Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 379 Paying Wages

The working situation here can be summarized in one sentence: they work from morning to night, get up at dawn to work, go home to sleep at night, and have a two-hour lunch break at noon.

For the human villagers, they have no objection at all, and even think that their current life is too good.

But for the prairie elves, that may not be the case.

Excluding necessary work such as obtaining food, the workload of a human villager here in one day is estimated to be enough for a prairie elf to work for a week.

In the process of previous contact and understanding, Zhou Xu had already known the living habits of these grassland elves.

Unlike the captured prisoners, for this group of grassland elves, if he demands them based on the requirements of human villagers from the beginning, it will only cause more trouble for himself.

So Zhou Xu also greeted Zhang Xiaoshan and Li Shitou as the village chiefs early, telling them that after arranging corresponding work for these prairie elves, they would not need to worry about them. Their work efficiency and There are no workload requirements.

In fact, they have no requirements on work efficiency and workload, but if you keep complaining while working, someone will definitely say a few words.

This is because their labor force is relatively tight. Once you finish the job at hand, there will always be the next job waiting for you to do.

However, the grassland elves are in a special situation and naturally require some special treatment...

"Wang Xiaohua, we have completed forty-seven weaving jobs, and our monthly salary is ninety-four cents..."

At the weaving factory, in order to facilitate statistics and calculations, jobs are calculated one by one. When paying wages, they will report how much work the other party has completed this month, how much wages they have paid, and how much work they have done. Work, how much salary you get, the main thing is to have a reasonable basis.

At the end of every month, under the efficient work of Mr. Wang Dongwang, who had to be a guest accountant, the wages of the human employees were quickly distributed, and then it was the turn of the prairie elves who were also waiting there.

"Williams, eleven weaving jobs completed, wages twenty-two pence."

The previous human employees had at least seventy or eighty cents, but when they arrived at the prairie elves, their fortunes plummeted instantly.

A comparison between before and after made the faces of the grassland elves show a hint of embarrassment.

They are a proud race at heart and always have a strong competitive spirit.

But for now, they have no intention of comparing work with humans. That kind of working state is too abnormal in their opinion. Prairie elves who like to enjoy life do not like to make themselves too tired.

Seeing the carelessness on the faces of the grassland elves after the embarrassment, Wang Dong coughed twice and emphasized...

"Here I would like to remind you, as prairie elves, that because you have not officially received your salary before, we have provided you with the minimum housing and two meals a day out of humanitarianism. These are all advanced to you. , in other words, you all need to repay it in the future.”

"The form of repayment will be based on the premise that you meet the most basic living security every month, and the excess salary will be deducted to repay the debt until the debt is paid off."

"But since your salary this month cannot even meet the most basic living security, there will be no deductions this month."

At this point, Wang Dong, who was worried that these grassland elves were not good at math, gave a kind reminder.

"Finally, I would like to remind you that there are basically thirty days in a month. According to your income this month, even if you eat the cheapest 'relief meal' that costs a penny per meal in the canteen, if you only eat one meal a day, I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat it for a month, so you can take care of yourself.”

While giving a friendly reminder, Wang Dong quickly paid his salary, turned around and left.

His finances are not only in charge of Salt Lake Village, but also of Black Moon Village.

After all, he is the only person here who can both settle accounts and keep accounts.

So now he basically maintains a state of being in Salt Lake Village in the morning and Black Moon Village in the afternoon.

If it weren't for the fact that Huangshan Village was too far away, Zhou Xu would have wanted Wang Dong to do the financial work there.

At that time, Wang Dong rolled his eyes.

Their leader really has a way of arranging things for people.

During this period, looking at Wang Dong's hurried away figure, the prairie elves, who had never studied mathematics before, obviously did not realize the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

Until the copper bell rang to notify them that it was time for meal, they poured into the canteen as always, and then queued up at their window to wait for their meal.

As a result, this time, the prepared meals were not directly served to them. The staff who prepared the meals only glanced at them.

"What to eat?"

The prairie elf who heard this question was stunned for a moment, then looked at the basins of fragrant food, swallowed his saliva, and then ordered four dishes at once according to his own preferences.

The cook didn't think much about it and just served it to them. He even asked a question later.

"anything else?"


After receiving this answer, the cook stretched out his hand towards the prairie elf.

"Three pennies."


This situation, which had never happened before, completely confused the prairie elf.

They came here to eat, but the cook didn't ask them whether they wanted to eat or not. He quickly packed the food and handed it to them. As soon as they took their plates, they were ready to leave.

The cook saw that the prairie elf was stunned and explained directly.

"You had no money before, so the finance department helped you pay for your meals. Now that you are paid, from now on, you have to pay for your meals here."

Having said this, the cook quickly urged me.

"Three pennies, hurry up, we're still waiting for you later."

The sudden situation caused the prairie elf to lose his mind. Fortunately, he still knew what three pennies were.

While the prairie elf in front was immersed in taking out the three cents, the minds of the prairie elves in the back were racing, and at the same time, what Wang Dong had said to them before came to mind.

Before, they only thought that Wang Dong's words were incomprehensible, but now after sorting out their thoughts, everything was really clear!

This also made many prairie elves realize at the first moment that based on the wages they currently receive, they simply cannot maintain a life of two meals a day until the next paycheck!

Just as they were thinking this, the big bastard who spent three cents of his limited salary on a meal had already left with his dinner plate.

Looking at the next prairie elf, the cook still had the same problem as before.

"What to eat?"

Faced with this problem, the prairie elf's mind was spinning rapidly, and at the same time he recalled something that Wang Dong had mentioned before.

"Relief meal, is there a relief meal?"

"Yes, one penny each. How about one?"

"Have some!"

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