of mortals. He even doubts that he will not return to the outside world of mortals.

There are secular sights in the trapped place at the beginning!

Qin Haoxuan remembered that Tian Yu, a disciple of the Taiyuan met more than ten years ago, said that where the Taichu is located there is a secular world! This place is exactly the same as what he said!

Qin Haoxuan has seen more than one fairy king tomb. They have one thing in common. That's where the fairy king is...the grass doesn't grow!

All the fairy tombs, there will be no other life around at all! Because that might threaten the fairy coffin!

Qin Haoxuan drove a sword light straight to the center of the city, because it was often the place where the superior among the mortals existed.

The center of the city is slightly different from Qin Haoxuan's imagination. This is not the place where the government mansion exists. At the center is a huge square, and a statue stands in the most central position.

The statue is a male figure with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, a cold and proud face, standing alone and proudly holding a long sword, and at his feet is the body of a huge monster.

Zhang Kuang?

Qin Haoxuan recognized the appearance of a huge stone sculpture at a glance. This is something he hasn't seen for many years. He used to be the vice-teacher at the beginning of the world-Zizhong Tianjiao! Zhang Kuang!

People in the square saw Qin Haoxuan, who was flying with a sword in the sky, and he quickly fell to his knees and kowtowed. He even said in his mouth: "Shen Xian Xian Ling, Shang Xian Xian Ling..."

Qin Haoxuan saw everyone's reaction, and his dangling heart landed firmly, knowing that he really didn't find the wrong place this time. It was here in the beginning!

"Where is the local governor?"

Qin Haoxuan Yujian hung in the air and asked with low hair. He knew that if he landed and asked the other party, he did not have the convenience of making a fairy.

The kneeling people took their fingers in the same direction and said, "The city owner lives in a golden house..."

Qin Haoxuan looked up, and there was only one big house with golden tiles in the whole city.

"Where is the lord of the city?" Qin Haoxuan fell in the courtyard. He couldn't care about the courtesy of those in the courtyard who knelt and knelt in panic. He knew that it was impossible to let everyone know the position of the beginning according to the habits of the early days. It was mortal. The city owner should know some information.

The news of the immortal's coming spread quickly. Qin Haoxuan issued a question shortly afterwards, and a middle-aged strong man hurried into the yard. When he saw Qin Haoxuan kneeling and kowtowed, he said, "Mu Puzi, the master of the city Shangxian, I don’t know if Shangxian came suddenly, but there is no fairy oracle."

Pu Pu? Puguang Pavilion? Pu Puzi? Qin Haoxuan felt that the name of such a poor city owner was most likely the result of Zhang Kuang’s errant son. Maybe every city owner called this name? Just like the host of the early days, as long as the host is Gu Yunzi and the like.

"City Lord, do you know where the beginning was?"

Qin Haoxuan's interrogation made the kneeling Mopuzi raise his head with a questioning face.

"Shangxian..." Obviously, Pupuzi didn't dare to offend and fly, and he was also curious how the fairy could not reach the beginning. Doesn’t it mean that the world’s immortals do their best?

"I am looking for Zhang Kuang."

Qin Haoxuan's words made Mie Puzi full of doubts. He wanted to ask who Zhang Kuang was, but he didn't dare to ask in the face of the fairy.

"The statue in the center of the city is Zhang Kuang." Qin Haoxuan raised his finger in the direction of the statue and said, "I am a brother of the same discipline who has been missing for many years."

Mie Puzi feels that his brain capacity is a bit insufficient. Does the fellow brother know who his family is? But he dare not ask! Fairy...that's high! Although the fairy people who appeared in the past are very kind, they will also take away those who have the qualifications of becoming immortals in the city, but after all, the fairy people are fairy people, and they can't offend.

Qin Haoxuan scratched his head a little, and it was a bit difficult to communicate with mortals.

"You just need to tell me where it was at the beginning."

Rupuzi suddenly shook his head to live like a rattle: "Return to the fairy, the villain really doesn't know the location of the fairy. Only every year, the fairy goes down the mountain to look for disciples with fairy bonds..."

Qin Haoxuan suddenly realized that this maniac was really enough to use the rules of the early days. Every year, he sent people to choose disciples, and so on! Cities? More than one city here?

"Where is there a city?" Qin Haoxuan plans to try his luck in the next city.

"One hundred miles west, UU reading has a Pingpu city..."

Qin Haoxuan was quite sure that the name must have been given by the first-timers, but if it was replaced with something so straightforward that others might not have, it was Zhang Kuangqi.

"It's useless for Shangxian to go there, and Pingpuzi also didn't know the residence of the fairy..."

With a word, Pu Zizi broke Qin Haoxuan's thoughts of taking off to Pingpu City.

"How many months do you usually choose disciples in the early days?" Qin Haoxuan can only pray that the best thing is to come to select disciples in the first few days. Then wait a few days...

"I just selected last month..."

Qin Haoxuan almost spit out the old blood, and since there were clues from the beginning, he had so many bumps along the way, and he quickly caught up with so many obstacles on his way to repair the fairy.

last month? Wouldn’t it be another eleven months? Qin Haoxuan shook his head again and again, can't wait! Can't wait! Does no one know the position of the beginning? and many more! Someone should know! Someone in this city should know!

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