Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 402 Spring Work

This spring, in addition to spring plowing, intensifying iron ore mining, and casting more iron weapons, their main tasks during the Great Zhou Dynasty were to continue recruiting and training soldiers, and at the same time capture more wild horses and tame them into suitable war horses.

Although the previous news made Zhou Xu realize that there were other enemies of the lizard people on the opposite continent, this news also gave Zhou Xu a new understanding of the strength of the lizard people.

You know, whether the lizard people were in a 'one-on-one' state or a 'one-on-two' state, the situation was completely different.

Now the facts have proved that the lizard people are probably 'one to two'.

This showed that the other party's true strength was far stronger than he had previously expected.

In view of this situation, Zhou Xu undoubtedly needs more troops to ensure that they, the Great Zhou Dynasty, have the power to protect themselves in the next battle.

For now, as long as Zhou Xu doesn't worry about the labor force, conscription will be a piece of cake.

After a winter, the captives captured from the mountains were already enjoying themselves here.

Some prisoners even felt that they would live a better life than before as a hard laborer here for the rest of their lives.

After all, the living conditions here in Da Zhou are very different from other primitive tribes in this era.

Under this premise, the previous recruitment campaign also made these newly captured prisoners realize that there is still a way to become soldiers.

However, no matter from which point of view, it was impossible for Zhou Xu at that time to recruit the newly captured batch of prisoners as soldiers.

The previous conscriptions were mainly based on the citizens of their Great Zhou Dynasty, as well as Li Tie and other prisoners who had been collected earlier.

Now, this part of the army has been recruited almost, and in one winter, the life of Dazhou with food, shelter and clothing is enough to make these prisoners forget what they did before.

Of course, the more important reason is that if he does not relax the scope of conscription, he will not be able to recruit more soldiers.

Based on this premise, when the latest conscription order was issued, the scope of conscription was directly expanded to the first two batches of prisoners collected in the previous winter.

However, the number of conscripts this time will be slightly reduced. After all, a lot of soldiers have been recruited before, and now they are in need of labor.

If all these people become soldiers, who will do the rest of the work?

In this way, according to Zhou Xu's thoughts, he plans to recruit two more troops in succession.

We will conscript once now, and then again in early summer, with thirty people at each time. We will talk about the rest later.

After letting the 'messenger' leave with the conscription order, Zhou Xu stretched his muscles a little and dropped his gaze on the last roll of animal skins in front of the table.

"That's the last report for the day."

While muttering to himself, Zhou Xu took the roll of animal skin in front of his eyes and spread it out.

At this moment, he was reviewing these work reports. It was not so much that he felt strenuous because of the heavy workload, but rather that it was strenuous to read these guys' oracle-like handwriting.

This is a report written by Wang Dashi, the current minister of the Ministry of Construction Engineering. To put it simply, it is an application for the mobilization and transportation of material resources.

Because according to the new tasks he assigned to the engineering team after the beginning of spring, in the new year, the engineering team would have to go to the two hills they had just conquered in winter to work on the construction of new villages.

A lot of materials and transportation capacity need to be mobilized during this period, and applications must be made.

After reading it again, Zhou Xu, who felt that there was nothing wrong with it, approved it directly.

After approving the last work report, Zhou Xu didn't have any free time today, so he got up and walked outside.

"I'll go back to Black Moon Village. You tell Jinghong."

Ever since Li Ce went to the garrison camp on the border, Ye Jinghong's workload in Prairie Village has obviously begun to increase.

In the past, he only had to be responsible for some daily affairs in Prairie Village, but now, the subsequent training of recruits sent to Prairie Village also fell on his head.

In addition, catching wild horses on the grassland was something that Li Ce and others had done during training, but now he needed to arrange it.

This resulted in Ye Jinghong being so busy every day these days that no one was seen.

Zhou Xu didn't have time to look for him. After talking to the guards guarding the village, he rode directly back to Black Moon Village.

The first thing he did when he returned to Black Moon Village was to rush to the equipment research and development department.

The head of the equipment department is Zhuang Mengdie, but you must know that the scope of 'equipment' is actually very wide.

Therefore, under the equipment department, various branch departments have been born according to different needs.

The reason Zhou Xu came here now was not because Zhuang Mengdie had developed any new weapons.

At this point in time, Zhuang Mengdie is still busy making a three-bow bed crossbow, and has no spare time to develop any new weapons.

Walking into the open-air testing field of the Equipment Department, I saw a corner of the field filled with all kinds of sand and dust. Several figures were there, holding a big wooden stick and stirring it on the ground. They didn't notice Zhou Xu's approach.

"Here, add some water, that's enough!"

Amidst the shouting, the young man gritted his teeth and continued to stir while sweating profusely.

Today alone, he has been messing around here for most of the day. Although he took turns to rest in the middle, he is still so tired that he is about to die.

"Let me do it."

Hearing this, the young man took a long breath, and then handed over the wooden stick in his hand out of habit.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Until the figure who reached out to take the stick walked past and started to stir up the pile of mud-like things. The expressions of the three members who saw the figure changed instantly.


At that moment, the young man who handed the stick to Zhou Xu felt dizzy.

[Holy shit, what did I do? I actually let the king do the work? ! 】

Although Zhou Xu took the initiative to take the stick when he saw that he was extremely tired, to the young man, he still felt that he was crazy.

My brain lost the ability to think for a while, and then my first reaction was to quickly get the stick back.

But was stopped by Zhou Xu.

"Okay, don't make a fuss. I asked you to give me the stick. When doing the experiment, concentrate on it."

Almost as Zhou Xu spoke, the grayish mud in front of him became thicker and thicker as he stirred it.

"Okay, just stir it up to this level."

Several members of the Equipment Department who saw this scene became energetic.

"Your Majesty, leave the rest to us."

After hearing this, Zhou Xu had no intention of insisting on working. He rode a horse all the way from Prairie Village to here. Without even taking a breath, he went straight to the open-air testing ground here. His condition was also... Not much better.

The three members of the Equipment Department, who took the wooden stick from Zhou Xu's hand and seemed to have seen the results, maintained their excitement, took a part of the mud, and then directly paste it on the gravel paved aside, and then used another piece as a Use the wooden board of the tool to smooth the mud as evenly as possible.

Needless to say, what they are studying right now is the thing called 'cement'.

Update sent, thanks to book friends ‘Eternal Star-Da’ and ‘Leonardo D Xinhan’ for their tips

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