Too Early

Chapter 151: 下下大瓮中鳖鳖

Once Qin Haoxuan broke, Ye Yiming suddenly woke up and said: "I really said that he was tired, so I didn't care. Just when the martial art noticed to repair the mountain guard tonight, I obviously felt that he was very excited... very excited."

"Yeah!" Qin Haoxuan nodded and said his own guess: "The sentence will definitely escape tonight, although he also likes to eat immortals, but I am here, he does not dare to start, and the elders of the early education are not vegetarian. of!"

Ye Yiming couldn't help but smile: "He stayed here like a hungry ghost falling into the food pile, but his mouth was blocked, he could only see it, he couldn't eat it, of course he was not happy to stay here."

Qin Haoxuan thought for a while and said: "I can't let him run. Although it is a repairing mountain guarding block tonight, it is actually a bureau under the sect. Anyone who dares to sway outside will definitely be arrested and investigated. Once Xing is caught, In the end, I will definitely find my head. This guy is not a loyal singer! But it is also a problem for him to stay in the early days. He can't keep the fire. He will stay in the early education, and sooner or later he will reveal his identity!"

"What should I do?" Ye Yiming originally thought that if the sentence could escape, it would be a good thing, but Qin Haoxuan said that he also felt that it was unrealistic to escape from the early education.

"Only stop him. If he dares to escape tonight, we will take him back." Qin Haoxuan bit his teeth and made up his mind: "As long as he can stand for a few days, I have a way to resettle him."

“Oh?” Ye Yiming asked strangely: “How to resettle?”

"Don't we have a chance to enter the water house once a month? Just take it to the next month, bring him into the water house, and then find a time and space crack to plug him back. When the air cracks are closed, let's leave! I can't find a crack in time and space. It is always safer to put him in the water house. It is safer for him to be here. He is afraid of himself here, and he is not safe for himself. Presumably he also hates staying at the site of human cultivation."

Ye Yiming nodded and said: "It is just like the feeling of changing to our secluded spring. Although he is chased by many secluded springs, the secluded spring is at least his world."

After another half hour, the sky gradually darkened, and Qin Haoxuan took out the Qianli Mirror and began to monitor the punishment.

At this time, the sentence is meditating in a quirky posture, as if waiting for the night to come, waiting for the high-level teachers to repair the mountain.

When time passed, Qin Haoxuan also waited for a boring sorrow, and suddenly the weather appeared out of nowhere, which made him stupid, followed by a burst of warning sounds like a drum, and every drum sounded straight. The human heart can not help but tremble.

This is a warning that the martial art is about to repair the guardian array, warning all disciples to return to their rooms, and it is strictly forbidden to go out.

However, I have long been informed by the martial art, and the early-teaching disciples who are deeply jealous of the power of the mountain guards have long since closed their doors. There is no such thing as a courageous guy who dares to despise the guardian array of the early teachings and despise the guardian mountain. The end will definitely die.

Ye Yiming told Qin Haoxuan: "If you can't stop, you can meditate on your knees and start right away."

Looking at Ye Yiming's nervous look, Qin Haoxuan has a bit of anticipation. This mountain guard is repaired, and in the end it is a shocking situation.

While monitoring his sentence, he switched to the Huangdi Peak from time to time.

The front line of the guardian mountain array is the Taichu Hall on the Huangdi Peak. At this time, the nine elders who lived in the elders’ homes gathered here, meditation on the knees, and formed a circle. In this circle, they taught the Huanglong real person to be solemn and sit down. They are central.

At this time, in the large Taibao Hall, there are everywhere in the hall, such as the flag, the paper, the rare next product, and even the middle-class stone. In the vast hall of the early Taibao, there is a huge array.

Huang Long lived with a chopstick size, a non-gold non-ferrous metal stick, and knocked on the scaled-down bell and drum in front of him, ringing through Lantau, making the bells and drums of countless disciples feel oppressive. From here, I can’t help but feel the tyranny of Huang Long’s real power.

"Break up!" With the sudden explosion of Huang Long's real people, the nine elders of the elders suddenly appeared in their spirits. In the early days, the spirits of the temple were full of essence, and the spiritual stones arranged on the ground. It also reveals the horror of spiritual power and quickly forms a cloud of clouds over the temple of the early Taishou.

Huang Long’s real person’s ten fingers flew. Every time his finger flipped, the spiritual power swayed with his command, and in the sky above the early teachings, the original guardian mountain array, which gradually disappeared, gradually spread the golden mans.

Qin Haoxuan doesn't even need to use the Qianli Mirror. As long as he looks up from the window, he can see that there is a golden awn in the sky, such as a net, which will cover the Yellow Emperor's heart as a circle!

This is a thousand miles, which happens to be the scope of the great front of the mountain.

At this time, the guardian mountain array is revealing the golden light. At this time, the mountain guards that are being repaired are in a turbulent atmosphere. Some of the attacks that usually occur only when there are enemies are also inexplicable in midair. They can be seen in the mirror, from time to time. I crossed a bright fire, and from time to time I crossed a lightning that seemed to be able to open up the sky, but more of a golden sword in the air. These golden swords are increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye and in the air. Indiscriminately swaying, making a sharp squeak.

Although Qin Haoxuan did not dare to use the thousands of mirrors to spy on the situation in the temple of Taichu, but with the help of a thousand mirrors, it can be clearly seen that, as the net generally covers the whole mountain, the atmosphere of the mountain is a bit confusing, and the airflow in the midair is complicated. The majestic golden swordsmanship, intertwined and entangled, slashes the space and cuts off the airflow.

When these swordsman appeared on a small hill, Qin Haoxuan saw the hill head in the three interest, was razed to the ground, Jianqi even condensed into a golden dragon, exudes a terrifying power.

As the volatility of the guardian phalanx gradually became stronger, these swordsmen became more and more disordered. Even several shots from the air opened the ground with a two-finger width, but did not know how deep the mouth was.

"If I am hit by this sword, I will definitely die!" Qin Haoxuan was secretly scared, and worried that the sword had no eyes. What if these swordsmen fluttered into the crowd? However, I want to come to the church and other high-level gates to consider these before the repair, should try to avoid the turbulent atmosphere of the guardian of the mountain to hurt people, but those who are no one can not say.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the frightened war, and at the same time, he was silently praying that the guy should not be so hot. It is absolutely unwise to leave the house at this time.

Qin Haoxuan even suspected that the ancestors of a fairyland would be injured.

However, he has not seen the ancestors of the fairyland, which is limited to speculation.

At the time of the breath of the mountain guard, Qin Haoxuan noticed that in the direction of the peak of the Huangdi Peak, suddenly the spirit of the scorpion was spread. These thick and substantial spiritual powers were crushed by the swordsman in the air and were crushed. The spiritual power still poured into the loose seals of the Hushan array. After these loose seals were poured into the aura, the rays of the guardian mountains became brighter and brighter from the dark gold.

Qin Haoxuan was secretly shocked. This sword mang, even the spiritual invisible things can be smashed, Qin Haoxuan could not help but scream.

Just when Qin Haoxuan was fascinated, Ye Yiming on the side suddenly reminded: "Look at the punishment."

Qin Haoxuan suddenly woke up, this guy will not squat in the repair of the mountain guards, he originally thought that the martial art about repairing the mountain squad is a lie, just do it, but did not expect the martial art to attract the blood demon Come out, even the fake drama is really done.

If this guy is going to go out and chase himself, it is really risking his life! Qin Haoxuan thinks of those horrible swords, not even one, half a sword is enough to kill himself ten times.

When Qin Haoxuan transferred the Qianli Mirror to the room of the penalty, he happened to see that the punishment was trying to change his body. He was so scared that the roots were upright, and this guy was really ready to escape!

The punishment turned into a mouse with only the size of the palm, and then quickly sneaked out a hole in the wall. Once out of the room, it became a civet cat, running at a very fast speed, and soon Left the scope of Lingtian Valley.

Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming face each other and are on the spot. If they don’t see the horror of the mountain guard from the mirror, they are still not afraid, but they can see the terrible repair of this mountain guard. They are both scared. If you are hit by a smoldering sword, you have to be broken.

"What are you doing, chasing it!" Jiang is still old and spicy. Ye Yiming quickly woke up from the shock. He must chase the guy back before the Zongmen elders found his sentence, otherwise they will be discovered and captured by the Zongmen elders. They will definitely find Qin Haoxuan's head, and when they both will not be able to get rid of the relationship.

Qin Haoxuan, who was awakened, said nothing, and took a thousand miles into his arms and chased him in the direction of his escape.

The direction of punishment escape is a direction in which the seal is not loose. Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming do not know what this guy is thinking. Since it is necessary to escape from the early religion, it should escape to the place where the seal is loose, so that there is a chance and how to run instead. Where is the seal to a strong place?

Because of the Qianli Mirror, although the patrolling elders were also encountered on the road of chasing the sentence, Qin Haoxuan discovered the other party early through the Qianli Mirror, and it was not dangerous to find out.

About ran more than 100 miles, although Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming are both cultivators, the body is far superior to the toughness of ordinary people, but such a long distance is so fast that it runs slightly sweaty and looks flushed.

When the sentence just arrived at the seal, they both caught up.

Seeing Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming chasing them up, the punishment was very surprising, but it seemed to be expected, but here, there is a person who surprised them very much.

This person was also a disciple who entered the Taichu religion together with Qin Haoxuan last year. His name is Huafeng. He is also a weak breed, but his heart is good. He is very hardworking and hardworking. He is very talented in this aspect, even rarely praised. Elder Chu has also said that as long as Huafeng earnestly cultivates and maintains the current momentum of cultivation, his achievements will be considerable in the future.

When Qin Haoxuan saw him, he was surprised and stunned.

At this time, Huafeng is not a nerd who only knows cultivation and learning before, and looks good. He looks pale and has a sharp fang, and he has a pair of sharp ears, and his eyes are like **** flames. Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming and the restoration of the original form of the punishment ~ ~ eyes cruel and bloodthirsty.

Obviously, the real behind-the-scenes blood demon is the Huafeng in front of him.

"Well, you are very good, I counted for three days, only to calculate the seal here seems to be strong, but in fact it is the weakest, but I did not expect you to find out." Huafeng's voice is indifferent, looking at the punishment is very Feel free, as if the magic of this strength equivalent to the 20th leaf of Xian Miao is not put in the eye.

The big eyes of the punishment turned over. Huafeng calculated that it was the weakest place in three days. When he came to teach, he used various means to calculate it. It was only until this afternoon that he barely counted here, because he was afraid of anything else. The loose seal was guarded by the elders. Running over was tantamount to self-investment, so he had no choice but to run here and try his luck.

"I came here and found out that I couldn't open it here with my strength, but I didn't expect you to catch it." Huafeng's blood-red scorpion fell on Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming, and the scarlet tongue licked. Lips, revealing a fang that sharply reveals the cold, as if these two people are already his meal in the plate: "You come better, I can put a **** burst, as long as you take your blood, you can blow up the seal. , fled the place."

Huafeng smiled coldly and said to the sentence: "Magic, can you help me?"

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