Lin Yi stayed in the hospital for half a month, and although the doctor hinted several times that his injuries were no longer harmed, he had no plans to leave immediately.

In the end, it was Koki Shinohara who came again and dragged Lin Yi, who was in the hospital, directly out.

"Okay, okay, don't drag, they all say that the muscles and bones are broken for a hundred days, and I am still a patient."

Lin Yi reluctantly got into the car and yawned.

Shinohara Yuki had a black line on his face, and did not argue with Lin Yi, and directly ordered the driver to drive. The young man in front of him was obviously more difficult than he thought.

The scenery outside the car window quickly receded, and this was the first time Lin Yi had seen a view of Japan since he crossed over.

It's hard to imagine what monsters lurk in high-rise buildings.

Lin Yi held his chin with one hand, opened the car window, the wind ruffled his hair, and he couldn't help but light a cigarette.

Shinohara Yuki frowned and wanted to open his mouth to stop it, but felt that the boy seemed to have something on his mind, so he didn't speak again.

"It's so deserted outside?"

Lin Yi suddenly asked for no reason.

"Of course it's deserted, but this is a district." Shinohara Yuki sighed, but looking at Lin Yi's puzzled appearance, he suddenly appeared, "Don't you know?" No wonder, otherwise how dare you appear alone in such a place in the middle of the night. "

Shinohara explained.

The whole of Japan is roughly divided into twenty-three zones, and the first zone, which is a dangerous area where many species gather and compete with each other. The species that dare to wander here are basically fierce and murderous.

In such a dangerous area, the occupancy rate is less than 20%, and almost anyone who can afford it will choose to move to another district.

"No wonder."

Lin Yi nodded, and secretly scolded the system again in his heart for being unreliable, fortunately, what he encountered that night was only an A-grade species, if he was a little back, if he met an S-class, wouldn't he be directly GG.

The destination seemed to be not far from the hospital, and Lin Yi finished smoking a cigarette, and he felt that the speed of the car gradually slowed down.


Shinohara Yuki spoke.

Lin Yi followed Shinohara Yuki's voice and entered a huge building covering a vast area and more than ten stories high.

Headquarters of the Seed Countermeasures Bureau!

"Let's go."

Looking at Lin Yi, who was stunned, Shinohara Yuki said with a smile.

The latter replied and followed Shinohara Yuki into the headquarters of the Kaoru Countermeasures Bureau, which was different from the coldness of the outside world, and the headquarters was full of people, and almost everyone was in a hurry, busy with their own affairs.

"Shinohara Ter, wait!"

"Shinohara Ter, wait!"


Shinohara Yuki led the way in front, and people kept stopping to salute him, the rank of the search officer was strict, trainee, third class, second class, first class, upper class, quasi-special class, special class.

As a special search officer, Shinohara Yuki is almost already the world's top powerhouse.

"I'll take you to a place first."

Shinohara Yuki suddenly said, Lin Yi didn't know why, but still followed.

Finally, he followed Shinohara Yuki into a research room, where researchers in white coats were constantly doing various experiments, and Lin Yi was dazzled.

"Shinohara Wait, you're here."

Lin Yi, who was looking left and right, heard the sound and saw that it was an old man with white hair who spoke, although his face was wrinkled, but the whole person was full of spirit.

"This is Professor Ji Xing A B, one of the heads of the Weapon Research Institute." Shinohara Yuki introduced.

Lin Yi followed and said hello.

"Shinohara Ter, the Cook you want is for this child, right?" Professor A Yi laughed, took out a white suitcase from behind him, and continued in his mouth, "The material you gave me this time is really a little special, if it weren't for your hurry, I still plan to study it." "

"This is not okay, after all, this is not my loot, the material this time was killed by this little friend with his bare hands."

Shinohara Koki quipped and patted Lin Yi's back.

Professor A B's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Lin Yi in surprise, "If this is the case, it is not insulting my work."

Saying that, Professor A and B directly handed the suitcase to Lin Yi.

"This is Cookin?"

Lin Yi was like a curious baby.

The so-called Cookin is a weapon made by killing the Kaoru species or taking out the Hezi of the Kaoru species, and using its Hezi to compete with the Hezi of the Kaoru species.

At CCG, there are strict restrictions on access to and use of Kuink. Only search officers of the second class or above who passed the examination could use Kuinke. The third-class search officer and the assistant search officer can only use guns and ammunition against the Turtle breed in the production type, while the lethality of the Turtle species is extremely low with thermal weapons.

And now that he has Cook Yin out of the ordinary, it is obvious that Yuki Shinohara did not bother to convince the high-level.

On the handle of the white suitcase, there was a special button, Lin Yi gently pressed the button, the suitcase opened instantly, the blood-black bullet shot out, rotated in the air, and instantly turned into a long knife in Lin Yi's hand.

The blade is blood-black and is clearly made of Hezi, while the handle and handle are made of special Cookin steel, and the strength and toughness are also top-notch.

The whole long knife is about one meter long, and its appearance is somewhat similar to the Tang knife, but it is very different.

Lin Yi held the knife in one hand and waved it twice, and the sound of breaking the air sounded, unexpectedly smooth.

"It's not that simple."

Professor A B suddenly said with a smile.

Shinohara Yuki was stunned for a moment, and asked with interest, "What else, the professor will show it quickly, don't sell it." "

Professor A Yi nodded with a smile, and under Lin Yi's surprised gaze, he took out a tube of red reagents from the laboratory next to him and said at the same time.

"I was responsible for the production of Cookyin, but for the first time I saw the dead host, but still full of activity, it gave me the feeling of being like a snake, even if it was crushed and broken, the body could still move for a long time."

Professor A and B said, reaching out to open the test tube in his hand.

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed instantly, and he shrugged the tip of his nose twice, it was blood!

He wouldn't be mistaken.

Professor A B tilted the test tube slightly, gently dripped a few drops, and the blood touched the knife body.

The next moment, a strange scene happened.

The Cook in Lin Yi's hand suddenly seemed to be alive, the blade body shook, and in his surprised gaze, wisps of tentacles like tentacles actually spread out from the knife body and swung wildly.


Shinohara Yuki was also taken aback, and for a moment he even suspected that he was facing a living seed.

The blood dripping on the knife body was quickly absorbed, and after only a few breaths, those crazy Hezi gradually calmed down and contracted back into the blade body, as if nothing had happened.


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