This aura is deadly

Chapter 668 Shadow of the Earth

Chen Ke closed the door with his backhand and tightened the latch. He always felt that the fallen corpses would get up.

Bob rolled down the stairs, wailing repeatedly as he fell. Shen Yun held Chen Ke's waist and abdomen. He had not yet recovered from a series of changes. His legs were weak and his face was pale.

"Are you okay?" Chen Ke looked at Bob lying on the next floor and said hello.

"Being hurts so much." Bob struggled to stand up, holding on to the wall, and rubbed his waist. Only then did Chen Ke remember that he was already in his 50s.

He asked Shen Yun to hold on to the stair railing, and then took out the large-caliber assault rifle. His eyes flashed with blue light, and he slowly walked down the stairs. There was no one in this building, but Chen Ke's Intuition tells me that there are more than three of them in this building.

"Mr. Chen? What's going on... My mobile phone has no signal." Shen Yun had never seen such a situation before and asked with a cry.

"Shh." Chen Ke signaled the two of them to stop talking.

The worst situation in the current situation is to enter a death timeline similar to that of 2006. No matter what, Chen Ke still has a soul in his hand and can go back by opening the door. It doesn't matter much.

However, if this soul wants to open the door, it will lead directly to the direction of "home". Before this, Chen Ke's "home" has always been the hotel where he stayed, but now it is the dream center. He does not want Shen Yun and Bao Bo knows his secret.

Let’s walk first and then talk.

Chen Ke planned this, what if the situation here was different from what he thought? Maybe they just entered a place like the Inland Sea Restricted Area. The Risheng Management Bureau should be able to notice that people have entered the restricted area. Maybe they have sent people here now, right?

The three of them walked down the three floors along the safe passage. Chen Ke slowly pushed open the double doors on the 52nd floor. The door made a strange creaking sound, which was very annoying.

There was nothing outside the door and it looked very safe. Chen Ke did not open the door completely, but only opened a gap for people to pass sideways. He let Shen Yun and Bob go through first, and then squeezed through himself.

Slowly closing the door, they came to the office area of ​​a very common office building. The entire floor was full of office space, with computers placed in rows of cubicles, somewhat similar to the Xijin Building.

Chen Ke led the two of them toward the window to see what was going on outside.

Floor-to-ceiling windows were installed on the wall in front, and the shadow of the earth hung in the pale sky. It was so close that it did not block the sun.

"Mr. Chen...that's...what is that?" Shen Yun pointed out the window.

"My's such a big planet, why does it look so similar...?" Bob also exclaimed.

The two of them were panting and panicked. Chen Ke patted their shoulders and comforted them: "Don't think about it. This is just a general illusion. Some monsters can create this kind of fog to make people disoriented."

These two people are ordinary people and have never seen such a scene. If they don't use lies to appease them, they will easily lose control.

"We should call the Authority," Bob said, taking out his cell phone.

"I tried just now, but there was no signal." Shen Yun shook his head.

"Maybe it was broken during the pursuit." Bob didn't believe it. He rummaged in his pocket for a long time but couldn't find his phone. He suddenly remembered that he probably lost it when he jumped out of the plane.

"Okay, okay, keep quiet and follow me. Nothing will happen." Chen Kedao.

" hurts." Shen Yun frowned and looked down. He saw that the stockings on his right leg had several big holes and his fleshy leg was covered in blood.

"Did you get hurt when you jumped just now?" Chen Ke said.

"Now is not the time to care about this! What is going on here?" Shen Yun lost control, and the expression on his face must be panic.

Outside the window, there were still many people falling from the sky.

"I'm going to find my cell phone. I must have dropped it on the roof or at the top of the stairs." Bob was extremely determined at this time. He turned around and ran towards the safe passage.

"Hey... This is how the supporting characters in horror movies die. Stay with me to keep you safe. Don't go anywhere." Chen Ke grabbed Bob's arm.

"Mr. Chen... It's not that I don't trust you, but in this situation, it's useless even if you are a psychic." Bob broke away from Chen Ke and ran quickly into the safe passage. The double doors creaked several times. Then slam it shut.

"Mr. Chen..." As soon as Shen Yung started speaking, a computer monitor on his desk suddenly fell over.

"Shh..." Chen Ke hugged Shen Yun and squatted down on the spot. He looked around and found nothing, but there must be something around here.

The office chair in front of me turned, as if it was moved by something. The leaves of a potted plant on the desk on the right also moved, and invisible objects were gathering towards the safety door.

"Huhu..." The surroundings were very quiet. The only sound was Shen Yun's breathing and heartbeat. Just by listening, you could tell that this girl was almost scared to death.

"Hold your breath."

A voice suddenly appeared in Chen Ke's mind. He covered his chest. Is it Black Stone talking to him?


Blackstone conveyed a burst of thoughts.

Chen Yun looked out the window, his eyes wide and round, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. Chen Ke saw Shen Yun's strange behavior and turned to look out the window. He saw a giant white object staring at him through the window with seven blood-red eyes.

Isn't this the Time God of the Foundation?

"Don't be afraid, Shen Yun, don't be afraid, it's an illusion..." Chen Ke covered Shen Yun's eyes, held her in his arms, and rocked her gently like a baby.

Shen Yun was so frightened that her whole body trembled, her tears couldn't stop flowing down, and the warm light yellow liquid spurted out from her inner thighs, stinging and dripping along the torn stockings onto the floor. Chen Ke sighed, she was so scared that she peed.

Baiwu reminds himself that its face occupies the entire height of the floor-to-ceiling windows. There are more than 50 floors in this building. It seems that its size is not fixed, and such a large figure does not block the sun. Maybe this Baiwu is just A spirit body.

"They are here." Bai Wu conveyed the message to Chen Ke. The seven eyes looked at him as if they were looking at a novel gadget.

"Who is here?" Chen Ke thought silently.

"Dead people." Bai Wu replied.

It looked towards the safety door, raised its big white hand, stretched out its finger, and pointed in the direction of the safety door.

Of course Chen Ke knew there was something in this layer, but he couldn't see anything.

"I'll lend you your senses." Bai Wu closed one eye.

Chen Ke felt a pain in his head, as if he had been brain-raped. His left eye suddenly went dark and he couldn't see anything. Something tried to get out of his left eye socket and left ear, making a popping sound.

Chen Ke covered his left eye in pain. After a while, his vision slowly recovered. He let go of his hand, and there was an eyeball in his palm...

"Fuck..." Chen Ke cursed secretly. He turned back to look at Bai Wu, and saw that one of Bai Wu's closed eyes also had white liquid left behind.

"Listen and watch." Bai Wu instructed.

Chen Ke's left eyeball is now exactly the same as the white object's eye, with the narrow red pupil shining with an unknown red light.

He saw many black figures in the office. They were either alone and dancing alone, or they were in groups hugging each other and kissing each other. Chen Ke's left ear gradually heard the sound of people coming and going.

"Hahaha...hehehehehe...hahahahaha!!! Hohohoho!!!"

"Hey hey hey...hahahaha!!! Yeah!!!"

"Hahahahahahaha! Ahhhhhhhhh!"

"Haha!! Hahaha...hehehehehe...hahahahahaha!"

The sound got louder and louder, and it sounded like a group of mentally ill patients dancing ecstatically. They were singing and laughing, not knowing what they were celebrating.

"What is this... what is this..." Chen Ke covered his eyes, feeling like half of his head was going to explode.

Black figures gathered at the door of the safe house, obviously attracted to Bob. They might not be able to see him, but they could certainly hear him.


"Yeah!! Oh coo!!!!"

"Yeah yeah yeah!!! Hahahahahaha! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

"No need to pay off the mortgage!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha"

"No more pressure, all gone! Hahahahahaha!"

"Hehehehe...hehehehe!!! I don't have to support the family anymore. It's great, it's great!"


The voice gradually became clearer and clearer. Chen Ke could tell that it was people talking, and they were speaking Japanese. Now, Chen Ke could actually understand Japanese.

"What...are these things?" Chen Ke was a little confused.

"The shadow of the earth, the world of the dead. We fell in." Bai Wu replied.

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