Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 290 Good Teacher

Although Zhou Xu hadn't fought against the grassland elves, Drogo had.

Simple judgment, the strength of the grassland elves can at least rival the previous centaur clan.

The joining of the prairie elves is undoubtedly a powerful boost for them!

"Then let's discuss how to deal with those lizardmen next."

Having said that, Zhou Xu paused.

"I first need to confirm one thing, will the energy channel be opened multiple times? Is there a pattern?"

Zhou Xu's question was obviously for Drogo, but it was Slavin who spoke first.

"Let me answer this question. I should know more comprehensively than Chief Drogo."

Hearing this, Drogo, who was about to speak at that time, frowned slightly, with obvious displeasure on his face, but considering the situation in front of him, he forcibly endured it.

At the same time, Zhou Xu, who had a panoramic view of the reactions from both sides, knew it well.

【I see. 】

At that moment, invisible arrogance was revealed from Slavin's words.

Looking at him before, every move and every move was polite. In fact, judging from that sentence alone, there was nothing wrong with it, but combined with Slavin's voice response at the time, even rough old men like Drogo would be afraid. I can feel that I am being looked down upon.

Zhou Xu didn't think the other party did it on purpose, but sometimes, it was not intentional, but it was even more irritating.

Slavin really felt that he knew more, and felt that this was a matter of course. In the end, I am afraid that it was indeed the case. This is the most annoying thing...

Of course, Zhou Xu doesn't care about this now. With the enemy at hand, these issues have to be put aside.

As for Slavin, he didn't seem to notice the change in Drogo's expression at all, and started talking on his own.

"According to the understanding of our ancestors, the energy channel will be opened many times, but there is no law. As long as the two worlds are close to a certain level, the energy fields between each other will start to entangle each other. There is a probability that an energy channel will form, and the closer the two worlds are, the higher the frequency of energy channels will appear."

Zhou Xu didn't doubt Slavin's answer.

In his opinion, it is normal for elves to live long and know a lot.

But this answer made his heart sink.

Originally, the lizardmen who poured into this world through the energy channel, considering the worst situation, killed all of them, and the matter was resolved.

But if this energy channel is opened every now and then, then this solution will undoubtedly not work.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu felt like his head swelled up, as if seeing an uneasy future.

However, the head is big and the head is big, and the ability to think has not been affected by it.

"Patriarch Slavin, did you just say that the two worlds are getting closer?"

"To be precise, it can't be said that there are two worlds, it should be two world fragments."

"World Fragment?"


Slavin nodded.

"According to the information handed down by our ancestors, the whole world collapsed during the war. The world we are in now is actually just a small fragment of the original world."

The information provided by Slavin surprised Zhou Xu.

According to his modern way of thinking, he would instinctively think that he was standing on a planet.

And considering that this is a world with magical elements, Zhou Xu occasionally has other guesses.

But no matter how he guessed, it was impossible for him to guess that he was actually staying on a piece of debris!

On the other hand, Slavin, the subtle color that flashed in his eyes showed that he enjoyed Zhou Xu's surprise very much.

"What will happen when the two world fragments get close?"

Between questioning and answering, Zhou Xu could see that Slavin, to put it bluntly, was a good teacher, liked to give advice to others, and developed a sense of superiority in the process.

Zhou Xu didn't care about this, and simply followed the other party, making a 'study' attitude, frantically extracting the information he wanted to know from his mouth.

"The world is originally one, and there is mutual attraction between fragments and fragments. After the distance is shortened to a certain extent, the power contained in the world fragments will pull the two world fragments closer together, and finally merge into one one."

For Zhou Xu, this information can be said to be extremely valuable, and it has greatly improved his understanding of the world.

But at the same time, the trouble they were about to face became even more difficult.

Because in this way, once the fragments of the two worlds merge into one, the lizardmen from another world will become their inevitable enemy!

After Slavin proudly showed off his profound knowledge, he looked at Zhou Xu whose expression became serious, and he quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

From what Elder Kelan said just now, it is not difficult to hear that this lizardman is definitely not a weak race, and the existence of the other party is even older than their elves.

This alone is enough to make Slavin put away his arrogance.

"We have to figure out the size of the lizardmen first, and it's best to figure out the specific configuration of the opposing troops."

The two armies are at war, which is undoubtedly the basis. If they don't even know the size of the enemy army, how should they formulate a strategy?

Should they gather their forces and take the initiative to attack? Or retreat to defend?

With this question raised, Drogo finally had a chance to speak.

"At that time, there were at least hundreds of lizardmen chasing us in the opposite world. As for how many chased us, I don't know. I couldn't stay there to confirm the number. If we did that, we probably wouldn't be able to leave. .”

What Drogo said was not a joke at all.

"The monster with two legs can run very fast, and it can move extremely flexibly..."

"Of course it's not slow, it's Athlon."

Drogo was only in the middle of speaking, and Elder Kelan woke up at some point, calling out the opponent's name with a serious face.

"That's the lizard man's velociraptor cavalry. It has well-developed hind limbs and runs on two legs, but it is fast. While being extremely flexible, it can also adapt to various complex terrain environments. The velociraptor can move freely in rainforests, mountains, and the only one. Shortcomings. Shortcomings... Hulululu..."


Elder Kelan woke up suddenly, and fell asleep even more suddenly.

Slavin and Zhou Xu, who looked maddened, were left behind.

At this moment, even Slavin, who had always been very calm, felt the urge to forcibly shake Elder Kelan awake.

Get up, get up and finish talking! What are their shortcomings? ! !

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