This is not a weird story

Chapter 110 Breaking the Prohibition (Please subscribe!)

Just after entering dormitory 111, the door of the dormitory not far outside opened. The male protagonist of Guaitan walked out with an ax and quickly entered the next dormitory.

This guy seemed to be obviously impatient. He let out a low roar from his throat like a beast about to attack the target. The veins on his right arm holding the ax popped out and seemed to be thicker than his left arm.

If Wei An saw this scene, he would have no doubt that this guy could tear down these dormitories with his bare hands.

After entering dormitory 111, Wei An looked up and was sure he was in the right place.

Because the male protagonist of Guaitan is still alive and needs daily life, there are some clothes hanging to dry by the window of this bedroom, the desk next to the bed is filled with toiletries, and there are several sharpening tools placed at the foot of the bed. stone.

There were a lot of water stains on the ground, and it seemed that the guy had just re-sharpened the axe.

Wei An immediately ran over and crouched down, searching for the whetstone and under the bed. Soon he found a metal object. He reached under the bed and touched it, feeling delighted.

I grabbed the metal object and brought it up to my eyes to take a look. It was the metal part of the hammer. One side of the thing was blunt and could be used to hammer nails. The other side had an axe-like blade. Although it was not very sharp, it was If you chop hard, you can still exert the effect of a machete.

Wei An pulled out the handle from his waist, and after aligning the two, he lightly bumped the other end of the handle on the ground twice, trying to make them fit tighter.


At this moment, there was the sound of the door opening in room 110 next door, and heavy footsteps walked in.

A text prompt from the strange story appeared in front of Wei An's eyes.

[Bloody Hammer (red), exchange for energy points: 500, do you want to exchange it? 】

"Oh my god, it's actually a red weapon?"

Wei An was overjoyed. He now had 900 energy points left, so he used 500 points to exchange for this red weapon prop. Although he felt a little distressed, it was still within the acceptable psychological range.

This thing is a red item, which should be related to the fact that it has killed so many people.

Wei An immediately confirmed the exchange.

He put the bloody hammer into the inventory with his backhand, walked quickly on tiptoes behind the dormitory door, then stood behind the door with an ice chisel in one hand and a scalpel in the other, waiting.

Not long after, the male protagonist of Ghost Stories closed the room next door and walked towards Room 111, where he usually lives.

Wei An's heart was in his throat. The bedroom door in front of him was quickly opened, and the man stepped in.

His step was a long one, and his back was facing the door. Wei An didn't hesitate and stabbed the ice knife hard into the connection between his neck and his back. Only the handle of the knife was left outside.

The man groaned and turned around immediately.

Taking this opportunity, Wei An's scalpel rotated towards his neck, and blood spurted out.

But the next second, the ax in the man's hand hit Wei An's left armpit hard, the skin was torn open, and the ax blade was directly stuck between the ribs, and was suddenly pulled out.

This guy's physique was amazing, and Wei An had already expected that even if he succeeded in his sneak attack, the opponent would still launch a counterattack.

At this moment, blood was pouring from the man's neck. There was an ice chisel inserted between his back and neck. Even the scalpel was inserted into the right side of his neck and could not be withdrawn.

Because Wei An's armpits were also bleeding profusely and he was exhausted at this moment. He only had time to open the bedroom door and stagger out.

During this run, Wei An did not go along the corridor to the second floor, but stepped out and left the dormitory building.

He knew he had broken the law!

When they first came into contact, Jian Hui once reminded Wei An that there are regulations on the places where ghost stories occur. Under normal circumstances, do not leave the specific area in the ghost stories, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Later, when I participated in the training in Yuelong City, the training teacher also said similar words and gave an example to the students in the class. At that time, there was a high-status investigator in the central city who was dealing with a certain strange incident. time, because it never appeared again after leaving the scope where the ghost story occurred.

After analysis by the General Administration, even if this person is not dead, he is still lost in the world of ghost stories and can no longer leave.

But now Wei An has his own reasons for choosing to escape from this dormitory building despite the ban.

First of all, the ghost story tips say that the most dangerous place is also the safest place.

He initially thought that the most dangerous place mentioned was Dormitory 309, where those weird beasts were, but it turned out that he was discovered by the hero of the ghost story soon after he entered, and his head was almost split into pieces. Two halves.

So the most dangerous place is not dormitory 309.

Since that is not the most dangerous place, where else is the most dangerous place in the current ghost stories? After much deliberation, the only choice was to leave this dormitory building, because outside the dormitory building was the most dangerous place.

So if Wei An wants to escape, he must take this step.

What's more, he has a second guess, which is that the male protagonist of Guaitan is alive because of the existence of this dormitory building, and because he lives in the building and is inextricably related to this building, he can survive and even be raped. Too weird.

And once you leave this building and these relationships are severed, this guy may not be as powerful as before, in other words, he can be killed.

The moment he left the dormitory building, Wei An felt as he stepped on the lawn that the air nearby became different. His skin felt sticky and cool, and this cool feeling quickly turned into a cold feeling.

But at this moment, his armpit was already in unbearable pain. He grinned, took off his coat, wrapped it around his armpit to prevent more blood from flowing, and pressed it firmly with his left arm.

Wei An looked back and saw that the guy was chasing him out of the dormitory building. His neck was still bleeding and his shirt was soaked. He looked extremely scary.

"Are you going to stop the bleeding and start chasing after me?"

Wei An cursed secretly and trotted along the path that seemed dangerous at first.

The path was now surrounded by morning mist, and only the entrance could be seen, and Wei An ran headlong in.

This path seemed to have no end, and he didn't know where it was leading. After running for a few steps, Wei An looked back and saw that it was hazy behind him. He could no longer see the man's figure, but he could still hear his heavy footsteps. It shows that this guy is still chasing and has not given up.

Wei An continued to run forward.

Not long after, he saw an ancient well appearing on the left front of the path. A hunchbacked old woman with white hair squatted beside the well with her back to him, motionless.

Wei An ignored it and continued to run a few steps further along the path until he could no longer see the ancient well.

The heavy footsteps behind him didn't stop, but on the contrary, they got closer to him.

Wei An speeds up.

After running for a while, the path in front of him suddenly disappeared, and he found himself standing outside the gate of an old compound.

These were two opposing mahogany doors with two copper rings inlaid on them, but the gap between the two doors was covered with spider webs, and it had obviously not been opened for a long time.

From this place, you can only see the courtyard wall, and there is no way to know what is going on inside the courtyard.

Wei An had no intention of going forward. The ancient courtyard in front of him looked more dangerous than the ghost hero who was chasing him behind.

He immediately took two steps back and stepped on the stone bricks of the path again. At the same time, he shrank and hid in the bushes beside the path.

At this time, Wei An's face was pale, his breathing was a little short, and the wound under his arm was numb and was still bleeding.

He believed he could last for about ten minutes at most, before he might faint.

The sound of heavy footsteps came, and the man with the axe, despite the horrific wound on his neck, acted as if nothing had happened and left the path along the drops of blood dripping from Wei An.

Wei An knew that this guy should be standing in front of the ancient courtyard at this moment, so he immediately carefully got out of the bushes and followed him.

Holding the bloody hammer in his hand, Wei An bent over, enduring the pain, and raised his head to see the male protagonist standing in front of the gate of the ancient courtyard with an ax in hand. It seemed that he was also surprised after seeing this.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Wei An raised the bloody hammer and approached the opponent silently.

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