To Be With You Forever

Chapter 118: Resource allocation

  Chapter 118 Resource Allocation

  Fortunately, Chen Yuanjun also realized that the conversation had become more shallow, so he stood by the side of Jiangcheng Ge and the girl continued to ask.

  In this circle, personal matters are never allowed to be inquired about. No matter how good a friend is, no one will really tell the truth.

  Jian Sangyu remembers that Zhong Yating told her that almost everyone in this circle lives alive wearing several masks.

  A group of people waited for a few minutes outside the door, Zheng Shen took Jian Sangyu’s mobile phone and returned the phone to Jian Sangyu. They were still smiling and asked everyone to go back to the hotel to rest first, and tomorrow’s shooting would be the same.

  Zheng Shen stayed in the hospital to give medicine. Jian Sangyu and Xiao Wang waited in Zheng Shen's ward until Zhong Yanting arrived at the hospital before leaving. Xiao Wang took a taxi and drove around to the hotel to deliver Jian Sangyu. When he returned to the room, he took a shower and lay on the bed. It was already 12 o'clock in the evening. Turning on the phone, I accidentally turned to the photo of a young couple holding hands that Jiang Xing sent her. Jian Sangyu looked at it for a few seconds, and then hooked her lips and laughed at herself.

  In this world, everyone will have happiness.

  Maybe she alone will not have it.

  Jian Sangyu did not harass Jiang Xing. After charging the phone, she went to rest.

The makeup photo shoot this time is an indoor studio shot. On the seventh floor of Zhengshen's company, it is divided into two studios. One is the male lead and the female lead and several important characters. On the other, there are several other supporting roles, plus Jane Sangyu. A small role temporarily joined by Zheng Shen.

  The role of Lingshan does not have the emotional line of love, so she and the male protagonist Jiang Chengge have no need to interact with each other. Instead, she took a few "brother and sister" photos alone with Nanfangfeng.

  After all, the role content is there, even if Zheng Shen wants to give Jian Sangyu special care, he can’t give extra.

Jian Sangyu was the first person to end her mission. After finishing the shooting, she immediately got her forehead next to the photographer. The photographer was a young boy who was very talkative. Hearing Jian Sangyu said he wanted to see, he moved the chair directly. Let Jane Sangyu sit, and then turned her a few.

"You are actually very photogenic, so I told you quietly that when you were shooting, you almost didn't need to take care of your angle." The photographer's voice was low and he glanced at the statement wind that had already gone out, and whispered: "Although you are a small supporting actor, the statement style is an important villain in the script, but the photo of the two of you, really, you always have to steal the spotlight."

  Jane Sangyu scratched her head, not sure whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for her.

  After all, one of them has been robbed of the spotlight by a small supporting role, and I don’t know if the statement is unhappy.

The photographer is also a silly talker, no matter whether Jian Sangyu can understand it or not, she pulled Jian Sangyu and talked about the post-grading. Just as Jian Sangyu tried to listen to the important words in his words, Zheng Shen suddenly heard from behind. the sound of.

   "Good shot, very photogenic."

  Human and ghostly, neither of the two who came in found it.

   "When the bib official announced, nine pictures, one single photo of you, one photo of your two brothers and sisters." After Zheng Shen finished speaking, he walked to another greenhouse with both hands in his pockets.

  Zheng Shen came quietly, and left in a hurry. Jian Sangyu hasn’t tasted what Zheng Shen said yet. Just wondering why Zheng Shen came to the company again if he was not in hospital?

  It was the photographer next to her who got excited first, "Nine photos accounted for two! Goodness! This resource allocation is against the sky!"


     Transition chapter, President Gu is locked up by the Devil~~Hahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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