This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 175 The Joy of the Collector [Matter Reorganization Maker] (Sorry, sorry, it's late aga

"There are so many things I've touched, it's nothing." Li Ming waved his hand, "Which one do you want me to repair? Or all of them?"

Ulrich's eyes flickered, "Then I'll repair all of them."

Li Ming was a little surprised, and after a moment of calculation, he said, "This eight-tone ball is not easy to repair, and dream alloy is extremely rare."

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"No problem, I have it." Ulrich said immediately, "Your Excellency can just name a price."

"Hmm..." Li Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, "If you provide the materials, these three things add up to 100 million."

"100 million star coins?" Huo Tan couldn't help it: "Your price is too high. My master has provided the materials."

"Materials are nothing." Li Ming said nonchalantly: "The most important thing is technology. There are only a handful of people who still master the sound cavity resonance source flow technology of the eight-tone ball."

"That's the price." Ulrich didn't bargain. "How many days do you need?"

"It may take a little longer, about ten days." Li Ming pondered for a while.

"Ten days?" Ulrich was stunned again, and then nodded, "Okay, I'll come to you in ten days, and the materials will be delivered soon."

He was resolute and left after putting down the things.

After leaving the door, Huo Tan couldn't help but ask: "Master, do you trust him so much?"

"Didn't you bring me to see him?" Ulrich said: "Why don't you have confidence in him?"

"I just thought that this is a talent, let's see if I can use him for my own benefit." Huo Tan explained, "But he seems to have surprised you, which makes me feel uneasy."

"Yes, if he can really fix it, I can be considered to have picked up a treasure." Ulrich clenched his palms and then opened them.

"But what if he can't fix it?" Huo Tan couldn't help asking again.

"Can't fix it?" Ulrich smiled slightly and didn't speak.


"Just throw the things here, and don't worry about running away. This is the confidence of a level A life form." Li Ming looked at the items in front of him and called Ya Luo again, "Close the store for a few days."

"Ah?" Ya Luo couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong?"

This business is booming, why is it suddenly closed?

"There is a big business." Li Ming did not explain too much. The original idea of ​​opening this repair shop was to catch the big fish Ulrich.

Now that the big fish has been hooked, there is no need to open the shop.

"Okay." Ya Luo left without knowing why.

Li Ming looked at the things in front of him and thought: "Dealing with Ulrich is like seeking the skin of a tiger. After all, the other party is an A-level life form, leaving me little room for maneuver."

"But in the initial contact, he and Ya Luo said similarly, generally not using violence as the first means."

"However, with this favorable wind, the Star Hunter can do nothing to me, and even get some wool from him. He can be called a collector... Tsk..."

He roughly sorted out his thoughts.

Of course, he dared to catch the big fish Ulrich, not relying on Ya Luo's hearsay of the collector.


[Thermonuclear Fusion Bomb-Consumables: Powerful Bombs.

Control Conditions: 1.5 million metal energy.

Control effect - Thermonuclear reaction: Temporarily upgrade to Class B life form and gain 1000% fire element blessing. 】

This is the trump card he bought on the black hole network after arriving at this floating island, and it is worth 70 million.

The little metal energy left on his body was all invested in this thing.

This is his reliance. Once he gets out of control, there is still room for maneuver.


The closure of the store caused quite a stir. Good mechanics are very rare in the Land of Stars, and three of them were cleared out by Li Ming, leaving even less room for choice.

Many interstellar villains who came here for the sake of fame gathered at the door of the store, making noise and even attracting the attention of the island guards, who forcibly expelled them.

This surprised many people secretly. There were conflicts on the street, and Ulrich's guards did not react so quickly.

This unusual performance is worth pondering.

Ten days passed in a flash.

That day, Yaluo and Kai were bored. Kai had almost gotten used to this kind of life and even felt it was pretty good, which made him often scold himself.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang, and Yaluo raised his eyebrows. Since the last time Ulrich's guards came, no one dared to knock on the door for a long time.

"Who is it?" He opened the door and looked, a little hesitant, and recognized the other party.

It was the last business that Li Ming did before closing the store. Li Ming also told him that if these two people came, let them in.

"So it's you two, please come in." Yaluo turned sideways, and Ulrich nodded, "Where's the boss?"

"He went out and hasn't come back yet." Yaluo explained.

"Going out?" Huo Tan's heart tightened slightly. The guards who were secretly monitoring didn't report anything?

Ulrich didn't care, "Then wait for him for a while."

The two sat down, and Kai stood in the corner. He thought it was nothing for him, but he didn't understand why one of them kept looking at him.

Suddenly, Ulrich spoke up: "I have a little hobby. I like to collect interesting little things. I wonder if you two have any."

Yaro was slightly stunned. "Little things? What do you mean?"

Kai walked to the left and found that the other party's eyes were always following him. Then he realized that the other party was talking to him.

Yaluo also reacted, looked at Kai, then looked at Ulrich, and then looked at Kai again.

Suddenly he took a breath and took two steps back, with a storm in his heart.

He was not stupid, and was even smart. He had guessed the other party's identity, Ulrich!

He swallowed hard. What was Li Ming doing?

Did he know that the other party was Ulrich? He should... know, right?

"People like you should have them all." Ulrich added. Kai's reaction was a little slow, but he also understood and looked at Yaluo cautiously: "I don't have them."

"No..." Ulrich was a little disappointed and added,

"I am willing to pay a high price, no matter what it is, especially the kind that you don't know what it is used for, but your family forced it on you when you escaped, and told you that people can die, but things can't be lost."

Kai was stunned, and the golden vertical pupil appeared in his mind. How could it be exactly the same as what his father told him.

"Really?" Ulrich was a little interested again.

Yaro saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly said: "Sir."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt an invisible force pressing on him, making him unable to say anything, and his heart couldn't help but feel cold.

"You two are early." The door opened and Li Ming walked in. Ulrich paused, and Yaluo felt that the pressure on his body disappeared without a trace.

"I can't wait." Ulrich looked at the box in Li Ming's hand.

"Haha... Don't worry." Li Ming closed the door casually. Yaluo was terrified, fearing that Ulrich would crush them to death the next moment.

He threw the box on the table and opened it casually. Three items that had already been renewed were placed in front of Ulrich.

Ulrich's eyes suddenly became hot, as if he had forgotten everyone. He picked up the silver ball in the center and tapped it lightly.

Soft sound waves rippled out from it, gently brushing everyone's ears. The sound was ethereal, as if it came from the depths of the universe.

Ulrich's arms trembled slightly, and he slowly closed his eyes, "Seven hundred and fifty-six years ago, this eight-tone ball was placed at the head of my bed."

This guy is more than seven hundred years old? He can really live...

Li Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, and then listened to him continue.

"I have successively found three great mechanics, and they can't guarantee that they can fix it."

What the hell? Yaluo, who was immersed in the music, was suddenly pulled back to reality by this sentence.

The great mechanic can't fix it? But Li Ming can fix it? ?

Li Ming is better than the master mechanic?

Kai looked surprised, his throat rolling, this guy turned out to be a master mechanic, he had speculated on the identities of the two more than once during this period.

But he didn't have a smart terminal, so he couldn't find any information.

He only knew that the other party was an extremely powerful B-level life form, but he didn't expect that he was also a master mechanic.

Even in their judge civilization, his father had to treat a master mechanic with courtesy.

After a moment, Collection looked at it carefully again, his eyes more and more amazed, "It's really a perfect craftsmanship, I even suspect that you created another one out of thin air, but this is impossible."

"I really can't see any signs of maintenance, how did you do it?"

He couldn't help asking, Li Ming smiled lightly, "Guest, every mechanic has his own specialty."

Ulrich laughed, "Yes, although I know a little about mechanics, I don't know much, even if you say it, I can't understand it."

After checking the remaining two things, they were very perfect, and there was no sign of maintenance.

Ulrich thought for a long time before he came up with an adjective - "Just like coming off the assembly line."

"One hundred million star coins, I'll transfer it to you right away." Ulrich paid the bill on the spot, and Li Ming smiled.

Counting this money, plus the remaining materials, he has earned about 1.2 million metal energy from this business. Adding the accumulation of the previous half a month, he has already earned 2 million metal energy.

"Looking forward to cooperating with you next time. It's rare to see such a wealthy person." Li Ming stretched out his hand, and Ya Luo's cheek twitched wildly.

"No need for next time, this time will do." Ulrich raised his hand, and Huo Tan behind him put the suitcase in his hand on the table.

After multiple verifications and slowly opening it, what appeared in front of Li Ming was a fist-sized square broken metal block, which was bright blue and shiny, and seemed to have nothing special.

"What is this?" Li Ming was surprised.

"Would you like to take a look?" Ulrich stretched out his hand.

Li Ming walked forward, picked it up, and a flash of horror flashed across his eyes--

[Matter Reorganization Maker-A-level (broken): The core weapon from the Patriel civilization, with unpredictable power.

Control conditions: 10 million metal energy

Control effect: Characteristics--Legion

Control ability-Material Reorganization: Only drawings and materials or metal energy are needed to produce finished products. Note (due to severe damage, large items cannot be produced.)]

There is such a thing! ?

10 million metal energy, the top A-level control object, but this is still in a severely damaged state, what if it is intact?

The control effect even showed a "characteristic" that had never been seen before.

Li Ming was shocked, causing his face to be really tense.

"You really recognized it." Ulrich was very satisfied with Li Ming's reaction.

"This thing actually exists..." Li Ming said, as if he had seen an incomparable treasure, "The advanced craftsmanship of the Patriel civilization, a long-lost treasure, is actually in your hands!"

"Good eyesight!" Ulrich laughed, as if he had met a confidant, "I have never seen anyone who can tell the origin of this thing at a glance, you are the first."

Yaro swallowed his saliva and looked at Li Ming who was chatting and laughing with Ulrich. He felt an indescribable strangeness. Is this really the teacher's student?

"Sir, can you repair it?" Ulrich asked further.

"Hmm..." Li Ming put down the thing, "You should be the collector, Ulrich."

Ulrich was not surprised at all that his identity was exposed, and nodded slightly: "Ulrich, hello to you."

He changed his body shape on the surface and returned to his original state, with the tail behind him swinging.

"You're welcome." Li Ming greeted, "I originally just wanted to open a repair shop and keep my name secret for a while, but I didn't expect to attract the attention of Sir Ulrich."

"A famous person will never be unknown no matter where he goes." Ulrich smiled, "Sir, you haven't answered my question yet."

"The technology of this thing is too complicated, and the materials used are almost never seen by me." Li Ming thought.

Ulrich immediately said with great wealth: "Materials are not a problem, I have some experience in these years."

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart was shocked, good, good, good!

"I just ask if you can fix it technically."

Li Ming paced back and forth in the room. Yaluo and Kai's breathing almost stopped. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not 100% sure. I can only say that I'm trying."

Although he said that, Ulrich smiled, "I believe you, how long will it take?"

Li Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I can't say an exact time. I'm afraid there is no hope in a short time."

The skills shown before can still be explained by a relatively powerful great mechanic. If this thing is fixed in a short time, it really can't be explained.

Ulrich was not surprised, but took it for granted, "It's okay, fix it first, I have plenty of time..."

Speaking of this, the A-level life form paused, "There will always be time."

Li Ming's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Sir, you have time, but I can't stay here for too long."

"Oh? What's wrong?" Ulrich showed an inquiring look.

Yaluo couldn't understand Li Ming's current operation. Since he had already shown his value, Ulrich couldn't let him leave easily.

"Private matter..." Li Ming said helplessly.

Ulrich thought, "If there is something, I can definitely understand."

"However, because of some of the things you did before, the Star Hunters are now very interested in you. If you leave here, they are likely to target you."

"When I went to attend the meeting on the joint fleet, the Star Hunters leader asked me to hand you over."

Ulrich's attitude was very peaceful, but the meaning of his words was self-evident, "But people who have entered my trading island, naturally can't be handed over just like that."

Li Ming's face changed slightly, but he quickly restrained himself, and said helplessly: "I understand."

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