Sitting on a chair, Gao Jinyou was a little confused, separated by a wall of glass.

He thought that this visit was the good news that his father had collected the bail money for him, but... He looked at the strange boy and girl outside the glass, and seriously suspected that they had found the wrong person.

However, at this time, the boy on the other side of the glass smiled and said,"Hello, Mr. Gao Jin."

The other party's voice was very pleasant, which calmed Gao Jinyou, who was a little anxious just now, a little, but he was still very confused:"Hello, who are you?……"

"It doesn't matter who I am, we just came here to understand something from you." Hoshino Gen maintained his polite smile, looking at the skinny, ordinary-looking man in front of him. The phone in his shirt pocket vibrated violently, and Hoshino Gen patted his pocket without changing his expression, as if to comfort something.

Gao Jinyou became uneasy again. Several years of imprisonment made him extremely sensitive. Although the enviable boy outside the glass seemed very polite, Gao Jinyou still sensed a hint of malice.……

"Do you still remember Hamada Michiko?"

Takatsuyu's shoulders trembled. Of course he remembered this name! It's not an exaggeration to say that he thought about it day and night. He was sent to prison by that bad girl!

He swallowed and nodded slightly.

"Then did you know that Miss Hamada has passed away?" Hoshino Gen continued to ask.

Gao Jinyou still nodded honestly.

Although he didn't quite understand what the boy outside wanted to do, he knew that ordinary people were not qualified to visit strange prisoners...

Hoshino Gen looked at the timid man inside, and suddenly smiled. He said:"According to our understanding, the fundamental reason that led to Miss Hamada's suicide is actually the crime you committed that year. It is not an exaggeration to say that you killed her.……"


Before Hoshino Gen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gao Jinyou who suddenly became emotional. Through a glass, Gao Jinyou loudly defended:"It has nothing to do with me! She committed suicide. I was already in prison at that time. Her death has nothing to do with me! Don't talk nonsense.……"

Perhaps because he felt that what Hoshino Gen said might lead to an extension of his sentence, Gao Jinyou's eyes turned red with anxiety when he said this.

Hoshino Gen didn't mind being interrupted, and smiled in a good temper:"What you said makes sense, so let's end our conversation here today. I wish you good luck, Mr. Gao Jin."

After saying these incoherent and inexplicable words, Hoshino Gen stood up and left with Shimizu Yu, who had been silent since he came in.

When he turned his back, he heard Gao Jinyou, who had been called up by the prison guard, shouting:"It really has nothing to do with me!"......

Leaving the prison, Hoshino Gen looked back at the old gate.

And Shimizu Yu next to him finally got rid of the stiff puppet-like appearance in prison. She relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief. Shimizu Yu asked Hoshino Gen:"What are we going to do next?"

To be honest, except for the"burglary" in the morning, she didn't quite understand Hoshino Gen's intentions for all the actions afterwards. She was just led by this guy through half of Tokyo from beginning to end...

Hoshino Gen didn't answer Shimizu Yu's question. He turned around and looked around. He saw a vending machine at the door of the convenience store across the street. He felt in his pocket and found only a 10,000 yuan bill.

Hoshino Gen handed the bill to Shimizu Yu, then pointed to the vending machine across the street and said:"I'll buy you a drink on the condition that you help me run errands. I want Coke, thank you."

Shimizu Yu took the bill, pouted, and complained in his heart that this guy was really good at ordering people around, but he still turned his head and went across the street honestly.

Hoshino Gen, who was standing still, took out the cell phone that held Chi-chan captive after Shimizu Yu left. He thought for a moment, smiled at Chi-chan, who had an expressionless face on the screen, and said,"I'll give you a chance to take revenge yourself, and then you can be free again. But if you have nowhere to go, come back to me. Although you're already dead, I think I can give you a new life."’"

Qian Jiang did not respond.

Xingye Yuan did not care. He tore off half of the soul-calming talisman on the back of the phone and stuffed a fire-leaving talisman into the phone case.

Then he took out a magic-hiding talisman and clamped it between his fingertips. With a slight shake, the talisman turned into ashes, and Xingye Yuan's figure disappeared without a trace.......

When Shimizu Yu came back with a Coke and change, she found Hoshino Gen sitting by the flower bed next to the green belt with his hands in his pockets. She walked over and put the Coke next to him, and handed him a handful of change.

A bottle of drink didn't cost much, and if she bought it with a 10,000 yen bill, the change would naturally be more. In fact, she wanted to just pay for the troublemaker herself, but her pocket money had been reduced to zero a long time ago. Although it was already May, she had done poorly in the exam, so she didn't dare to ask her mother for this month's pocket money...

Hoshino Gen looked up at the handful of change handed over by Shimizu Yu, weighed it for a while, and found that it seemed to take up too much space in his pocket, so he said nonchalantly:"Here you go, consider it a tip for running errands."

However, as soon as he said this, Shimizu Yu's little face suddenly turned gloomy. She grabbed Hoshino Gen's hand and slapped the handful of change into his palm, and then stood aside with a pouting face and didn't say anything.

Hoshino Gen looked at Shimizu Yu, then at the money in his hand, raised his eyebrows, but didn't care. He put the money back into his pocket and said with a smile:"Forget it, let's go back, it's almost over."

Shimizu Yu, who didn't want to talk to Hoshino Gen anymore in the last second, suddenly broke down. She was surprised:"It's over? How come it's over? Did we do something? No... What on earth are we doing?"

Hoshino Gen was too lazy to explain anything to her. He looked up at the white clouds in the blue sky.

"Let me ask you a question. If a person does something wrong, how can he be forgiven?"

"Forehead……"Although she has been with Hoshino Gen for some time, Shimizu Yu still can't get used to the guy's jumping thoughts. But when faced with questions, she habitually follows Hoshino Gen's rhythm and answers:"If it's not a big deal, just apologize and try to make up for it afterwards.……"

"But what if you make a big mistake?"

"There will be police and laws to punish you."

"What if the punishment isn’t severe enough?"

"……I don't think so. I've read the criminal law, and the laws and regulations are all fair."

Xingye Yuan smiled, retracted his gaze to the horizon, lowered his head and looked at his knees and said softly:"But there are always some cries that people can't hear."

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