To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2564: Nightmare

   Chapter 2564 Nightmare

  “She usually came to Shen Yan with a doll in her arms, and she stood at the gate of the base, muttering in her mouth, and sometimes she would sing nursery rhymes and pat the doll on the back to coax the child to sleep.”

   "By the way, when she comes with the baby in her arms, she will also bring things like diapers and baby bottle milk powder. She will change the baby's diapers, pour the milk powder into the baby bottle without soaking it, just stuff it into the baby's mouth."

"Most of them were like this when she was at the gate of the base, and then occasionally she would suddenly throw the child away. When she threw the child away, she regarded herself as Jian Sangyu, and then in the middle of the night, she might have changed back to Ji Lanxi herself, driving. The car came to the gate of the base to look for the doll, and when she found the doll, she said that Shen Yan had taken a child for a day, which was very hard."

   "From my point of view, she is really crazy. These things, what I said, are not as scary as you saw with your own eyes."

   After listening to the voice, Gu Shen responded with a thank you and put the phone down.

   "Listen to your friend, is Ji Lanxi really crazy?" Jian Sangyu pushed Gu Chen's arm.

   "Yeah." Gu Chen nodded, "Ji Lanxi shouldn't have so exquisite acting skills to fool so many people in the base."

  So, the authenticity of Ji Lanxi's madness is great.

   "You go to see Ji Lanxi with the doctor tomorrow, take care of your safety. Some lunatics may be violent." Gu Chen said, "Just in case, take two bodyguards."

   "Okay." Jian Sangyu did not dare to shirk, nodded repeatedly.

  She was really frightened by the violent tendency that Gu Chen said.

"After seeing someone tomorrow, you remember to call me and talk about your situation. Don't miss someone, you don't remember that you still have a husband!" Gu Chen squeezed Jian Sangyu's nose, "You are a man People with criminal records."

   "Ang~" Jian Sangyu frowned and patted Gu Chen's hand away, "I'll go to sell my husband with a scarf, and I will auction you off for two candies."

  Gu Chen was amused by Jian Sangyu, "Are you willing?"

"It's not reluctant, mainly because you are too annoying. You may not be able to exchange two candies. Whoever buys loses money. I am kind and can't make black-hearted money, so I should hold it myself." Jian Sangyu stretched out my hand. Hugging Gu Chen, acting coquettishly, "You have to be nice to your wife, or I will sell you!"

  Gu Shen wanted to ask Jian Sangyu, who has no conscience, what day did he treat her badly?

  Because of Ji Lanxi's incident, Jian Sangyu did not rest well this evening.

  It may be that she was frightened by Gu Chen's violent tendency. Jian Sangyu had a nightmare when she went to bed at night.

  She dreamed that Ji Lanxi was chasing her in the street with a disheveled hair and holding an axe.

  Jian Sangyu saw that the axe was about to be cut at her head, and then she woke up so scared.

   "Have a nightmare?" Gu Chen was awakened by Jian Sangyu, opened his eyes and saw Jian Sangyu's expression of horror.

Jian Sangyu nodded, and then told Gu Chen about her absurd nightmare, "You don't know how big the axe in Ji Lanxi's hand is. It's the size of our coffee table. The legendary two-meter sword. No, it's two. Rice axe."

"Ji Lanxi can't lift the two-meter axe." Gu Chen hugged Jian Sangyu in his arms and patted her back to comfort him. "Tomorrow you will take the bodyguard. A bodyguard that can be picked up, so don't be afraid."

  Thinking about it, Gu Chen added another sentence, “If you’re worried, then don’t follow it tomorrow, just let the doctor go.”


     This is the manuscript written yesterday. I have a headache today and I can’t code words. I’m going to rest~~Good night everyone~



  (End of this chapter)

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