To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3135: Be a kind person 8

  Chapter 3135 Be a kind person 8

  After Ji Lanxi waited for Jian Sangyu and Mina to sit down, he also dispelled the idea of ​​talking to Jian Sangyu alone. Mina would not allow it, and Jian Sangyu probably also had a high degree of defense against her.

No matter   .

  Ji Lanxi looked at Jian Sangyu with light makeup in front of him. In fact, at this look, Jian Sangyu really looked like Ji's family.

  Beautiful double eyelids and shallow dimples are characteristics of the Ji family.

"Jian Sangyu, I know you won't believe it, but in fact, I asked you to come out today. I want to apologize to you seriously. If you use your mobile phone, I don't think it is enough, so I am alone. coming."

   Ji Lanxi’s voice was soft, “Jane Sangyu, I’m sorry for the past. It’s me who is wrong, it is my narrow-mindedness and selfishness that have caused you so much harm and distress, sorry.”

   "I never thought that you could forgive me, nor did it come here specifically for your forgiveness. This is how I am sorry. I owe you."

  Ji Lanxi knew, thinking in another way, even if Jian Sangyu said a hundred sorry to her, she would not forgive her.

  So, she never thought of forgiving Jane Sangyu who could be changed.

  After all, her past methods were really despicable and vicious.

   "There is one more thing that should be important to you." Ji Lanxi glanced at Mi before continuing, "It's about your biological parents."

  As soon as Ji Lanxi finished speaking, Jian Sangyu and Mina's faces changed.

   "What tricks do you want to play?" Jian Sangyu got cold.

  This is one of Jian Sangyu’s untouchable scales.

  The parents who have never met, but she has been secretly waiting for the parents to meet again, which is definitely not a tool she can allow as a means.

"I know you want to find your own biological parents." Ji Lanxi took out a transparent plastic bag from his pocket, "You don't need to ask how I know this, but these are all I want to tell you today. ."

Ji Lanxi pushed the plastic bag towards Jian Sangyu, "This is my brother Ji Qianpo’s hair. You can take it for DNA identification with you. There will be no surprises. You are brothers and sisters, Jian Sangyu, you are Ji. The family’s biological daughter, and me, is a fake."

"If you don’t believe what I gave you, you can ask my brother to come out and meet him. When my brother just arrived in Kyoto today, you can quietly take his hair for DNA testing. I can guarantee that, I don’t Lie to you, you are indeed the biological daughter of the Ji family."

   "Back then, I, you, and Jian Jiayue's mother gave birth in a delivery room, and the delivery room caught fire accidentally. The three of us were mistaken by the nurse. These things are well documented."

  "In the past few years, I have occupied a lot of things that should belong to you. Therefore, when you return to Ji's house, I will leave. I will not fight with you or fight with you. It is yours and yours."

  Speaking of this, Ji Lanxi took a deep breath, "Grandparents like you very much, and Mom and Dad like you very much, but they still don’t know these things."

"Jian Sangyu, I have returned your grandparents, your parents, and your brother to you. I will probably not show up in front of you in the future. Although these compensations are nothing, but, I also had a break with you."

   People who once made her jealous to crazy, now she can sit here calmly and talk to her.

   "Jane Sangyu, goodbye."

   Ji Lanxi finished speaking, slowly got up, and then left.

  Jian Sangyu believed and did not believe, and what she would do, Ji Lanxi no longer cared, she did what she could do.

   Ji Lanxi, who originally planned to stay in Kyoto for one night, returned to Spring City early that evening.


     The extra part will not be too long, probably less than 20,000 words.



  (End of this chapter)

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