But today's Lu Mingfei's play is still possible.

What's more, Caesar didn't expect Lu Mingfei to help the student union, he just wanted to call it out to be good, the student union had S-class students, while the Lionheart would not.

Conversely, if the lionheart would have it, he would not, and Caesar would have felt faceless.

At the Three Gorges Reservoir, black helicopters hovered above the locks, and on the undulating water, the Moniach turned over to reveal its belly. It toppled when it fell into the water, and the part above the waterline was soaked in the icy river water. The helicopter lowered the ladder, and a slender black shadow carried the ladder down. With his back to the light, he held a black umbrella to keep out the rain.

Mance, the person in charge of this dragon slaying operation, barely glanced up at the shadow, and smiled with difficulty with a wet cigar: "Principal." "

The baby in his arms cried, and beyond that there was only a never-ending storm and no more voices from others.

Ange looked sad, and he could see that Mance was also seriously injured and could not survive.

Mance handed the baby to the principal. In the other hand, he always clutched a rope, and did not let go in a coma, and he handed the rope to the headmaster. The principal pulled the rope to lift the copper jar in the sinking water, stroked the fine lines on the surface, and chanted in a low voice.

"I think I killed Norton, the Dragon King. This copper jar was brought out of the bronze underground palace by Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji, I don't know what is inside, Norton wants to take it back, it should be of great research significance. "

Mance insisted until now, just to get the information out.

"Not the Dragon King Norton, just a Dragon Attendant, a samurai who guards the Dragon King's soul."

Ange knew very well that the real dragon king was not defeated so easily, and he carefully observed the copper jar in his hand, "This copper jar is a bone vase, or egg, and the text on it is: With my bone blood to the great Majesty Nidhogg, he is the supreme, the supreme, the most powerful, the most virtuous being, ruling the whole world with fate." This is Norton! "

"Let's go, old man."

Ange sighed and said, patted the baby in his hand, and took his little head into his arms, as if he liked Ange very much, the key stopped crying at once, drilled into a comfortable position, and fell asleep sweetly.


Throughout the day, the atmosphere of the academy was a little depressed, Lin Yi didn't go anywhere today, even the meal was ordered to takeaway, but the takeaway service of Kassel Academy was indeed first-class, sitting on the chair and quietly looking at Lin Yi who had a complete understanding of alchemy, raised his eyes slightly, and he heard the notebook next to the bed clanging.

Placed the page bookmark casually, Lin Yi closed the book and put it away, reading a book became one of his favorite ways to relax, sliding the mouse, Lin Yi opened a new email, after entering the eye, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Dear Mr. Lin Yi,

Our Student Council President, Caesar Gattuso, solemnly invites you to the evening dinner and social dance at Amber Pavilion this evening at 18:00, where the Student Union is attending a group to pay tribute to the rare S-class students at Kassel College in several years, and Caesar Gattuso looks forward to speaking with you privately.

Please wear formal attire, your sincerest friend and foe, Caesar Gattuso.

"Do you want to find out how clear, friend... The enemy..." Lin Yi shook his head funny, "But idle and boring is also boring. "

Lin Yi did not refuse, because he took advantage of this opportunity to make an appointment with his dance partner, Susie.

He just lacked a reason and asked her out.

As night falls, Amber Hall lights up, and the lights are brilliant when viewed through those huge floor-to-ceiling windows. It is a villa building with a Gothic spire, a roof covered with crimson tiles and walls clad in granite from India. Student union officials dressed in black dresses and white handkerchiefs or crimson roses in their jacket pockets stood at the bottom of the corridor to welcome guests.

But when he came here, Lin Yi regretted it, because Caesar invited not only him, but also Lu Mingfei and Sugel.

The two came to find themselves because they did not have formal clothes, and Lin Yi was forced to borrow the two of them.

Even if the dress is expensive, it is a little ill-fitting when worn on both of them.

"I'm a mother! Caesar lived alone in enough house for a hundred of us, right? Lu Mingfei hid in the distant bushes and marveled, "Capitalist society is really cannibalism."

"Actually, Caesar didn't always live here, he rented it as a place for student council activities, he didn't have to pay rent before, and he won the right to use Norton Hall every year... Now Norton is yours. Fingal was dressed in a black formal suit. He is actually a tall guy, but his soul is a little lewd, so he wears shoulders and long arms, plus German-style gray eyebrows and gray eyes, and then tied his messy hair behind his head with a small braid, revealing a somewhat handsome forehead, standing behind Lu Mingfei like a bodyguard.

"I said, Brother Lin, is there a brooch, borrow me another one."

Sugel raised his eyebrows at Lin Yi and danced. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Yi rolled his eyes and tried to stand as far away as possible from the two fools.

The reporter guarding the door of the Amber Pavilion clicked the camera, and the focus of magnesium light and eyes was a pickup truck that was reversing towards the main entrance of the Amber Pavilion, and I didn't know what it was carrying, and it was covered with a thick tarp. The tarpaulin was slammed open by the student union officers, and a bright red like a waterfall flowed down from the pickup warehouse, and under the gloomy sky, a bright color looked thrilling.

It was thousands of roses, freshly picked, carrying fresh dew and sprinkling in front of Amber Hall like a river.

This is very much in line with Caesar's character, flamboyant and pompous.

Lin Yi saw a (good Zhao) little girl at the door, it was Susie who arrived as promised, a dark purple dress, a small shirt of moon-white silk, purple stockings, a full set of gold and amethyst custom jewelry, dark red hair neatly combed, and ten centimeters high Mary Jane high heels.

"It's beautiful today."

"I beg you to spare me."

Susie sighed, she, as a member of the Lionheart Club, actually came to participate in the student council party, just now, along the way, I don't know how many people, stared at her.

I'm afraid I'm going to think of her as a spy.

"We are going to the appointment, what are we afraid of." Lin Yi rushed at Susie's deep right hand, and the latter helplessly took it.

Lin Yi suddenly heard the powerful applause of Qingxiang. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Caesar, dressed in a white formal suit, standing at the end of the corridor, his hair shining like gold, the lace scarf on his neckline inlaid with rhinestones, and a grim smile on the corner of his mouth.


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