To Be With You Forever

Chapter 110: More pleasing to the eye

  Chapter 110 More pleasing to the eye

  After finishing speaking, Jian Sangyu felt that Gu Chen's breathing seemed to be heavier.

  It's over, the more you explain, the more angry someone looks?

   But, why?

   "Jane Sangyu."

  Gu Shen took a long breath and shouted at the extremely serious and anxious woman who explained on the phone with her first name and last name, and then said every word, "That husband, it’s me."

   "..." Jian Sangyu seemed to have lost her language ability, stuttering, "You? You? Why did you become a husband?"

  Jian Sangyu means, why did his mobile phone number become her husband in her mobile phone address book?

  She remembered that it was...

   "You made changes on your own when you went to the mall last weekend!" Jian Sangyu immediately remembered. Last weekend, Gu Chen took her mobile phone and found out her remarks to him, which seemed to have been modified by him himself?

  Jian Sangyu thought at the time that Gu Shen had changed his address book remarks to review the name Shen.

  Unexpectedly, I never thought that he turned himself into a husband?

   "If you remember correctly, didn't you call me the same way in the mall?" Gu Chen snorted, "What? It's wrong? Need I take out our marriage certificate for verification?"

"..." Jian Sangyu was stunned while sitting in the car, holding his forehead, "That's what I said, you didn't tell me what remarks you changed, I didn't know you changed it to a husband, just like I was in your phone It's the same name as Jian Sangyu, I thought you would change to look back at Shen."

   "Are you reminding me to be fair, I should change you to a wife?" Gu Chen asked very seriously, and after thinking about it for two seconds, nodded, "That's right, I'll change it right away."

What Gu Chen said was real right away. He held the phone in his hand and changed a note. It was really a matter of a few seconds. When Jian Sangyu called him, he had already clicked to finish, and then The three words Jian Sangyu were replaced by the two words wife.

   Then Gu Shen said; “Indeed, the word wife is indeed better than the three words Jane Sangyu.”

  Jiang Xing listened to him for a moment, and then he interjected a sentence, "Brother, do you think this sentence is praise? Why do I listen to it as if you dislike Sang Yu’s name?"

"To shut up!"

  "You should shut up Jiang Xing!"

  Jian Sangyu on the phone yelled at Gu Chen when Gu Chen threw those two words towards Jiang Xing.

  Jian Sangyu didn't really feel that her name was disgusted by Gu Chen at first, but after hearing Jiang Xing's mouth, she had this idea of ​​being disgusted.

  Come on, it’s useless to note how this kind of thing is entangled, Jian Sangyu asked lazily, “I have a misunderstanding, I will drag you out of the blacklist later, and what are you calling me for?”

   "Tell you, I can't go back this weekend." Gu Chen said, "Don't wait for me to go home."

   "???" Jian Sangyu's question blurted out, "Didn't you just say it when you left that morning? Why did you call me specifically? I didn't wait for you to go home."

  This time it’s Jiang Xing’s turn to help, Jian Sangyu, Jian Sangyu, don’t you understand his brother thinking she wants him to go home? At this time, why do you always explain so clearly?

Sure enough, Gu Chen's face stinks again, "When I left, I said maybe, maybe, and I didn't tell you with certainty."

Is there a difference between   ?

  Jian Sangyu muttered in her heart, anyway, she acquiesced in her heart that Gu Chen would not be able to return the news this weekend.

   "It's OK, I know now, I'll hang up when I'm fine, I'm still driving."

  Jian Sangyu hung up the phone in a hurry, then freed her husband's number from the blacklist, and then changed her husband's note back to Gu Chen.

  Husband’s remark, it's numb to look at.


     President Gu: The biggest problem in history is how to change the remarks in the daughter-in-law’s phone to her husband.

    Jian Ying Hou: Don’t, Gu Chen’s name sounds so good, I don’t dislike it at all!

     President Gu: Do you think your wife is nice or your wife is nice?

     After the movie: Who is calling?

     Chief Gu: Call you.

    Jian Ying Hou: I like your voice calling me by name and last name, sexy.

     Jiang Xing: Bah! When Gu Chen really calls you with his first name and last name, you will be stunned!

     After the movie:…

     Chief Gu: Haha.

    Jian Ying Hou: I like you not to call me, sexy.

     President Gu: I’m afraid I like it when I don’t go home, it’s sexier, right?

    Jian Ying Hou: What should I do? Suddenly I feel that Mr. Gu's words make sense, so I want to nod.


     I have personally asked about the progress of the relationship between the male and female lords, the big devil is here to say, first marriage and then love text, the relationship comes a little bit! ! !

     In fact, if you look closely, you can clearly see that the male protagonist’s feelings towards the female protagonist have changed.

     As for Jane's shadow, she is a slow-hot emotional person and because of some reasons, she is a person who does not easily hand over her feelings. Therefore, the love of Jane's shadow requires Mr. Gu to cover it bit by bit and work hard to cover it.



  (End of this chapter)

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