This aura is deadly

Chapter 58 Paradox

"Huh?" Parker was stunned and looked at Chen Ke with a frown.

Chen Ke didn't speak. He carefully looked at Parker in front of him, trying to find any details on him that were inconsistent with his impression so that he could give himself an explanation.

The Parker in front of him was wearing the same clothes as when he met him in the Xijin Building. The only difference was that he was slightly dirty. His trousers and shoes were stained with white dust, his blue shirt was stained with mud and sweat, and the M1911A1 in his hand had some paint peeling off. .

Chen Ke and Parker only met once. Parker's first encounter with him in the Xijin Building did not leave a deep impression. Even if Chen Ke looked at it now, he couldn't find anything different.

Demeanor? Tone? A small move? Chen Ke didn't know Parker well, so he couldn't tell what was wrong with the Parker in front of him through these things.

The easiest way is of course to use the ability to automatically identify various strange things in one's field of vision, but so far, Parker has neither entries nor information pop-ups. He is indeed an ordinary person.

However, Chen Ke, who has always believed that seeing is believing, could not convince himself with logic and common sense that the man in front of him was Parker who was bitten to death by a group of dogs.

"Where have you been? And you changed into new clothes...?" Parker asked.

"You confused me Parker, I don't even know how to answer you." Chen Ke said, crossing his chest and crossing his legs.

"You got me confused too, man. I don't even know your name yet," Parker said.

"My name is Chen Ke, and I am an agent of the Psychic Administration." Chen Ke answered.

"Oh...oh...the Authority...but when we first met, you didn't look like..." Parker didn't believe it.

Chen Ke picked up the fire-drawing sword beside him. As soon as he thought about it, the cold sword body ignited with flames, like a torch.

Although Parker is an investigator and has learned about sacred objects in books, he has never seen them in person, so his expression looks like he is watching a contemporary magic trick.

"It burned like this...? Is this the power of a psyker?" Parker looked at the blazing broadsword and said thoughtfully.

"Okay, we've seen enough tricks. Let's talk about it. What happened when you were surrounded by human-faced dogs and bitten?" Chen Ke extinguished the sword, and the blade returned to cold steel, unburned. trace.

Parker began to tell his own experience, but the story he told was very different from what Chen Ke saw.

What happened after he was dragged down from the service desk in the lobby on the first floor by the human-faced dog was a paradox to Chen Ke's experience.

"...I shouted to you loudly that I wanted to change my ammunition, and as soon as I finished speaking, I was dragged down by the human-faced dog. You didn't save me at that time!" Parker said while gesturing.

Then, the story takes a turn. Parker was not bitten by the human-faced dog, but immediately rolled to avoid the siege of the human-faced dog after landing. Not only that, he also loaded the magazine and fought off the group of human-faced dogs by himself.

"Where...was I?" Chen Ke asked in surprise.

"Damn it, I want to ask you, where have you been? Since you are an agent of the Administration, why didn't you take out your fancy sword from the beginning?" Parker's tone was somewhat reproachful.

"I swear to you, what I experienced is completely different from what you said..." Chen Ke said while looking at the gun in Parker's hand.

There were indeed no bite wounds on Parker's body, but in Chen Ke's experience, Parker was bitten very severely...

"Whatever you say, you'd better have a reasonable reason. And I saved you again, so you owe me two favors now," Parker said.

"How did you come here? It's a bit far from Opportunity City..." Chen Ke asked, holding his chest.

Without the portal, who would have known there was such a place in the world?

Parker shrugged, showing an unpredictable smile, and said: "You asked the right question... I entered the Opportunity City Building from here..."

After he finished speaking, he showed a weird smile.

Chen Ke's pupils suddenly dilated, and his hand unconsciously touched the hilt of the sword. What on earth is this Parker?

Perhaps after seeing Chen Ke's reaction, he realized that he had not spoken clearly. Parker quickly raised his hands and made a "calm down" gesture.

"It's not what you think, Chen Ke! Listen to me!" Parker said quickly.

"Don't scare me, I'll kill anything when I'm excited..." Chen Ke didn't let go of the hilt of his sword, and even wanted to take out his gun.

Parker hurriedly explained that it turned out that he was initially conducting a routine D-class black box sweep, which was the daily routine of an investigator.

"That's another D-class black box space that has been open for many years and belongs to the Si Group." Parker said.

"Go on..." Chen Ke's ears perked up when he heard about the Si Consortium.

I thought I was having a relaxing daily life as a D-class investigator, but that day, something suddenly happened in that D-class space, causing a two-layer effect...

Similar to what Chen Ke experienced, the monsters in the entire black box space quickly exceeded the D-class category. Of course, it was not as exaggerated as the Xijin Building, but it was still very dangerous for a D-class investigator like Parker.

"A B-class monster entangled me, and I kept running away, but guess what? A slit of light opened in front of me!" Parker gestured vividly.

"Sounds really unlucky?" Chen Ke agreed, while thinking about what the hell the light slit was? It seemed that when I escaped from the Xijin Building for the first time, I also jumped into the crack of light and came to the alley outside the building...

"That kind of unstable, random passage will send you to who knows where. But at that time, there was a B-class monster chasing behind me. I had no choice but to jump in in order to survive..." Parker said.

Chen Ke nodded, and then Parker came here through the light slit.

It seems that the two-layer effect will not only reopen the door on the opposite side of the door, but also randomly open a few temporary small doors during the opening process...

"Yeah, you know, I was stuck here...until one day, another crack of light appeared in front of me..." Parker spread his hands.

"Wait! day? Parker, how long have you been here?" Chen Ke asked in surprise.

"It's been fifteen days since I first came in... Then I entered your building through the light slit, separated from you again, and came in again, it's been almost twelve days..." Parker shrugged.

So Parker has been here for almost a month? A drop of sweat dropped from Chen Ke's forehead. He couldn't find any trace of a fire for cooking nearby. How did Parker survive this month...?

"How did you get back here from the building?" Chen Ke asked.

"In order to find you, I searched layer by layer and saw the portal on the sixth floor..." Parker explained.

"Then you went in? You knew there was no way to get you out of the building through that door." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"Of course I know, but there is no other door in the whole building except the teleportation door, and I heard a very scary sound. I don't want to stay with the thing that made that sound." Parker said.

A scary sound?

"What kind of thing?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't know, I think if I see it, I will be dead. Its voice can be heard through the headphones, and it keeps repeating things like you owe me a soul... If I didn't jump in the door at that time "I'm definitely going to lose my mind, and I think you jumped in and maybe got killed by that thing," Parker said.

Chen Ke knew what it was.

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