To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3158: Xiao Zhou total extra 7

  Chapter 3158 Mr. Xiao Zhou is outside 7

   "I will let my assistant contact your assistant, a little thing, I dare not disturb Mr. Zhou." After Li Zhaozhao finished speaking, he got up to see off the guests.

  Zhou Rui didn't say much, and left with the assistant.

  As soon as the customer left, Li Zhaozhao’s assistant rushed towards Li Zhaozhao.

   "Sister Zhao Zhao, I hope that all the customers of our company are like Mr. Zhou, a handsome and cheerful little sheep!"

  After being happy, the assistant asked again, "Sister Zhaozhao, did you and Mr. Zhou know each other before? How could he tell Sister Zhaozhao that his phone number has not changed?"

"I don't know, if I know him, I can treat him as a little fat sheep?" Li Zhaozhao's expression remained unchanged, "He might think that everyone in the world will know his Zhou Rui's phone number. After all, they are the last week. President Zhou of the Group."

  Assistant was so fooled by Li Zhaozhao.

"Sister Zhaozhao, it's a business trip or a business trip at public expense. This is simply our favorite thing!" The little assistant jumped happily, "Still staying at a Zhou's hotel, which is a four-star hotel even worse. ! I just don’t know where Zhou will arrange our office."

   "It is estimated that it will be arranged near the hotel, or in the hotel." Li Zhaozhao said, "You go and notify the person who designed the team, and prepare to go on a business trip with me in three days."


  Li Zhaozhao attaches great importance to this cooperation with Zhou Group, so three days later, Li Zhaozhao brought the company's most elite design team to the Shenzhen market in the south.

Li Zhaozhao’s assistant contacted the staff in charge of Zhou’s group before registering, so Li Zhaozhao’s group landed and went directly to the parking lot when they left the airport. The people who picked up the plane from Zhou’s group stopped at the parking lot. The field is waiting.

   "Hello, Mr. Li, I am President Zhou’s secretary, responsible for your life issues during your stay in Shenzhen." The female secretary of the Zhou Group greeted her.

It should have done homework in advance. From Zhou Rui’s assistant, I learned that Li Zhaozhao doesn’t like others calling her Manager Li, and is different from other designers in Li Zhaozhao’s team, so the female secretary kindly called Li Zhaozhao. teacher.

   Kind and respectful.

  Li Zhaozhao brought the entire group from the company this time, plus interns, and there were ten people in total, so the female secretary arranged for a business minibus to pick you up.

After the car started, the female secretary said to Li Zhaozhao, "Mr. Li, now I will take you to the hotel where you are staying. If you have no objections, when you arrive at the hotel, I will take everyone to the office after everyone puts away their luggage. Get familiar with it. After you have seen it, if you have any needs, you can discuss it together at night and tell me that I will make arrangements as soon as possible.

  Speaking of this, the female secretary hurriedly said, “Of course, if you feel a little tired, you can rest first when you arrive at the hotel. It’s okay for us to get to know the office again tomorrow morning.”

  Li Zhaozhao looked at the employees behind, and saw that everyone was in good spirits and acted as the master. “Let’s go to the office first. If there is no problem, we can start formal work tomorrow.”

  The female secretary hummed, and then she lowered her head and held her mobile phone without knowing who to text.

  After an hour and a half, the car stopped in front of the hotel.

The hotel arranged by Zhou’s Group for Li Zhaozhao’s group is just 15 minutes’ walk away from the Zhou’s Group Company Building. It is a five-star high-end hotel under the Zhou’s Group. It can be seen that Zhou’s Group Treating partners is still very generous.

  Li Zhaozhao and others took the room card, and as soon as possible the female secretary gathered downstairs after half an hour, and the group went directly into the elevator.

  After the elevator door was closed, a group of young people began to chat.

"Sister Zhaozhao, the Zhou Group is so generous. I thought it would be a good idea to arrange a four-star business hotel for us, or to vacate a few vacant rooms from the staff dormitory of the Zhou Group, or simply It is to help us rent a few houses for a short period of time, but let us live here for a long time.

  Be aware that this cooperation is really not a day or two.

  Preliminary estimates, it will take about two months.

The Zhou group arranged a separate room for the group leader of Li Zhaozhao and Li Zhaozhao, and the rest were standard twin rooms. The reason for this arrangement was that out of ten people, five women and five men were the original room. Also arrange two more.

  “In the next two months, the Zhou Group will squeeze us as much as possible. Therefore, we have arranged a little bit of accommodation for us. I want to come and want us to complain about them in the future.”

  Li Zhaozhao was amused by the assistant's guess, Zhou Rui is not such a charitable boss.

  Li Zhaozhao estimated that the reason for choosing this place is that it is close to the Zhou Group. So she can guess that the office location should also be near the Zhou Group, so that designers like them often work overtime.

"For this project, everyone has to work hard for the past two months. After the project is over, the project bonus will be sent to everyone in advance. After you go back, you will be given three days off. You can go traveling for five consecutive weekends. "When Li Zhaozhao finished speaking, everyone in the elevator was cheering.

  Even if the bonus is issued early, it can give everyone a holiday, which is simply a great thing.

  Li Zhaozhao’s room is not on the same floor as his subordinates. Zhou's arrangement for her is an executive suite, so the room is on the penultimate floor of the hotel.

   Swipe to enter the room, Li Zhaozhao opened the curtains.

  Actually, this hotel is not the first time she has come to this hotel. When she was with Zhou Rui, she had been here with Zhou Rui.

  For many years in the future, this city will not only change the grass and trees on the street, but even the hotel has been renovated.

  After many years, when I came to the place I had been before, there was only a stranger left.

  So, time, is really a magical eraser, you can erase everything, you can erase everything, nothing is left.

Half an hour later, Li Zhaozhao and his party met downstairs on time and got back on the commercial minibus. Li Zhaozhao thought that Zhou Rui would arrange their temporary office near the hotel, but he did not expect that the driver would go directly in the car. The underground parking lot of Zhou Group.

  The female secretary led everyone into the Zhou Group.

  "Our temporary office is in your company?" Li Zhaozhao asked in surprise.

"Yes, we think this arrangement is more convenient for the communication between the two companies. It is also close to the hotel where you live, Mr. Li, you can walk over to work without driving, and the facilities near the company are well equipped to facilitate life." Female Secretary Nodded with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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