Too Early

Chapter 972: Knowing the truth, winning the heart

Looking at Qin Haoxuan's gloomy eyes, and a little bit of a hedgehog, the disciples of the early teachings are crying. Hurrying behind Qin Haoxuan, he made a fierce gesture to the little hedgehog, indicating that he would not say it.

Who knows, Qin Haoxuan suddenly turned back, a pair of eyes as if the millennium ice is astonishing, a few disciples kneeling on the spot!

At this time, the little hedgehog finally felt that something was wrong. On the face, I felt that I was stupid, and I said anything.

"Why do you wave your hand?" Qin Haoxuan couldn't hear any emotions, and the people present were frightened.

"No, nothing..." Tang Yuan’s voice was trembled. He felt that his heart had to jump out, his fingertips were shaking, and he couldn’t say a word.

Zhou Youru is a disciple of the Nature Hall. On weekdays, he is the most tongue-in-cheek. At the moment, he uses his palm as a fan: "Oh, it’s too hot, it’s too hot, the old master, we are blowing..."

Qin Haoxuan's cold eyes finally made Zhou Youru unable to say anything.

"I lied to me is interesting?" Qin Haoxuan swept his eyes and swept through the early days. "How long can you lie to me? When I am out, I will not know what happened to the punishment?"

For a time, the cave was quiet and scary. Everyone was silent. They all looked down and didn't look at Qin Haoxuan. They had a big cave and even the sound of breathing became inaudible.

In the eyes of Qin Haoxuan, Li Guang flashed, then turned to look at the little hedgehog, and suddenly scared the small hedgehog that was tight all over the body.

"Wan Jian, the two are more familiar, come! Tell me, what the **** is going on." Qin Haoxuan even pulled out a smile.

The little hedgehog has widened his eyes, stepped back three steps, and hugged himself with his hands. He looked at Qin Haoxuan with great vigilance: "You don't come over, but I don't want to get anything from me. I am famous, but I am always famous. A strong and unyielding hero! Even if you put the knife on my neck, don't even want to get a word from me!"

Qin Haoxuan smiled, and the hair of the little hedgehog that was laughing must be blown up.

"Come on, I will introduce you to the three disasters and six difficult spells that I have just cultivated in the past." Qin Haoxuan said, there are three washbasins of the size of the face in front of me. "I am on the left hand side, called The skin is difficult. Once it is hit into the human body, the flesh will rot in an instant. Thousands of insects will instantly penetrate into your bones, and there will be pain in the skin. The middle is called the soul...."

After the introduction of the disaster seeds on the slow-handed handle, Qin Haoxuan looked at the swallowing slobber, the nervous little hedgehog with a cold sweat, and blinked his eyes: "Oh, yes!"

The little hedgehog was scared by Qin Haoxuan.

"I just said on the mouth that you may not be very clear about the effects that the three disasters and six difficult spells can bring." Qin Haoxuan turned to the pale face of the devil, and the words he said were still small hedgehogs, "in order to be able You can understand the power more clearly..."

Qin Haoxuan’s voice just fell, and the seeds of the hard-skinned scorpion slammed into the two magical bodies.

"Ah! Ah!!!"

The wailing pain is like the screaming scream of the slaughtered pig, which instantly filled the entire cave!

The skin of the magic repaired instantly decayed and decayed, and the dark blood of the blood ran out of the wound with a pungent smell of scent, and the whole body of the magical pain was rolled, completely screaming at the dignity...

"No..." The little hedgehog felt that his mouth was scared. "We have such a good relationship! You can't do this to me!"

“Reassured.” Qin Haoxuan looked up at the little hedgehog. “They will be tortured to death, and you will only be tortured to death, then I will save you back with the best medicine, then stimulate the seeds of disaster, then Save you back..."

"嗤啦", everyone looked, it turned out that the little hedgehog was afraid that even the thorns on the back were born out of control, and cut his clothes!

The little hedgehog hated and screamed and shouted: "I have done it! You don't say it again, I recruited me!"

Qin Haoxuan looked at him quietly.

The little hedgehog didn’t go over his face, and quickly said: "In fact, the sentence... is dying."

Qin Haoxuan suddenly stopped, and his brain seemed to be bombarded by a Taoist priest. It suddenly became a blank, and the whole person did not know what to do.

"Oh." Just when everyone was still thinking about how to comfort Qin Haoxuan, he smiled softly, as if whispering to himself, "Yes! If the punishment is really good, the **** is really good." Then, he should find me the first time. Why didn't I think about this problem? Like the character of punishment, if he is good, he will definitely come to me to show off, he will definitely say that he is a genius, is... ..."

Qin Haoxuan clenched his fists tightly, and the strong bones were creaking. His eyes were faintly red. Every word seemed to spit out from his mouth and blood: "How can I be so stupid?! How can I So stupid!"

"Qin brother..." Shangguan Zi looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was in pain. His heart was smashed, his nose was awkward, and he wanted to cry.

The people in the early days opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but they did not say anything at the end.

What can I say? Qin and Qin Haoxuan are like brothers, have a life of friendship, and the punishment is seriously injured for Qin Haoxuan...

Now, what is said is always too light.

For a long time, the little hedgehog thought that Qin Haoxuan, who might cry, looked up firmly. There was even a burning hope in the middle. He suddenly turned and looked outside. He looked at the endless sand sea and the hoarse opening: "This is the Wanjiao fairy The treasures of Qizhen are all over the place! There are rumors of true immortals! There must be strange medicines that can kill human bones and bones, I will be able to find him to save him!"

"Everything has a reincarnation, life and death can be broken. Where there is a true immortal, there must be something that can save the sentence! I have to find, I will save him, punishment, never die!"

Qin Haoxuan’s voice is hoarse, and every word seems to be sent out from the chest, so that everyone present is shocked and moved!

Qin Haoxuan is like a pillar that will never stand up. It seems that the problem in the world is difficult to solve in his hands.

The people in the early days looked at such a determined Qin Haoxuan, an unbelievable thought unconsciously appeared in his mind: "Maybe the punishment can really be saved?"

Although they have heard more or less, the punishment is really not going to work. Even the teachers have said that the medicine is difficult to treat. But now, their hearts have also raised hope, Qin Haoxuan, maybe it can really save the sentence!

"Hedgehog, remember to put the Qiankun into a larger array of treasures, we do not count the cost this time! We must grab more things here, since this baby in the wild sea is thousands, then I can not miss it! Even if the punishment can not be used directly On the other hand, if you take it out, you can change it to something he needs!" Qin Haoxuan has a deep eyebrow and a tall figure. When he firmly looks into the distance, there will always be a kind of calm and reliable like a mountain, and never The domineering of words.

Seeing the little hedgehog looking at him with some sorrow, Qin Haoxuan frowned and said: "Be sure to get bigger and grab more things. If there is a problem, we just need to take away their most precious and rare things. !"

The little hedgehog thought about it and said: "In fact, there is a problem. If we get bigger, the more baby we absorb, the easier it will be. Once we are discovered, the big array of the magicians is not vegetarian. , will definitely hit us!"

“How about that?” Qin Haoxuan’s eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light: “You just need to do it in the shortest possible time, and grab the most expensive things in the whole sea of ​​sand. Next? But it’s right. It’s just a fight! It’s really a fight! We can also run! Their big battles are fixed there, and it’s impossible to follow us. As long as those demons have repaired the battle, what are they afraid of? Come, I will cut a pair of two! Even if they all come out, I can protect you well!"

That is the magic of the road! Or they are an elite disciple in the Supreme Masters... Several people are still a little uneasy.

Qin Haoxuan once again said: "If we can't beat them, we won't run? I have a void in the hands of Tissot, and there is no other spiritual treasure in the entire Xiu Xianjie. I can definitely open these magical repairs."

"The reason why I have to get those treasures is punishment. I want to save him." Qin Haoxuan’s deep eyes swept over the crowd. "If this is not to rob, then let’s come to Wanjiao’s legacy? If this is not to dare Then talk about embarking on Xiaoxian Road? If this is not to dare to grab, and why do you want to find the true immortals in this Wanxiang immortal?"

"Yes!" The little hedgehog's eyes brightened, and a face was excited and flushed. The whole Qin Haoxuan's words were full of enthusiasm and arrogance. He shouted, "All for the sake of the big brother! The big brother is so good to me, I have taught me so many things! I have never served anyone in this life, and my brother is one! No matter what the outcome, I must help him with a million swords! Do it!"

Maybe the fighting spirit can really be passed on. Shangguan Zi and Tang Yuan are also gearing up, full of enthusiasm, nodded again and again, and they will not give up when they don’t get a life-saving medicine for punishment!

Zhou Youru and Fan Nan look at each other and smile, thinking that they are crazy? I have to face the super-master of the whole magical repair! Don't say those rare treasures, if you can't do it, you have to explain it to you!

Although the heart is not optimistic about Qin Haoxuan's plan, Zhou Youru and Fan Nan are doing a good job of going to death. The men who taught at the beginning of the day are all sturdy bones. When it is time to make a choice, even if you die, you can't retire!

The opinions were unanimous, and they were separated from each other and began to assist the little hedgehog to complete this battle.

Fill in one of the positions, and the little hedgehog walked to Qin Haoxuan and said with a little bit of sorrow: "Through some other small arrays I have arranged here, I can sense that there are other people in the vicinity who are in the cloth and we are here. A similar array of battles. It’s weird!”


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