To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3132: Be a kind person 5

  Chapter 3132 Be a kind person 5

  Shen Yan squeezed Ji Lanxi's chin very lightly and made her look up at him.

  In the next second, her reddish eyes and faint tears leaped into his eyes, and all the emotions in Shen Yan's heart at this moment were defeated.

   spoke again, full of helplessness.

   "Lanxi, your heart, and your person, I always get one first." After speaking, Shen Yan picked up the person and walked toward the bed.

   "Even if you cry, I won't stop, but I still hope you don't cry."

  Shen Yan gently put the person on the bed, and whispered in her ear, "Happy newlywed, Mrs. Shen."

  After hearing the blessings of the day, everyone said to her today, Ji Lanxi, happy wedding.

  I should have heard a tired sentence long ago, but at this moment, these four words are inexplicable.

  Ji Lanxi raised his eyes to look at Shen Yan, who was close at hand. There was emotion in his eyes that was not unfamiliar to her. He was restraining and trying to hide.

   "Happy wedding, Shen Yan." Ji Lanxi whispered towards Shen Yan.

  If he wants, she can give without reservation.

  Her people.

   and her heart.

  If he doesn’t dislike it, give this heart together.

   This night, the breeze is charming, and the moon is shining, but it is not as good as having him in his arms and eyes, and his wife in his body.


  In the first two days of the wedding, Ji Lanxi didn't go out, mainly because Shen Yan looked closely.

  Probably because the words the previous night made Shen Yan realize that she wanted to divorce, Shen Yan did not want her to go out for the past two days, and was afraid that she would go to Ji's house and say that she wanted to divorce.

  Shen Yan knows that Ji's love for Ji Lanxi is not fake.

  On the third day, according to the custom, Ji Lanxi had to return home. When he got up in the morning, Ji Lanxi chose clothes and put them on. Looking at the Shen Yan lying on the bed who hadn't woke up and didn't think about it, Ji Lanxi was a little bit amused.

   "I know that you are awake, hurry up, parents are still waiting for us to go home for breakfast!" Ji Lanxi pushed Shen Yan, exposing him, "Captain Shen, you are not naive, you still pretend to sleep!"

   Ji Lanxi was already dressed and reminded, Shen Yan turned over and sat up, staring at Ji Lanxi for a long time with eagle-like eyes, and put her joy in his eyes, and then went down to wash without a word.

  Shen Yan hesitated and stopped several times along the way, but after waiting for the Ji family, Shen Yan still did not say a word.

  I never said a word from getting up to Jinji's house.

  Ji Lanxi returned home today. Grandma Ji and Grandpa Ji are still at Ji's house, and the family is indeed waiting for Ji Lanxi to come back for breakfast.

  Ji Lanxi had already married out, and when Ji Lanxi and old man Ji came in and called them, they still gave Ji Lanxi face to respond to her.

Ji Lanxi knew that her grandparents had resentment for her because of her brother's affairs, so after entering the door, she greeted the two elders and never passed by. After breakfast, Ji Lanxi sat on the sofa and said to her mother Start talking.

Father Ji and Ji Qianbo sat aside while making tea with Shen Yan while listening to their mother and daughter chatting. When Ji Lanxi and his mother talked about their intention to go to Kyoto in the past two days, Shen Yan's eyes were slightly One sink.

   "What are you going to do in Kyoto?" Shen Yan asked.

  This is the first word he has said since he woke up in the morning.

   "Go to meet someone and do something." After Ji Lanxi finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at Shen Yan, "If it goes well, I will be back one day."

   "I will accompany you." Shen Yan made this decision without much thought.

  (End of this chapter)

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