To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3080: Sleep silly

  Chapter 3080 Sleeping silly

  He didn't go home for three months, and Jian Sangyu would not call him. Gu Chen felt that he had adjusted well to life after marriage.

  But now, Gu Chen feels again that Jian Sangyu's heartless temper is not very good.

  He is busy, she is busier than him, and I don’t know how busy she is to think about him.

  Gu Chen now thinks that if Jian Sangyu can stick to him a little bit, it would be perfect.

  Thinking about these things in his mind, Gu Chen couldn't help but curled his lips and smiled quietly.

  Listening to the gentle breathing of the people around him, Gu Chen gradually fell asleep while holding them.

  It is already dawn when I open my eyes again.

  Gu Chen was awakened by the big movements of the person in his arms.

  I opened my eyes and saw Jian Sangyu withdraw from his arms with a look of disgust.

  Yes, she has a look of disgust, and she doesn't hide her disgust.

   "Is it annoying! Is it annoying! How can a big man sleep so tightly?"

  Jian Sangyu complained while struggling, apparently did not realize that Gu Chen had woke up.

   "Huh? What's wrong? Why is it uncomfortable?" Gu Chengang was a little awake when he woke up, thinking that he was holding her in a wrong posture, she was uncomfortable when she fell asleep, or was pressed to her stomach, so he asked quickly.

  After asking, Gu Chen noticed that Jian Sangyu's expression suddenly changed, and the bottom of his eyes was a little panicked and puzzled.

  Gu Chen sat up, took Jian Sangyu’s hand with one hand, and touched her belly with the other, "Is it making you uncomfortable to press you?"

  Unexpectedly, this question directly turned Jian Sangyu’s face red.

" think you are confused and talk nonsense!" Jian Sangyu jerked away Gu Shen, who was driving early in the morning, and jumped under the bed like a rabbit, ignoring his shoes. Run if you need to wear it.

  As a result, she ran in a hurry. With a bang, her knee hit the edge of the bed, and she bent over when she hugged her knee with a bang.

   Gu Shen was so frightened that he immediately became energetic when he heard it, and quickly picked up the person who was bending by the bed in pain.

  Looking at Jian Sangyu who was reckless, Gu Chen was angry, anxious, and terribly distressed.

  It's so loud, how much pain does it hurt? He felt pain when listening.

   "How many times have I told you? Don't be reckless! If you have a baby in your belly, if you fall or hit your stomach, the baby hurts, and you hurt more, so you can't be obedient?"

  Gu Shen was also anxious, so his tone was a bit heavy.

  He stretched out his hands and broke Jian Sangyu's hands covering her knees. He watched her knees hit the black, and the temples jumped suddenly.

"Do you think you deserve it? Huh? Just go down to the ground and walk well. Can't you walk slowly? This time you hit your knee. If you hit your stomach next time, what should you do?" Gu Chen finished counting. Get up, "Don't move, I'll get you the medicated oil and rub it."

  Jian Sangyu was scolded by Gu Chen.

  Waiting for Gu Chen to walk to the door, she didn’t react until she didn’t hold back. She tentatively asked Gu Chen, “Are you not awake? What baby?”

  In fact, what Jian Sangyu wants to ask is, Gu Chen, are you sleepy?

  Or shout at him, if you didn’t scare me early in the morning, could I be so scared that I didn’t see the road clearly?

  Of course, roar, Jian Sangyu didn't have the courage to roar with Gu Chen.

  Especially after being scolded by Gu Chen, Jian Sangyu’s rabbit gall was almost consumed.

  Hearing what Jian Sangyu said, Gu Chen turned his head and glanced at Jian Sangyu. Just about to ask if she was sleeping stupid, Gu Chen realized that something was wrong with this turn.

  (End of this chapter)

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