This is not a weird story

Chapter 187 He died!

After a while, these scattered black spots slowly dissipated, and those that fell into the pattern were basically absorbed by the hammer.

The wounds on Wei An's body were also covered by some black spots, which seemed to reduce the pain, and no blood flowed out anymore.

"What the hell kind of ghost-killing skill is this? It's so powerful!"

Looking at the red circular pattern in the mirror, Wei An murmured to himself.

At this moment, a text appeared in front of his eyes.

[Cinnabar pen (special), exchange for energy points: 500, do you want to exchange it? 】


With almost no hesitation, Wei An immediately made a decision in his mind.

This pen is so useful that you can use it to directly draw the ghost-exorcism picture just now, and the effect shown is very terrifying, almost killing the woman in black skirt instantly.

Of course, the premise should be that the woman is also trapped in the mirror and cannot escape temporarily.

Wei An soon discovered that the red cinnabar pen above the pattern was missing. He looked away from the mirror and looked down, and saw that the cinnabar pen had appeared next to the hammer.

Picking up the pen, words appeared in front of my eyes.

[Cinnabar Pen: You can use cinnabar and blood to draw corresponding spells to exert their effects. The current cinnabar and blood on the pen can still be used to draw the talisman twice, and you need to replenish it later. 】

"I wonder if this money can be used on Pei Na's wordless book?" Wei An guessed.

He would study it later. He put the cinnabar pen back into his inventory and then picked up the hammer.

The main reason is that the only talisman he can remember right now is the one just now, which should be considered the simplest. He doesn't know any other talismans.

Moreover, this thing is so powerful and can be produced with just a few strokes. Wei An always feels uneasy, and he can't explain the specific reason.

At this time, the elevator door on the 12th floor has opened. Outside is an ordinary-looking elevator room and a floor corridor not far away.

Some of the floors here were rented by former small businesses for office use, and some were used as residential apartments.

Wei An didn't plan to go out. We were already on the 12th floor, and there was another 17th floor. Even if this second rumor mission was completed, he didn't want to cause any further complications.

After seeing that there seemed to be nothing abnormal outside, Wei An pressed the door close button, and at the same time, he was fully prepared to see if something strange would suddenly appear when the door was closed, just like before.

But what he didn't expect was that nothing happened when he pressed the close button this time.

He increased his strength again and pressed twice more.

I found that the door close button did not light up at all after pressing it.

"It seems that based on some rules, this floor cannot be left temporarily." Wei An guessed.

He walked to the door, did not step out, but looked outside the elevator to other places. Then he was suddenly startled and saw a person lying on the ground not far from the right side of the elevator door.

This man was dead, and his attire was very familiar to Wei An. He was the middle-aged man who entered Jiuyuan Building one step ahead.

Precisely because one could tell at a glance that the other person was dead, the person's body had been folded outwards, obviously broken at the waist, and then folded together by a mysterious force.

Not only that, the middle-aged man's hands and feet were also broken. There was a pool of blood under his body, but not much flowed out. In other words, the trauma that caused the wound may not be much, and it was mainly internal damage to the body. serious.

Wei An tried pressing the door button a few more times, but there was still no response.

The middle-aged man died on this floor. Maybe his result now is exactly the same as what he encountered before, that is, the elevator stopped here and he couldn't close the door and leave, so this guy walked out, encountered something, and died tragically.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the woman in the black dress chased him out and killed him.

Wei An stood cautiously at the door of the elevator and looked around. There was no sound at all on the 12th floor, and he didn't see any black mist. Only the man's body was curled up on the ground, looking strange.

"You may need to complete something before you can leave this level." Wei An muttered to himself.

He slowly stepped out of the elevator door, thought for a moment, then took off his shoes and placed them in the middle of the door to prevent the elevator door from closing automatically.

Although the chance of the elevator door closing automatically was extremely low, he had to be on guard.

In fact, using a bloody hammer to block it is more effective, but Wei An still needs this important weapon to save his life, so he must not leave it here, but there is nothing else on him now, or he can take off his panties and hang them On the elevator door.

But having said that, maybe this method is quite effective in suppressing evil.

Now wearing a pair of socks on his feet, Wei An kept comforting himself in his heart. Fortunately, this is a one-person ghost story. Even if he makes a fool of himself, he will only be seen by the monster, and no one else will see him, especially in the real world. People you know.

Carefully walking to the middle-aged man's body, Wei An focused part of his attention on observing the movement around him, and then inspected the man's body.

He quickly searched for an ink cartridge on the man's body and shook it slightly. There was about half of the cartridge left in it, which should be a mixture of cinnabar and blood.

I tried putting the ink cartridge into the inventory, and found that it was not blocked. Apparently I thought it was a special item paired with the cinnabar pen.

After groping around the body again and finding no other useful items, Wei An touched the middle-aged man's face and then dug his nails into the skin of the face with a little force.

The tentacles felt like they were inserted into a layer of dough, and no blood flowed out. Then with a little force, the piece of face immediately fell off.

Wei An stretched out his fingers to take a look and found that this was indeed a kind of disguise. However, he had not studied this aspect, so he did not know what it was made of. The appearance was the same as real skin, and he felt nothing at all when touched lightly. There is no difference. You can only notice the difference when you dig hard.

Then he picked out the man's entire face, removing all the surface disguises, and soon revealed the face of a young and handsome man, but his face had been slightly distorted by the pain before death.

Wei An had seen this face before. It was the investigator named Haruki Nakata, who conspired with Luo Xiaoya to murder Zhou Xin.

"Bad guy, I didn't expect our first meeting to be like this!" Wei An muttered to himself.

He originally wanted to catch this guy personally, but he didn't need to do it now. Haruki Nakata had already told him directly here.

It was initially estimated that this guy might want to use this strange story to do something, but he did not fully predict the horror of this strange story, so he lost his life here.

The weird talisman pattern on the second floor was drawn by Haruki Nakata, so there might be some kind of terrifying presence on the second floor. Because of that pattern guarding him, he had just passed the second floor without any danger.

Wei An still remembered that there was a cinnabar pen on the second floor, but now he couldn't go back, otherwise he could see if he could go along with him again.

Now it seems that this thing should belong to Haruki Nakata's special prop. Now that he is dead, it is normal for the prop to change hands.

But since this guy died here like this, he can't stay on the 12th floor for a long time, because there must be something powerful and terrifying nearby.

Wei An's body is now covered with wounds. Although the scattered black spots covered the wounds after killing the woman in the black skirt, which relieved the wounds to a certain extent and stopped bleeding, these wounds will have to wait until the ghost story is gone. get well.

He had to hold on until that moment.

Thinking that he couldn't leave the 12th floor for the time being, and he didn't go to the 17th floor, and there was even a third rumor that he didn't start at all, Wei An felt very stressed.

Fortunately, things like stress that can bring about negative emotions don't last long, and he recovers quickly.

Looking up in front of where Nakata Haruki was lying, he saw a rope lying quietly in the dark corridor.

Suddenly, the rope moved and was slowly pulled into a darker place in the corridor by a force.

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