To Be With You Forever

Chapter 358: Who pleased you

  Chapter 358 Who pleased you

  He went home very few times, only three or twice a year, and he encountered so many times, which shows that in those years, Jian Sangyu has always come here by himself.

  But Gu Chen knew that Jian Sangyu liked a lively and lively life since she was a child, instead of being deserted and deserted.

  When his thoughts arrived, the bathroom door clicked and Jian Sangyu walked out from inside, but stopped two steps in front of the door, and a small face was full of smiles and beckoned towards Gu Chen.

   "Come in." Jian Sangyu grinned and scratched her hair, "Can you wash it for me?"

  I didn't wash it after a day, and if I didn't wash it again, Jian Sangyu felt that she might be smelly.

Gu Chen put her mobile phone back to her original position and got up and walked towards her. When someone came to her, he stretched out his hand to gently embrace her waist, and then said, "Just now Jian Jiayue called you, and I picked it up. , It's okay, I hung up again, and easily blacked her out."

"It's nothing, what's the matter? I seem to see a person very similar to her in the cinema today, with Chen Shihao, I don't know if I read it wrong." Jian Sangyu muttered, "Chen Shihao and his girlfriend two years ago Just got engaged, and the engagement banquet is so grand. Outsiders say that Chen Shihao is the best model fiance. It shouldn't be possible to go out alone with another woman to watch a movie, right?"

  The key is that Chen Shihao's hand is still around the woman's waist.

  Jian Sangyu thought about Chen Shihao’s feelings for his girlfriend, so she felt that she had misunderstood the person.

   "It's her and Chen Shihao." Gu Chen thought he was the only one who saw it in the afternoon, "Jian Jiayue is going to jump into the fire pit by herself, no wonder others."

  Chen Shihao’s fiancee is the daughter of a furniture tycoon. When she got engaged, it caused a sensation in the national media. An engagement banquet is extravagant and more discreet than others.

  The two have been engaged for two years, and the outside world has been wondering when the two will officially get married. Unexpectedly, today I let Gu Chen and Jian Sangyu see this scene first.

   "If Chen Shihao's fiancée finds out, it might make her feel bad." Jian Sangyu shrugged, "but it has nothing to do with me."

Chen Shihao's fiancee is notoriously hard-tempered. At the beginning, her cousin cheated her girlfriend, and people directly took the brain of her cousin and stayed in the hospital for more than half a month.

  This is something that everyone in the circle knows, Mina also told Jian Sangyu these things as a joke.

  Gu Shen nodded, agreeing with Jian Sangyu’s last words.

  These things really have nothing to do with them.


  "Why change the nickname?" This matter has something to do with him.

  Gu Shen’s tone was a questioning tone, “For the sake of you to please me, I’ll wait for you to half past one and cross the river to demolish the bridge. It’s not like you did it so quickly.”

  ? ? ?

  Jane Sangyu gave a bewildered look, "Who pleases you?"

  She walked towards Gu Chen and stood in front of Gu Chen with her toes on her toes, staring hard at Gu Chen, and asked, "Who crossed the river and demolished the bridge?"

   "Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu." Gu Chen groaned, and then quickly hummed, "This nickname is not allowed to be changed in the future, remember?"

  Jian Sangyu found something wrong with Gu Chen's appearance. She bypassed Gu Chen and ran to the side of the bed. She reached out and took out her own mobile phone from under the pillow and opened WeChat.

  (End of this chapter)

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