Old Peter's back quickly disappeared at the entrance of the passage.

Above Wei An's head, the black shadow that had separated from him quickly rushed towards him under the light of the candle, and he couldn't even rush over and kick out the candle in time.

The shadow stretched out its hand from above the cave wall, and Wei An immediately felt his hair being pulled up, and the powerful force almost tore his scalp.

He immediately held the top of his hair with both hands, but could not catch the shadow, and his body was forcefully pulled off his feet at this moment.

During the struggle, Wei An saw himself floating in the air, gradually sticking to the top of the tunnel wall.

At this moment, he suddenly gave up struggling and allowed the black shadow to erode over.

The next second, he suddenly said: "That's it."

The black shadow that was spreading half of its own shadow onto Wei An's body was slightly startled after hearing Wei An's inexplicable words, and suddenly it felt something was wrong.

A woman with a dark body suddenly appeared out of thin air, and climbed next to Wei An's shadow. She didn't know how long she had been here.

This woman is Xiaowan.

After appearing, Xiaowan grabbed the shadow's neck. She moved very quickly, as if she had planned it for a long time. The moment she got close to the other person's neck, her black arm completely transformed, as if it had also turned into a shadow, just like Nawei. Ann's shadow is in the same space.

The black shadow's throat was strangled, and he immediately gave up attacking Wei An and began to struggle crazily.

Wei An lost his strength and fell from the cave wall. He stood up and looked up above his head.

At this time, Xiaowan had already stretched out her other hand to firmly control the black shadow. At the same time, Xiaowan's body was completely illusory, just like the black shadow that could only be seen but not touched.

This was the first time Wei An saw Xiao Wan's transformation when he attacked him. He immediately thought of whether he could use Xiao Wan to deal with the black shadow that he had escaped. Now it turns out that it is indeed effective.

Asking Xiaowan to help him get rid of the shadow was just a step in the plan. In fact, Wei An had just been vaccinated in advance. He didn't know when the shadow would appear, but he didn't expect that it was Old Peter who lit the candle. .

The black shadow only struggled for a while before being torn to pieces by the powerful Xiao Wan. The fragments melted into the wall and were never seen again.

Xiaowan fell back to the ground, and her dark lips moved towards Wei'an. Because of the language barrier, Wei'an didn't know what she was talking about.

But he soon guessed it and looked down at his feet.

There was no shadow. Even though the light of the candle not far away was flickering, there was no shadow of him here.

This may mean that he will no longer have a shadow in ghost stories from now on, because the shadow has been alienated and was torn apart by Xiaowan just under his eyes.

"As long as there is still a shadow after returning to our world, in this weird story, it doesn't matter whether there is a shadow or not." Wei An replied.

Xiaowan nodded slightly as if she understood.

Wei An stood there and thought about it for a moment. When Old Peter left just now, he said that he would leave himself to Shadow as a way of thanking Shadow.

It felt like a deal.

Could it be that to open the door of the passage, it is not enough to just have the "key", but also to have the help of this shadow?

"Xiao Wan, don't leave here yet, I may need your help later," Wei An said.

After saying this, he picked up the candle and walked deeper into the passage.

Xiaowan's black shadow followed behind him.

One person and one strange person quickly came to a double door at the end of the passage. The door was made of an unknown material. It looked like metal, but it felt like a kind of plastic.

But Wei An was sure it was countless times stronger than plastic.

There is a huge keyhole in front of the door, and looking at the size and shape of the keyhole, it turns out that it looks exactly like the sheep's hoof.

But when Wei An touched the keyhole, he found that it was solid! That is to say, the hole looks like a sheep's hoof can be inserted into it, but it only looks like it. In fact, there is no keyhole here, and the inside of the hole has been filled with the special material of this door.

Wei An turned to look at Xiaowan.

Xiaowan understood and came over to take the sheep's hoof from his hand.

When she took the sheep's hoof in her hand, Wei An found that the entire sheep's hoof immediately began to turn black, but it was not that the body turned black, but that it turned into a substance similar to a black shadow due to the illusion.

The sheep's hoof turned into a shadow-like thing, which was held in Xiaowan's hand and inserted into the solid keyhole.

It turns out that just having the sheep's hooves is not enough. You have to find a way to make the key virtual before you can use it. No wonder the cloaked man with the ulcerated cheek has taken possession of the sheep's hooves but has never used it.

The sheep's hoof key, shadow, and virtualization all have some kind of connection!

"Don't move yet!" Wei An suddenly warned.

At this time, the sheep's hoof was only halfway into the keyhole. Xiaowan turned to look at him, a little confused.

Wei An said: "Wait until Zhou Xin and my other two friends come over. You can take the sheep's hooves now and hide them yourself until we come over."

Xiaowan nodded, and after taking out the sheep's hooves, her entire figure quickly faded and was hidden somewhere in the wall of the passage.

Wei An blew out the candle and quickly left the passage. He came to the entrance and looked outside for a while. He didn't see the patrolman, nor did he see Old Peter or Zheng Yu.

According to his observation just now, it is speculated that Old Peter and Zheng Yu, who had eaten animal meat for such a long time, were probably unable to resist the temptation of these fat sheep. Perhaps after seeing the mature animal meat, they would enter the black umbrella and leave. The purpose here has been temporarily forgotten. Otherwise, what purpose would feeding them so much animal meat for a long time have?

When we came to the room closest to the entrance, we could hear non-human sounds coming from inside, indicating that there might also be fat goats like those kept here.

Wei An quietly lurked at the door, reached out and pushed the door gently, and the unlocked doors in the inner streets opened.

It was quite dark inside because the windows were covered, so I couldn't see clearly what was going on.

However, there was a lot of fecal stench. Anyone who had been in a pig pen would feel this smell deeply. Wei An felt the same way at this moment.

At this moment, there was movement diagonally across the street. Listening to the footsteps that were not deliberately concealed, it seemed that the patrolman was back.

Wei An had just opened the door at this time and had no time to return to the entrance of the passage, so he simply stepped into the door in front of him and gently closed the door behind him.

The smell of feces in his nose became even stronger, almost making him vomit.

Wei An stood at the door and did not dare to move randomly. After listening to the movement outside, he found that the footsteps seemed to stop outside the door of a room across the street and did not come over.

Apparently the room across the street was the patrolman's usual residence.

Wei An didn't dare to move. He had to ensure that if the person on the other side came over, he would have time to hide. But now his feet seemed to be covered with feces and urine, and it was so wet that he couldn't draw the invisibility spell at all.

However, after listening quietly for a moment, the patrolman's footsteps sounded again and he left from the same place he came from.

Wei An relaxed a little and stood behind the door to check on the living fat sheep in front of him. He soon discovered that something was wrong.

Lifting up the thick cloth on the curtains and looking through the moonlight, I found that these goats seemed to have strange shapes. When I took a closer look, Wei An suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The ones lying on the ground were indeed some fat goats with broken legs, some were white and some were all black, but these were not goats in the strict sense, because most goats actually had human bodies!

Some have sheep heads and human bodies, and some have human heads and sheep bodies. Not only that, some sheep have clearly visible parts of human bodies. The whole body is covered with a lot of thick hair, and they lie on the ground like real goats.

At this time, Wei An heard a noise coming from the room inside. He walked carefully to the door of the back room and took a look. He found that the room inside was larger. There were only four or five strange-shaped goats lying outside, but there were nearly ten lying inside.


A hoarse, familiar voice sounded. Wei An was so frightened that he immediately took a step back. He tried to open his eyes wide but still couldn't see clearly because it was too dark inside.

He carefully relit the candle in his hand, covering half of the light with his clothes, and then took a closer look.

I saw old Peter lying on the ground. His upper body was still the same, and he was even wearing clothes, but his legs in the lower body had become extremely thick, bursting his trousers, growing black hair, and his shoes had fallen off. A layer of skin appeared on the soles of my feet that seemed to be scabbing.


Under Old Peter, another half-man, half-goat figure screamed.

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