The sound of the shower in the bathroom stopped, and the light coming through the crack in the door went out. Gen Hoshino

, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and black casual trousers, walked out.

Then he saw his sister fainted on the carpet in his room, and the pitch-black demon sword that had fallen beside him.

After standing there and thinking for two seconds, Gen Hoshino still didn't figure out what happened. He walked to Rin Hoshino, leaned over to smell her breath, and he was slightly relieved to confirm that she was still alive.

The bright red on the girl's slender and tender white fingers was so eye-catching that Gen Hoshino noticed it immediately. He grabbed his sister's left hand and put it in front of his eyes to observe it carefully. A wisp of imperceptible black air was lingering around her injured fingertips.


There was a choking sound. Hoshino Gen looked at Hoshino Rin's pretty face that was almost flawless. Tears welled up from her eyes. Although her eyes were closed, it could be seen from her expression that she was experiencing something extremely terrifying at the moment.

Hoshino Gen remembered that when he was pierced through the palm by the knife in the gym, he did feel like he was forced into a coma, but he used the white water charm to cleanse the black energy that wanted to penetrate the wound in time, so he didn't know what would happen if he really fell into a coma.

With a long sigh, Hoshino Gen, who had already felt very tired, seriously thought about the consequences of throwing this cheap sister out of the room and lying back on the bed to sleep all day and night...

Looking at that beautiful face that was still crying even in a coma, he seemed to see the little girl who always followed him around and cried"Onii-chan" to play with her thirteen years ago.

This is the bad thing about being reborn once, even the memories of infancy cannot be forgotten.

Hoshino Gen extended his index finger and gently touched Hoshino Rin's smooth and white forehead. A white light appeared on his fingertips.

Hoshino Gen closed his eyes, and his consciousness seemed to fall into darkness.

After a moment, he opened his eyes again, and in front of him was a lonely and desolate corner of the city shrouded in darkness.

"don't want……"

The beautiful girl who was sitting on the ground was shrouded by a tall figure, who was holding an ominous demon sword with blood flashing, and chopped at the girl mercilessly.

After screaming, the beautiful girl fell in a pool of blood, like a fallen angel, and even in death, it was so sad and beautiful.

The world in front of her was broken like the life of the girl in the picture, but it was soon reassembled.

The dead girl came back to life, and she ran in panic on the deserted road under the night. Behind her, a dark figure with a knife was chasing her.

If nothing unexpected happened, everything that happened just now would be repeated in the future in a moment.

Hoshino Gen immediately understood the consequences of being injured by the knife and having his consciousness dragged into the abyss by it-the person injured by it will be killed again and again in the dream deep in the consciousness. As long as this continues, it is easy to make people's spirit collapse.

It is worthy of being an ominous demon sword that has existed for at least 140 years as a carrier of evil spirits. It is indeed very strange.

Hoshino Gen couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Looking at his sister who looked almost collapsed, he waved his right hand, and a bright yellow talisman appeared between his two fingers.

Wow, it's really convenient in a dream.

Hoshino Gen marveled at the current situation in his heart with an expressionless face, but his feet had already taken a step. The talisman paper turned into ashes in his palm, and then a long ice cone appeared in his hand.

At the same time on the road, the girl fell to the ground because she was too panicked. Knowing what would happen next, she cried and supported herself on the ground and backed away little by little. The black shadow approached step by step, and the dim street lights shone on it, and the shadow covered the girl. The blood-red demon sword was raised again.

"don't want……"

The girl with tears in her eyes choked up and said,"Who will save me?"……"

Fear had already overwhelmed her. She was killed again and again in this inexplicable place. The pain aside, the suffocation and darkness brought by death were enough to make her collapse.

She had been praying for the first time in her life that she would not wake up again after being killed, but the knife still fell on her again and again. The familiar sound of breaking wind sounded, and Hoshino Rin closed her eyes in fear.

However, the expected severe pain and suffocation did not come.


Instead, it was as if something collided in front of her and made a crisp sound.

Her eyelashes trembled, and Hoshino Rin tentatively opened her eyes slightly. Her eyes were covered with a layer of dark, heterochromatic pupils and stared at the scene in front of her in a daze.

The boy with the same heterochromatic eyes as her used a long ice cone to block the long knife that was supposed to chop her, and a plain smile hung on his handsome face that was 50% similar to hers.

The closed loop was broken.

The ice cone missed the bloody blade, and Hoshino Gen almost got into the arms of the black shadow.

He raised his leg and hit the black shadow's abdomen with a knee. At the moment when the opponent staggered back, he whipped the black shadow's right arm with a whip kick. The right hand holding the knife was hit hard, and the weapon naturally slipped out of his hand.

Hoshino Gen seized the opportunity to use the ice cone, and the knife flew towards him. At this point, the disarmament was completed.

"As expected."

Holding an ice cone in one hand and a magic sword in the other, Hoshino Gen stared at the black shadow in front of him with a sigh and regret:"The illusion is much weaker than the real body.

" He threw away the ice cone that froze his hand and switched the sword to his right hand.

Hoshino Gen muttered to himself:"But this saves a lot of trouble.

It's a good thing in terms of the result.

" As soon as he finished speaking, he threw out five talisman papers with his left hand, stepped forward, and stabbed out with the tip of the sword.

The five talismans strung together turned into a large ball of dazzling electric light that wrapped the scarlet blade, and then pierced through the body of the black shadow and the entire night.......

Hoshino Gen opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him changed from that remote corner of the city to his own room.

He took away his index finger that was on his sister's forehead, and felt dizzy.

The sequelae of the dream-entering technique are a bit uncomfortable.

He resisted the feeling of dizziness and re-checked the fingers of Hoshino Rin who was still in a coma, and confirmed that the black air had completely disappeared.

He picked up his sister from the ground. Although he was extremely tired at the moment, and his head was swollen and his right hand was extremely painful, fortunately, his sister, as an idol, had a very slender figure, and it didn't feel strenuous to hold her. On the contrary, she was soft, fragrant and quite comfortable.

But he didn't care about these at all. He threw his sister on the sofa in the living room and immediately went back to the room.

The door of the room closed, and then a crisp sound came from the handle. This was the sound of the door being locked.

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