To Be With You Forever

Chapter 129: With a face of husband and wife

  Chapter 129 With a face of husband and wife

  On the train, Jiang Xing hadn't waited until Jian Sangyu called him back, and his heart was hanging.

   Opposite, the teammate who was sprayed with water on his face also took out the phone boredly, swiped his finger on the screen twice, and said, "This actor is so beautiful!"

   Jiang Xing glanced at him, not interested.

The teammate didn’t even notice Jiang Xing glanced at him. He couldn’t wait to get into the phone to enlarge the pictures one by one, and then clicked to download them with excitement, “Save! Follow! Just aim at this beauty. Jin, I have to be a fan! Oh my god, I’m still a piano genius? I’ll go, and the look in real life is so beautiful, wow, shy looks so cute! My God, I want to change the avatar to her A shy picture!"

  The person excitedly sent the newly saved photo to his teammates on WeChat.


  This is the goddess of my new fan!

After posting the photo, I pulled up the chat history and found out that he was out of date. The group has been talking about this topic. What is even more hateful is that more than half of the people have changed their avatars, and all of them are his new fans. The picture of the goddess, so the frequency of people in the group hitting the head portrait is quite high.

  Teammate A: The mission is over? Are you stupid out of a mission? We've already fanned this goddess, and you're just here to get excited. Followed teammate A and posted several screenshots to show off his new mobile phone wallpaper, WeChat profile picture, and button profile picture.

  Teammate B: I have true love for my new goddess.

Then came out a photo of the new poster on the wall of the **** dormitory. It was a poster of Jane Sangyu’s solo photo and the statement style in "March Night". The statement style in this poster has been cut and replaced. Photo of the comrade himself.

  Teammate A: Rely on! Where did you get this poster? Also, what technique can you put yourself on? Are you too stinky and shameless?

  Teammate C: The poster market stalls are selling crazy, okay? Don't you know? What kind of software did you use, the idiot above to upload yourself? Help me also P a sheet, I will buy you a packet of spicy strips.

  Teammate B: Give me a box of spicy strips and don’t do it! My goddess is mine alone! I think she and I match a face of husband and wife.

  Teammate A: Get out of the duel for I!

  Teammate C: You killed you! Go to school!

  When Jiang Xing finished reading these news records, his little heart trembled.

  He admired these heroes from the bottom of his heart. If he showed the chat records of these people to his brother, do these people know how big the storm they are going to face?

  And that classmate, how confident and dare to say that he matched his little princess with the yolk of a husband and wife?

  The husband of his little princess with egg yolk is sitting next to him!

Jiang Xing didn't expect Jian Sangyu to be like this after just a few days. He was thinking about doing this. When his brother returned to the guards, he could not hide it. Unexpectedly, the opposite teammate started grinning with his mobile phone. He said something without knowing what he was proud of.

"As expected to be my new goddess, she looks good, not comparable to the awl-like celebrity face on the Internet now, beautiful and so real, my god, even the name is so nice, Jane...uhhhhh." The last two words hadn't been spoken, and Jiang Xing was the last to cover them.

"Shut up." Jiang Xing used the **** to cover his teammate's mouth, winking at him constantly, and said, "You don't know what kind of temper is our leader? You know what you guys are doing here. These, see how he cleans you up!"

  (End of this chapter)

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