To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2685: Fight for breath

  Chapter 2685 Fight for breath

   "You obviously came up with these things. Why did the Qin's Wood Industry take your things and use them without showing up? Shameless?"

"Jian Sangyu, it’s the first time that Zhou Xuan was posed like this. I can’t swallow it! Even if it’s not for you, but for me, Zhou Xuan himself, Qin’s Muye did it just to hit my Zhou Xuan in the face. Can't bear it! I have to put on my scarf and tear off their despicable mask!"

  Don't say Zhou Xuan can't stand it now, Jian Sangyu can't stand it at first.

   "How immutable is what you said about immutability?" Jian Sangyu asked.

"Just what you said, ten fans were randomly selected from the fans, and a piece of furniture from Qin's Wood Industry that they bought within five years was taken out for environmental testing. Those fans who contributed old furniture for testing can get Qin’s wood industry got a new product for free, exactly the same, just copied and used the event planning case I organized for them."

"They want to change the spokesperson. After all, that is Qin's own business. My name is Zhou Xuan, and I am an outsider. Although they do too much, Zhou Xuan is not qualified to point fingers at me, but they use it for planning this event. What does it mean? Qin's Wood Industry is really the most shameless company Zhou Xuan has ever seen!"

"The spokesperson has signed someone else, and I have nothing to say, but if the plan is so used, I still don't want to say hello to us. I can't bear this matter." Jian Sangyu is also the first time to see this kind of shame. "I’m asking Xiao Ting, I don’t know if we can find the video of our conversation in the office that day. Every company in the studio has a high-definition camera. Logically speaking, it should be available."

   "Little Sangyu, do you mean you want to tear the Qin's wood industry with me?" Zhou Xuan was extremely surprised, "I'll just say why I like you so much, your temper is too appetizing to me!"

  Zhou Xuan was relieved that she was afraid that she would seek justice at the beginning of this matter, and Jian Sangyu wanted to calm down the matter. In this case, she was also embarrassed.

  It's all right now, this worry is gone, Xiao Sangyu directly stood on her side and wanted to end with her to tear up Qin's Wood Industry.

   "My brother said, he supports me in this matter, and he will help me what I want to do." Zhou Xuan knew that even if she had turned her face with Qin's Muye, she and Jian Sangyu might not get any benefits.

  However, Zhou Xuan never thought about it.

  Perhaps Qin's Wood Industry also thought that Zhou's family and Jian Sangyu would choose to ignore them because they felt that there was no benefit, so they dared to do so.

  But they did not expect that she Zhou Xuan is not a soft bun, and Jian Sangyu is not a soft bun.

   "Little Sangyu, go and show your dad Gu, your dad can make Qin's Wood Industry cool and bankrupt in minutes." Zhou Xuan still believes that the Gu family has this ability.

  At least if Gu's family wants to make Zhou's Tianliang King break, it will be really easy.

  Compared with the Zhou family and the Gu family, they are floating and elephants.

   "Science fiction dramas don't dare to shoot like you said. I won't tell you for now. I will go to the scarf to see the official scarfs issued by Qin's Wood Industry." Jian Sangyu looked upstairs after speaking.

  She guessed, if she didn't talk about this, Gu Chen would know it soon.

  Jian Sangyu didn’t need Gu Chen to help her in this matter. She and Zhou Xuan were arguing for justice and respect. As long as the video of a few people in the office was released, it was black and white and comfortable.

   ~~Good night~~Don’t forget that there will be a burst of changes in a few days~~~Sangyu’s baby is going to be born spicy~~



  (End of this chapter)

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