This is not a weird story

Chapter 131 The problem of the crematorium (please subscribe!)

Wei An was looking in the direction of the burnt body.

He was guessing that if there was a second corpse guarding soul here, it would be the one with the burned corpse, but he didn't find it after looking around just now.

The middle-aged man of the Liu family and his wife came to Wei'an at this time and said to Wei'an with gratitude: "Master, thank you! Without you today, my Liu family will live with this regret and remorse." Thank you so much for the rest of my life!"

Wei An waved his hand.

The middle-aged man immediately took out a wad of money and prepared to put it into Wei An's hand.

Wei An directly refused, because he knew very well that the money would not bring out the ghost story at all, and it would be useless to use it.

But for middle-aged men, they think the best way to express themselves is to give money, and there is no other way to think about it.

Wei An couldn't refuse, but took it anyway, put it into his pocket, and then asked: "Can I see the old man's hands again?"

The middle-aged man thought that what just happened was not over yet, so he nodded hurriedly.

Wei An walked up to Mr. Liu, lifted up the white cloth on the side where his hands were, then pinched the old man's extremely cold hands, spread out his two palms and looked at them.

I didn't see any broken pieces of playing cards.

"Okay, it's okay." Wei An covered the white cloth again and took a step back.

"Is there anything else?" the middle-aged man asked worriedly.

"No more." Wei An nodded slowly, "The old man will be reborn in bliss!"


The middle-aged man nodded, and the staff member immediately came over and pushed the mortuary bed out. Other members of the Liu family and friends followed and soon left.

At this time, no other corpses came in the morgue, only Wei An and the burnt corpse were left.

There was no one around, so Wei An immediately raised his buttocks and used the same posture to look for the corpse guarding the burnt corpse.

But after looking around twice, he found nothing.

At this moment, Wei An's head was congested and he was a little dizzy. He returned to his normal posture, took a breath, and stared at the charred corpse covered with white cloth in confusion.

"Could it be that the guarding soul of this charred corpse cannot be seen using the method just now?" Wei An pondered carefully.

The so-called ten methods of seeing ghosts are also some methods passed down by people orally. There are even some methods that do not fall into these ten methods, but it is said that unclean things can also be seen through these methods.

Wei An carefully recalled that there were people who combed their hair in front of the mirror in the middle of the night, there were also people who lit candles in front of the mirror and then closed their eyes and called out their names, and there was also the pen-playing fairy that most people knew.

These are the ways according to legend that you can see ghosts.

It's just that although the method I used to look backwards between the legs is the most common, the effect does not seem to be as advanced as the ones above, so I may not be able to see other corpse-guarding souls.

Thinking of this, Wei An decided to try another hellish method.

One of these methods was to smear corpse mud on the eyelids, the same kind of mud where the dead were buried.

But there is no corpse mud here now, but there is something that should be more effective than corpse mud.

Lifting the white cloth covering the charred body, Wei An looked at the body and wondered where he encountered the fire.

After looking again, Wei An touched the surface of the charred corpse with the tip of his index finger. This layer should be the burned clothes, but some parts of the clothes were not completely burned to nothing, and there were still some residues stuck to them. On the scorched corpse.

After rubbing it gently, some black ash fell on the morgue bed. Wei An touched other places that looked like there were lumps on the surface of the body, and rubbed off some black matter again.

He suspected that the black matter contained not only dust from burned clothing, but also charred matter such as skin and hair.

Dip your index finger into the black dust again, and then bring it close to your eyelids.

Vian hesitated for a moment, closed his eyes, and quickly applied black powder to his eyelids.

After the application was almost complete, he opened his eyes and looked around the morgue where the scorched corpse was, but saw nothing unusual.

Wei An then turned around and looked everywhere in the morgue. Soon he was slightly startled when he saw a short man in ragged clothes standing there in the innermost corner of the morgue, with his back to him.

He withdrew his gaze, looked at the burnt corpse in front of him again, and then looked at the person standing in the corner.

Wei An was convinced that that guy was the guardian spirit of this corpse.

"What is your last wish? Maybe I can help you!" Wei An spoke softly, staring at the short man.

This time, the short man seemed unlike the old man named Liu. After hearing Wei An speak to him, he slowly turned around.

The appearance of the corpse-guarding soul is the way the man looked before he was alive, not the terrifying appearance after being burned. Of course, this guy's body and face also retained some traces of being burned, proving that he was the soul guarding the scorched corpse.

After the man turned around, he made no other movements and just looked at Wei An quietly.

Wei An waved to him and said again: "You can convey your meaning to me in any way and tell me your last wish."

It can be felt that the corpse guarding soul in front of him is somewhat different from the old man surnamed Liu. He seems to have an obvious reaction to his own words, unlike the one just now who did not make any move unless he got to the point.

The man suddenly took steps and walked quickly towards Wei An.

He was walking very fast, and getting faster and faster. At first glance, he showed strong hostility towards Wei An.

Wei An was shocked. He didn't expect that this guy was suddenly ready to attack him, so he immediately retreated subconsciously.

The short man quickly approached and lay down on the morgue of his body, staring up at Wei An.

Wei An immediately understood that this guy was really worthy of the role of "Corpse Guard". He had just made some smear on the corpse and applied it on the eyelids. This guy saw it. Maybe This aroused his awareness of protecting the body and prevented him from getting close to the body again.

Wei An stretched out his hands, "Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. If I hadn't done that just now, I wouldn't have discovered your existence. I just want to confirm with you what your last wish is, and I can help you complete it."

The short man raised his head and stared at Wei An warily. There were traces of fire on his face, as if an invisible flame was burning on his skin, which looked extremely strange.

At this moment, the door of the morgue was pushed open from the outside, but the man did not come in. Instead, he stood at the door and looked inside carefully.

Wei An turned around and saw that it was the staff member just now.

The staff member looked cautious and didn't seem to be planning to come in. His eyes lit up slightly after seeing Wei An.

Wei An immediately walked over and heard the staff member say in a low voice: "Master, you haven't left yet! That corpse is the burnt corpse..."

While pointing to the location of the charred corpse, he said: "It has been there for more than ten days, and I have been afraid to cremate it, because no matter who pushes the morgue to the cremation room, he will definitely suffer bad luck, not his legs in the process. If you break it, you might hit your forehead until it bleeds, or you may faint suddenly."

This staff member had obviously seen Wei An's ability just now, and now he returned to the morgue and wanted to ask him for help on how to deal with the charred corpse.

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