Great army direction.

Liu Jing and the rest of the princes were approaching Chaohu Pass.

Yuan Shao and the others were overjoyed, smiling continuously along the way.

First, because he became the leader of the alliance, and secondly, Sun Jian was brave, maybe he could easily break through the tiger prison.

At this time, Liu Jing seemed like an outsider.

And all the princes, as if they were not all the way.

This is also because the matter of the Yan King Mansion at the beginning, as well as his prince, was not recognized by everyone.

This is because the family looks down on Hanmen, and it has little to do with Liu Jing’s battle exploits.

“Your Highness, are you so calm?”

Instead, Cao Cao was anxious for King Yan.

In this way, after the rebellion of Dong Zhuo is calmed, the title of King of Yan will definitely be stripped away.

“Don’t worry.”

Liu Jing waved his hand.

Cao Cao was worried that he didn’t know why, but if he wanted to remove him as a prince, he first had to ask Youzhou Jun if he would agree.

What’s more, is it really so easy to eliminate Dong Zhuo?

This tiger prison is just the beginning, and the powerful ones are behind.

“Hua Xiong has not yet appeared, and it is still too early to break through.”

Liu Jing muttered.


Cao Cao was stunned, and he vaguely heard His Highness’s whisper.

“Nothing, peace of mind.”

Liu Jing waved his hand.

At that time, a sound of fast horses came, and then Sun Jian was seen returning with the Changsha army.

And the formation is messy, it seems that the battle has just been lost.

Seeing this, Yuan Shao was stunned for a moment, and Kong Rong, Kong You and the others were also taken aback.

Sun Jian is a martial general, and he came from Changsha to attack all the way, how could he lose so quickly?

“General Sun, what’s going on?”

The smile on Yuan Shao’s face disappeared, and he asked busily.

Sun Jian was out of breath, and there were holes in his armor, which made him look a little embarrassed.

“The guard of the tiger prison will be named Huaxiong, and this fight is good.”

Although it was not shameful, he still said it truthfully.

It turned out that after Cheng Pu’s defeat, he successively sent many military generals.

were easily killed by Hua Xiong, and in the end, he almost died when he played in person.

If Sun Ce hadn’t blocked Hua Xiong’s blow, he might have been in a different place.

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Shao and the others looked at each other.

Who would have thought that in Dong Zhuo’s hands, there would be such a figure?

Cao Cao’s expression was the most shocked, because this name was not the name that His Highness said when he was talking to himself before?

“Could it be that His Highness even expected this person in advance?”

He only felt a chill in his back.

For a while, he was even more in awe of King Yan.

“All the princes, who wants to meet Nahuaxiong for a while?”

Yuan Shao scanned the princes and asked.

“The last will dare!”

At present, there are many military generals of the princes.

For example, Pan Feng under Han Fu, or Yu Shu and others.

“Okay, prepare the send-off wine!”

Yuan Shao ordered.

Eighteen Route Princes, could it be that there is no opponent without Hua Xiong in their hands?

Pan Feng drank alcohol, carried the weapon in his hand, and led the army to fight.

“Admiral Pan Feng?”

Liu Jing, who was watching, shook his head with a smile.

Cao Cao looked towards Zhao Yun and the others, with Zhao Yun’s skills, he must be able to deal with that Huaxiong, right?

However, King Yan did not take the initiative to mention this matter, and it was not easy for him to introduce it.

Believe that King Yan should have his own arrangements.

Soon, a dramatic scene happened.

The martial generals sent out were beheaded one after another, even the boasted powerful general Pan Feng.

For a while, the Chinese army tent was silent, and all the princes were like death.

“It’s all a slash?”

Yuan Shao’s voice trembled a little.


Scout replied truthfully.

Then Pan Feng and Yu Shu are not ordinary generals, if neither of them can do it, there are really not many people.

“It’s a pity, I already knew that I should have come with Wen Ug.”

Yuan Shao sighed.

Na Yan Liangwen was not in the expedition, but was stationed in the area of Jizhou and Bohai County.

After sighing, Yuan Shao’s gaze looked at King Yan.

When King Yan was in the Yellow Turban Army Rebellion, he could be said to have fought bravely.

It is better to send him forward, if you kill Hua Xiong, everyone will be happy.

If not, you can also take the opportunity to get rid of this person.

Thinking about it, Yuan Shao’s eyes became a little gloomy.

Liu Jing knew what Yuan Shao was thinking just by glancing at it.

“Dare to kill King Ben.”

He muttered, his eyes meaningful.

“Second brother, are you sure to deal with that Huaxiong?”

Liu Bei, who was behind Gongsun Zhan, asked Guan Yu in a low voice.


Guan Yu stroked his long red beard and replied.

He has this confidence and that pride.

“Alliance master, the second brother is also an extraordinary martial artist, it is better to let him give it a try!”

Liu Bei was introduced.

Gongsun Zhan’s brows furrowed for a moment, because Liu Bei had not asked him.

As for Liu Bei’s idea, it is also very simple, if the second brother can succeed, he will definitely be able to make him famous.

In addition, it can also deter King Yan and let the other party know that he has a general in his hands.


Yuan Shao was helpless, and only put away his careful thoughts.

“In that case, let him give it a try.”

He habitually prepares Zhuangxing wine.

“Wait until Hua Xiong is chopped, come back and drink.”

Guan Yu tilted his head and said arrogantly.

After saying that, he walked directly out of the camp tent with the Green Dragon Moon Knife.

“Alas, it’s a pity that this time the opportunity is the second brother’s.”

Zhang Fei said with some regret.

“That red-faced man is also a nobody, can he really deal with Hua Xiong?”

Cao Cao was a little worried.

“There are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the mountains.”

Liu Jing patted Cao Cao on the shoulder and said.

Hua Xiong is just a small character, just let Guan Yu go.

The real difficulty was Lü Bu after that.

So at this time, there is no need to expose the strength of Zhao Yun and others.

Moreover, he didn’t want to deliberately kill a martial general who didn’t have much ability in order to play prestige.

And let Liu Bei have a will, and he will cry later.

The rest of the princes continued to think about other candidates, and no one thought that Guan Yu could succeed.

Who would have thought that it would take less than a moment’s effort.

When I heard the war drums outside the account, Guan Yu, who was covered in blood, returned with the Green Dragon Moon Knife.

In his hand, he still grabbed Hua Xiong’s head.


Yuan Shao’s body shook, and he couldn’t help but shout.

Liu Bei was also overjoyed, and looked at King Yan who had provoked many times.

That look seems to say again, I have Admiral Guan Yu in my hand, King Yan, you have to be careful.

Moreover, King Yan can obtain a king by virtue of his battle merits, then he Liu Bei can also do it.

Coupled with the fabricated King Jing of Zhongshan, it is more likely to be rewarded by the king.

Liu Jing glanced lightly, and Liu Bei subconsciously shivered, and actually looked away in fear.

“This guy also has a feud with King Yan, I’m afraid it will be useful in the future.”

Yuan Shao remembered the matter of King Yan’s Mansion.

Sun Jian, Gongsun Zan and the others were in shock.

That Huaxiong was already amazing, and now he was killed by a nameless person.

Since this red-faced big man is skillful, presumably that black-faced big man is not simple, right?

“Since you have broken the Tiger Pass, prepare to attack Luoyang.”

At this time, Liu Jing finally said his first words.

“What King Yan said is that the fighter plane must not be delayed.”

Yuan Shao put away his thoughts and directly gave the marching order.

During this march, he talked with Liu Bei many times.

Liu Bei also left Gongsun Zhan’s queue and went to talk and laugh with Yuan Shao.

Doing this made Gongsun Zan a little disgusted, especially Liu Bei hiding his things about Guan Yu.

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