To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1504: Thought so

   Chapter 1504

   "Dad, do you think so too? Do you agree with what Jian Jiayue said?" Jian Sangyu said in a cool voice and called Father Jian to Dad.

  It’s just that Dad was full of emotion and vicissitudes.

"Of course dad thinks so. The Chen family holds a big project. Dad is not such a short-sighted person. Dad knows what the Chen family can give, and Gu family will definitely not give it." Jian Jiayue is always reminding Father Jian of this. In a word, the Chen family can give the Jian family many benefits.

  The Gu family is richer than the Chen family, but the Gu family is stingy in giving it, but the Chen family is different. The Chen family had never thought of swallowing this big cake alone. The Chen family is still looking for someone to cooperate with.

After several reminders from Jian Jiayue, Father Jian finally gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes, what Jiayue said is what I meant. As long as you help Jiayue marry Chen Shihao, you will return all the shares in the Jian family. , You won’t have anything to do with the Jian family anymore."

  Jian Sangyu stood there, but suddenly felt the winter wind, a bit cold.

  Her eyes are sour, but my heart is even more sour.

  Want to cry.

  But there are no tears.


  It seems a little bit.

  But it doesn’t seem to be much.

  I’ve thought about it a long time ago, and I’ve long understood that she does not belong to this family, she has always been a visitor to this family.

"You always keep saying that I don’t think of myself as Jian’s family, but have you ever thought about returning from Jian Jiayue? From the moment you knew that I, Jian Sangyu, was not your biological daughter, have you ever treated me Jian Sangyu from the bottom of my heart? As the original daughter, did you ever consider me your family?"

  Jane Sangyu told herself, don’t cry, it’s useless, tears are always the representative of weakness.

"When I came back from Jian Jiayue, I put away all my temper and polished myself to the way I thought you would like it. I miss your love for me, but I know that I am not your biological daughter. I have never dared to give birth to a little bit of fighting with Jian Jiayue for your love."

Jane Sangyu raised her hand and wiped the corner of her eyes, "I study hard, play the piano hard, and I try hard to make myself better. I think that only in this way can I have a sense of presence in your hearts. I would care more about me. I thought that when everyone was complimenting me, mom and dad would go out and hear them complimenting me, and you would remember that you still have my daughter."

  At that time, she was still so small, even the request was so small.

  She only asked that when they heard others praise her outside, they could still remember that there was such a daughter at home.

"I am alone, alone, by plane, by train, on the field, and by myself holding trophies one after another and returning to this home. I thought, I can wait until one sentence, Sang Yu, You are awesome, worthy of being our daughter, but I will always ignore it when I wait."

"It’s never that I don’t treat this house as everyone. You always push me outside and tell me again and again that I am a passerby under the fence. After I got married, there was no room for me. Now, here, there is nothing of me. It is you who can't wait to draw a clear and hurtful dividing line between me and this family."

  (End of this chapter)

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