The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1566: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-you see I look so handsome, just a litt

He would rather not be able to see clearly, because he was really blind.

Because Helianting was caught in his eyes.

Said it is the most beautiful eyes in the world, with the most seductive attitude.

"Yes, it hurts!" He Tingchen didn't want to go against his heart.

Even if he knows that he won't be better off angering Helianting, but he can't say without heart, it doesn't hurt...

There was a "pop".

He Lianting raised his hand and slapped He Tingchen again. This time he slapped him back two steps, bleeding directly from the corner of his mouth.

He Lianting never started with a sense of measure, because he never cared whether others hurt or died.

He Tingchen pressed the tip of his tongue against his chin. For him, these pains weren't really painful.

These pains are far from distressed...

He is three years younger than Helianting, and he is also a man.

One is the master who owns everything aloft, and he is a lowly slave who humiliates him.

Just like that, the gap between Chiguoguo...

He Lianting turned and left, but He Tingchen smiled and followed him, walking step by step, with very light and empty steps, as if he would fall down at any time.


Lux's wrist was indeed fractured, and the doctor said that it would take a year and a half to be able to move freely.

As soon as Lux heard it, he pulled the quilt left and right, hiding himself in the quilt.

Feng Xi went to pull the quilt, but he held it tightly with one hand.

"You want to suffocate!" Feng Xi also felt uncomfortable. The child was still a student, but he was admitted to the hospital by him.

"I will die if I don't move!"

Lux is naturally active, so he skates, he plays basketball, and he likes to play badminton.

His family background is average, but as long as it is not a waste of money, he will play.

The only hobby that can be regarded as luxury is photography, but he can also make money by taking pictures, so he can be regarded as complementary.

But if you let him raise him now, he can't do these sports, he will die.

"What disease is this?"

Feng Xi asked seriously, because Lux had a really dying expression.

Now there are not all kinds of strange diseases, Jiang Yu told him that day.

There is a child who bleeds as soon as he touches his body...

This is true, it is simply incredible. His mother spends a long time every day, wrapping him gauze, and living a very painful life every day.

So, he wondered if Lux had something strange.

It means that once people do not move, they really die.

"..." Lux stopped speaking, he thought this brother was very interesting and very speechless.

He felt that if a woman married him, it would be really unlucky.

"Well, what about my medical expenses?"

Lux thought of a very important thing. Since he asked him to fight, should he be responsible for the injury?

Lux is still in school, so naturally he has no money.

"I don't have money, I don't have a job, and I've got my daughter-in-law for food and housing!"

Feng Xi is just teasing Luxe, anyway he is idle.

Isn't he just living and going, he is raised by her daughter-in-law, he really doesn't have any money.

Lux opened the quilt and stared at Feng Xi, looking up and down several times.

Looking at the clothes he was wearing, they were all very expensive...

And he's still a friend of the master, how is his personality like this?

This told him about medical expenses, why did he say he has no money...

This character is too bad, "You eat soft rice?"

Lux asked unceremoniously.

"Yeah, you see that I am so handsome, it's just a little white face!" Feng Xi looked at Lux's angrily. The child is a child, and all the emotions are expressed on his face, which is quite interesting.

"It's okay too..." For Feng Xi's proud tone of eating soft rice with a white face, Lux felt speechless again.

A picture of an elderly and bloated woman holding Feng Xi in her arms was already sketched in her mind.

Sure enough, I can do everything for money!

"Your face has the potential to be a little white face. How about I introduce you to a rich woman?"

Feng Xi continued to tease Lux.

"I thank you, I don't need it, I can support myself!" Lux shook his head quickly.

"If you can support yourself, you can pay for the medical expenses yourself, right!"

Feng Xi was still a little bit addicted, looking at Lux's serious expression, it was really interesting.

Lux looked at this VIP single room, how could he afford it.

"That... I'm hungry!"

Lux looked at Feng Xi and said.

Only then did Feng Xi remember that it was already time for lunch, and the child must be hungry.

"I'll get you something to eat!"

Feng Xi said and went out.

In fact, Lux was not hungry, he just wanted to get Feng Xi away.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

The phone rang five or six times before being picked up.

"I'm Lux, sister..." The person who called Lux ​​was Heliansheng.

"Well, something?" He Liansheng was busy over there.

"My wrist was broken, but what should I do if the other party doesn't pay the hospital fees? Sister, he is quite a rich person. When I talk about medical expenses, he says he has no money..."

Lux has never encountered such a thing. If you ask him to pay for the medical expenses, he really cannot afford it.

Mainly when he went to fight, he didn't expect to be broken his wrist.

This is the consequence of the impulse of being young. Without that economic strength, I dare to go.

Besides, he also felt that what Feng Xi had done was a bit wrong. Either half of the medical expenses of each of them would do, and he had to pay all by himself, knowing he was a student...

"You... are you in the hospital right now?"

After all, he had eaten a meal once, and he had known each other, and he called himself sister again.

It is estimated that a student encountered such a thing and did not know what to do before calling her.

During the last meal, he also said that his home is not in Beicheng.

"Well, in the hospital, but that person said to let me bear it..."

Lux said embarrassingly.

"You are waiting for me in the hospital, I will pass now!"

He Liansheng didn't care too much. When she was in school, she accidentally broke a glass while she was working, and the boss asked for double compensation.

At that time, she wanted someone to help her. The owner of the wine glass said more than 800.

It is imported and cannot be bought in China, so she is required to pay double the compensation.

At that time, the money she earned for working was only 900 a month, so how could she pay 1,600 to compensate her boss.

Looking at so many people with identities in the restaurant, no one helped her as a student speak.

Later, a colleague helped to intercede with the boss, and finally used her one month's salary to compensate.

So, when Lux needed her help, she wanted to reach out to him.

"Well, I'll wait for your sister..." Lux told Heliansheng which hospital is.

After Feng Xi settled in Lux, he went to see Ji Shenzhou.

Naren asked him to take a film and check his body again, and he was sure that he was relieved only after the skin was injured.

Chu Baiqing watched Ji Chenzhou get hurt like this, could she feel distressed?

When Ji Chenzhou suffered such an injury, it is estimated that this will be holding fire in his heart.

"I hit him too!"

Before Ji Chenzhou fought, he knew he was going to be injured.

Anyway, if he could hit Helianting, he was not beaten in vain.

"I saw that he didn't hurt much. You should practice more in the future!"

Naren didn't like Ji Chenzhou to fight before, but today, seeing him being beaten, I feel distressed.

He wanted to rush up, but if he thought about being beaten, it is estimated that Ji Chenzhou would be crazy.

Those who are going to die should feel distressed again.

"I can't beat him even if I practice. It's too cruel to start."

It hurts even more for Ji Chenzhou to talk, because his face is already swollen, so when he speaks, his whole face hurts.

Because he had estimated it in advance, he would definitely lose and be beaten in a fight with Helianting.

Therefore, he didn't hold his breath as much as his little mother thought, he also hit Helianting anyway.

Naren felt sorry for Ji Chenzhou, but he didn't ask whether it hurts or not.

"Next time we will go together!"

Feng Xi took a bite of the apple and said angrily.

Ji Chenzhou glanced at Feng Xi, and then took another deep look.

"Brother Six, did you last fight in kindergarten?"

When Ji Chenzhou saw a man fighting for the first time, he jumped up, and then he called for people to continue to suppress.

It's really embarrassing...

"Who said that, my brother and I often fight!"

Feng Xi just didn't say that every time he was pulled away by the ice, there was no one that could be hit.

In the past two years, he has always been kicked by his brother.

However, his brother didn't know how to use force, so he just got a kick in the ass.

"Really, then next time you fight, don't call our family Naren!"

Ji Chenzhou replied unceremoniously, but fortunately, his family's Naren didn't directly silly also pounced on it, stacking Arhat.

In that case, it is estimated that he will have to be injured, this time it is Lux's luck.

I have to say that Helianting was really ruthless, so he broke his wrist without saying a word.

"I didn't tell him to fight, I told him to rush over and press!"

Feng Xi took a bite of the apple and emphasized.

Ji Chenzhou closed his eyes, didn't want to talk, didn't want to see the heartless sixth brother...

Chu Baiqing couldn't help but smile when looking at the lively appearance of them.

One Helianting made them restless.

To say that he also has great opinions on He Lianting, that day he treated He Tingchen's wound, especially in that place...

How could it be so cruel.

He Tingchen is such a wonderful person, anyone who owns him should want to treat him well.

"Actually, I have a better way to deal with Helianting. Have you heard of doing the opposite?"

Chu Baiqing smiled softly. For so many years, the years did not leave any marks on his face.

"Mother, just say what to do, don't drag the text!" Ji Chenzhou said dissatisfied.

"We can do this..."

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