To Be With You Forever

Chapter 124: I'm not going

  Chapter 124 I'm Not Going

  At this moment, Jian Sangyu allowed the mobile phone in her pocket to vibrate constantly, and she was sitting on the sofa in the living room of Jian’s house, with her head lowered and silent.

  She knew that there was a day since she made up her mind to take this step.

  "Who gave you the ability to do this kind of embarrassment to the Gu family and to the Jane family? Ah! Do you know how I felt when I saw this news in the company!"

  Jian's father directly slammed the tablet in his hand in front of Jian Sangyu, and the tablet screen broke apart.

"Jian Sangyu, did you ever think about the consequences when you did these things? Ah! Or is your mind stupid by playing the piano all these years?" Father Jian raised his fingers on his head and pointed at Jian Sangyu and cursed, "You What a patience! I usually look at being well-behaved and clever, but in the end, tell me this thing quietly! Who gives you the courage?"

  After scolding Jian Sangyu, Jian's father's anger disappeared, and she turned to Jian's mother and said, "This is the good boy you taught! Look at the one you spoiled!"

"Dad, what does this have to do with my mother? Where does she have Jane's family in her heart? Where does she have mother's place in her heart?" Jian Jiayue stood up and pulled Jane's mother behind to protect her, "When she does things now, where will she be notified? mom?"

   After finishing speaking, Jian Jiayue muttered in a very low voice, “After all, it’s not a family, and there’s blood that doesn’t know who is bleeding on her body, so her heart is not toward this family.”

The voice of this sentence is not small, and both Jian's father and Jian's mother can hear it clearly. Jian's mother stretched out a hand to Rajan Jiayue and gently shook her head towards her to signal that she should not talk nonsense. Jian's father's eyes sank and he hummed. Then he said, "Withdraw from the crew, and then go to Gu's house with me to admit my mistake."

  At this time, Jian Sangyu finally spoke and said firmly, "I am not going."

  Jian's father didn't expect Jian Sangyu to answer this way and refute him so cleanly.

   "Jane Sangyu, you really think your wings are hard, right?"

  Following the words of Jian's father, a heavy slap fell directly on Jian Sangyu's face.

  With the force of this slap, Jian Sangyu's face turned slightly to the side.

  Does it hurt?

  It hurts.

  Half of the face seemed to be painful, leaving only a burning feeling.

She blew her hand on the sofa and closed her fist slightly, then slowly raised her head to look at Father Jian, who was aloft, and said coldly, "Dad just asked if I had considered the consequences? I can answer Dad now. , I have considered, and seriously considered."

  Father Jian regretted after playing Jian Sangyu, and felt annoyed and impulsive in his heart. Looking at the slap print on Jian Sangyu's face, he couldn't tell what it felt like.

   "The result, isn't it just a divorce? The worst result is being swept out by Gu's family." Jian Sangyu laughed self-deprecatingly, "I don't care."

  After Jian Sangyu finished saying these words, Jian's father had only one thought in his mind, and that was to lighten up.

"Do you believe it or not I sever relationship with you in the newspaper?" Father Jian threatened, "Without the identity of the grandson-in-law of the Gu family and the daughter of the Jian family, I want to see how hard your bones can be to block someone like you The newcomer of "It’s just me, or it’s just a word from Old Man Gu."


  Outside the door, Jian Jialang ran in without even having time to change his shoes. When he saw the slap print on Jian Sangyu's face, his heart burst into flames. He was still late to come back.

  (End of this chapter)

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