To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2294: Just laughed

   Chapter 2294 I laughed just now

   "I..." Jian Sangyu sniffed, "I hate you."

  Jane Sangyu is really quite sober right now.

  She thought of a great way.

She pretended to run away from home to make Gu Chen anxious. When Gu Chen was very anxious and anxious, she ran out of the cloakroom to scare him, so that Gu Chen would excitedly hug her who hadn't ran away from home, and then, He was not willing to continue to be angry with her.

  Ke Jian Sangyu did not expect that after eating a bun, carrying shoes and a suitcase, she hid in, while playing with her mobile phone, she didn't know when she fell asleep.

  Until the phone ringing awakened her just now, she still didn't know the north, south, east, west, north, south, east, and northwest.

  Jian Sangyu reviewed herself. The biggest reason for the failure of this plan was that she not only fell asleep, but fell asleep, but even forgot to mute the phone.

  Really a major mistake!

  Jian Sangyu now only feels that her head hurts badly. She stretched out her hand and rubbed it, raised her head, looking at Gu Chen pitifully, acting like her, "It hurts~"

   "If you hurt, just bear it." Gu Shen answered Jian Sangyu angrily.

  Jane Sangyu pouted, her voice was flat, "You are still angry~"

   "Qi." Gu Chen said.

   "But you laughed just now. Just smiling means you are not angry anymore." Jian Sangyu reached out and touched the corner of Gu Shen's mouth.

   "It's okay to die, still laugh?" Gu Chen chuckled, and he wouldn't admit that Jian Sangyu, who was really lying in bed with a dazed face just now, smiled angrily.

   "I saw you laugh." Jian Sangyu bit her lip, "It's useless if you don't admit it, you just laughed."

   "Yes, I laughed. Which national law stipulates that you can't be angry if you laugh?" Gu Chen asked Jian Sangyu.

  Jane Sangyu was speechless.

  Anyway, he mostly responded to her with fallacies.

"Then you will be angry, anyway, I won't coax anymore." Jian Sangyu snorted, pulled out the blue fat box inside and pushed Gu Chen away, "I'm leaving, don't come to me! I'm going to run away from home anyway!"

  Jian Sangyu muttered, and walked out angrily. She waited for Gu Chen to coax her in turn.


  Gu Chen didn't stop her either, he followed her out of the cloakroom, and said lightly.

  "Go, I see where you can go with an empty box." Gu Chen hugged both hands, leaned against the door of the cloakroom, and quietly watched Jian Sangyu play like a house.


  Jian Sangyu takes a step.

  How did that guy know that she was holding an empty box?

  Jian Sang was so thief, quietly Mimi turned her head to observe Gu Shen's expression to see if he was cheating her.

  As a result, what I saw was Gu Chen's pair of you who continued to act and acted hard, and I will silently watch you act hard.

Jian Sangyu stood there awkwardly for several seconds, then Gu Chen walked over, took the empty box in her hand, took it back to the cloakroom and put it back in place, and took her canvas shoes from the corner to the balcony. Go wash.

  Jian Sangyu stayed motionless as a sculpture for several minutes. She kept hearing the sound of brushing shoes from the balcony before she followed up.

  She stood behind Gu Chen, poked her hand in Gu Chen's back, and said to him in a grieved and pitiful tone: "Gu Chen, I'm stumped and my neck can't move."

   "I fell asleep on a 22-inch pillow early in the morning, and I slept so soundly. If it doesn't fall on you, who would fall on it? If you can't move, don't move." Gu Chen said without turning his head back.

  Jane Sangyu choked.

  I knew that Gu Chen's mouth was poisonous, but I didn't know that Gu Chen could be so poisonous to her.

  (End of this chapter)

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