This aura is deadly

Chapter 751 The Fourth Witch

Chen Ke pulled the Holy Diamond out of Slud's body and brought out a large mass of flesh and blood. The internal organs and intestines flowed out from the incision and hung to the ground. Slude's body was shaking in pain, the magic lines on his body shone with blue light, and the hose inserted into his back swayed gently.

"Oh...that's disgusting..." Diana couldn't stand it anymore and turned her head away.

" are father will kill avenge me..." Slude said with all his strength. She was now like a depleted oil lamp, and her life was coming to an end.

"I hope you have the qualifications to go to Valhalla, Ms. Slude. Goodbye." Chen Ke said.

He held the dagger in his backhand and put the blade on Slud's neck casually. Slud tilted his head and died silently.

The power of the Thunder Witch gathered into a ball of light emitting arcs and was sucked into Chen Ke's palm.

Chen Ke walked towards the three women, holding the sacred diamond in his left hand and the blasphemous dagger in his right hand, his hands bloody.

Lucina took Xu Jing's arm and made her kneel on the ground. She grabbed her neck from behind with one hand and looked at Chen Ke and said, "What are you going to do with her? She is of no use now."

Xu Jing was shaking all over and her face was covered with sweat. She was fighting the final battle against the suicide meme.

Chen Ke threw the blasphemous dagger in front of Xu Jing and said, "You can make a choice."

Diana immediately understood what Chen Ke meant and immediately expressed her dissatisfaction: "Are you kidding? Do you want her to become a witch?"

Lucina didn't agree either. For a moment, she wanted to kill Xu Jing with her own hands, but she still held back.

"Among us, she knows the foundation best. If you still want to find Wang Aileen, you must take her with you." Chen Kedao.

After hearing Wang Aileen, Diana hesitated, but she still disagreed. She said: "She can still hold on. Instead of letting her become a witch, why not consider Aileen?"

"This decision is a bit hasty... We don't trust her enough." Lucina also said.

"I have dealt with her. Although she is from the foundation, she is essentially the same as you." Chen Kedao.

Diana's mood was complicated, but she knew she couldn't convince Chen Ke, so she could only turn away with her arms crossed and sulked.

"Aren't you going to think about it again? Diana is angry." Lucina also said.

"You don't have to be like this... I'm ready to wake up." Xu Jing also said at this time.

Lucina pinched the back of her neck hard and said, "Shut up, bitch."

Xu Jing's betrayal of the foundation is an established fact. Although the foundation has a high chance of reversing the meme, it is not an option now. The only way to keep Xu Jing alive is to let her die once.

"I know you need six witches, but you can't just use local materials, right? We don't know her, and we don't trust her. I don't think it's appropriate for her to follow us like this." Lucina was still trying to persuade.

"I don't have time to pick and choose." Chen Ke shook his head.

Lucina sighed, pushed Xu Jing forward, and ignored Chen Ke.

Chen Ke knew that these two women were really angry, but sometimes, the decisions he made could not take everyone's feelings into consideration. Xu Jing was different from Shreli. She was a complete stranger to those three people. .

"The reality you want is close at hand. Either follow me or die in this dark underground." Chen Kedao.

Xu Jing lay on the ground, grabbed the blasphemous dagger, and big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. She glanced at Chen Ke, threw away the coin without hesitation, and then wiped her neck with the dagger.

The blasphemous dagger fell to the ground and returned to the orange sacred diamond. Xu Jing collapsed to the ground, blood spurting onto the ground along the cut in her throat. The whites of her eyes were filled with blood due to lack of oxygen.

The process of waiting for death was long. Xu Jing felt fear for the first time. It was the fear of the unknown, and death is the biggest unknown of mankind.

Chen Ke stood next to Xu Jing, watching Xu Jing slowly wither due to lack of oxygen, and her pulse became weaker and weaker. Xu Jing instinctively opened her mouth to take in oxygen, but she could only make a hissing sound.

After about three minutes of touching, Xu Jing completely lost her vital signs. Her lifeless eyes stared into nothingness, and she lay on her side in a pool of blood.

It was time. Chen Ke took out the power of the Thunder Witch and gave it to Xu Jing's body. Just a few seconds later, blue electricity began to flow through Xu Jing's body.

Lucina and Diana instinctively took a few steps away. Xu Jing's eyes regained their expression. She climbed up from the ground unsteadily. Blue magic lines appeared on her arms and extended to her neck. out.

The witch's powers reconstructed her body and fully restored the cut to her throat, and after she died once, the suicide meme ceased to function.

Seeing Xu Jing stand up, with magic flowing all over her body, Diana and Lucina also nervously entered a fighting posture, wary of Xu Jing's betrayal.

Xu Jing waved her hands to them and said, "Relax...I didn't mean that."

"So... this is the witch...?" Xu Jing looked at her hands. The magic lines on her skin were like tattoos. They were invisible under normal circumstances, but as long as she channeled the power of the witch, she could will show up.

Although they said this, Lucina and Diana were still hostile to Xu Jing. They looked at Xu Jing eagerly and did not believe this Asian woman.

"Xu Jing, from now on, you are my witch, and your power will be used by me, do you understand?" Chen Kedao.

"It sounds like the saying from the feudal era. In addition to power, you also have my right to the first night, right?" Xu Jing said.

"You still have your fucking virginity? I won't believe it even to death!" Lucina said angrily.

"So I want to ask, was it under such circumstances that they obtained the power of the witch?" Xu Jing looked at Diana and Lucina and asked.

"This is not some kind of charity or gift. He chose to save you, which means you are worth better be worth it!" Diana said angrily.

"What will happen if I... betray now?" Xu Jing smiled, her smile dangerous.

"We will beat you until even your mother can't recognize you." Lucina clenched her fists and the green lines on her body lit up.

"I'm not that heartless, Chen Ke, you saved me twice." Xu Jing looked at Chen Ke.

"This is not without cost." Chen Ke said.

"I know... So, are you really an alien god? The incarnation of the Seven Eyes?" Xu Jing asked again.

"You will always know everything, but now, we have to jump from this foundation to another to find a woman named Wang Aileen. Her current situation is very delicate..." Chen Kedao.

"Then, let me see how you...jumped in. If the foundation is a lie, Chen Ke, I will smash it with you. Of course...if you want anything else, you can do it in private Tell me." Xu Jing smiled.

"Keep your right to the first night! Stay away from him." Lucina walked to Chen Ke and bumped into Xu Jing deliberately.

Diana didn't have a good face either, and even had some opinions on Chen Ke.

There are more and more girls...and the relationship between them will become more complicated. Occasionally there will be conflicts, and it is normal to dislike each other. After all, they are both witches, and their bodies can heal themselves. If you are really unhappy, go to the Dream Center to get a shot. It doesn't matter if you stand.

Thinking this, Chen Ke opened the portal to 2137-B. It was time to get Wang Aileen back.

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