To Be With You Forever

Chapter 114: Guess

  Chapter 114 Guess

  Jian Sangyu shrugged and said nothing, first raised her foot and walked into the elevator.

  What is hidden is nothing more than her style is most in line with the preferences of the teacher when she is young, and the personal relationship is good, so the teacher is not stingy in complimenting her when she is young.

Outside the hotel, Mr. Xiao Xiao went into the car with his friend. The air was stuffy in the car in summer. The man beside him lowered his head and took off his mask and hat, revealing his original pure and juan appearance. She was sickly white, her eyes were clear.

   "Is that Jane Sangyu whom you and I mentioned earlier?" The man asked, his voice very nice.

  If Jian Sangyu were here, she would be surprised. This voice was clearly her idol Ji Qianpo.

   "Yes, I invited her to be my guest of support at the concert the year before last, but she refused. I thought her life was like that. I didn't expect to suddenly choose the career of acting as an actress."

My teacher and my friends raised their lips and laughed when they talked about Jane Sangyu, "Speaking of which, she is still your super fan. She can sing every song of yours, and she can memorize all the scores of the song. I have heard Two of her own adaptations, very soulful adaptations, if you have the opportunity to listen, I guess you will like them too."

   "I have seen several of her competitions and performances. I am a young man with great potential and strength." Ji Qianbo commented lightly.

  Because I have seen it, Ji Qianbo recognized the person at a glance when he came out of the elevator just now.

  I haven't seen her on the screen and in circles for several years, but she hasn't changed much, as she was a few years ago.

  "Do you know what her WeChat nickname is?" Xiaoxiao's teacher suddenly asked, and then the chicken thief smiled extremely, "Guess it."

  Ji Qianbo glanced at his friends around him, raised his eyebrows, "Since he asks that, is it related to me?"


   But even so, Ji Qianbo still couldn't guess.

   is unlikely to be the title often used by his fans, otherwise the teacher would not ask it when he was young.

   "If you don't guess, I won't say it." The teacher laughed.

   "Well, I don't have such strong curiosity." Ji Qianbo responded calmly, and then moved and changed his posture.

"Your feet are uncomfortable again? I said you are really too strong. Since you are uncomfortable, you can tell Xiao Zhou to push you when you travel? You have to hold on." Xiao Xiao's brows frowned lightly. With Ji Qianbo's feet, he sighed without even making a sound.

Jian Sangyu went back to the room and put his luggage and went to the company with Xiao Wang. Zheng Shen heard Xiao Wang say that the teacher and Jian Sangyu knew each other, and directly said: "I will leave it to you when I get the job done. Let the screenwriter give you three seconds of lines."

   "..." Jian Sangyu thought for a while, and felt that she didn't seem to need these three seconds very much either.

  After all, three seconds is just a sentence.

  For a role like Lingshan, one more sentence doesn’t seem to reflect anything else. After all, it should have been, and the screenwriter had already arranged it.

Zheng Shen obviously didn't mean to ask Jian Sangyu if he wanted it. After talking about this, he turned around and asked Jian Sangyu, "When you and Xiao Ting left last time, did she tell you when to take the time to remarry with me? "

   "???" Jane Sangyu blurted out and asked: "Sister Xiao Ting said you want to remarry the director?"

   "No?" Zheng Shen scratched his head, "How do I remember she mentioned it? I called her these two days, and she was so angry that she yelled at a few words."

  (End of this chapter)

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