The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1554: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-my eldest brother is too naughty!

Feng Yan glanced at Feng Xi, "You care what I say to him, hurry up!"

"Fuck, he is not in my house." Gu Jue cursed dissatisfied.

"He is at your third son's house. At this point, they must be at your house."

Ji Chenzhou was too lazy to cook recently, so the whole family carried him to his father's house for dinner.

This will be time for lunch. It must be there. He Tingchen who lives at Ji Shenzhou’s house must also be there.

"Fuck," Gu Jue yelled softly after another curse, "Ting Chen, come here, Feng Yan is looking for you!"

This differential treatment made Chu Baiqing beside him laugh.

Feng Yan was not in the mood to care about Gu Jue.

"This is He Tingchen." He Tingchen's nice voice came over the phone.

With a touch of joy, because I just played with the kids.

In the past two days, he has been coaxing the children to play, a rare pleasure.

However, there will be faint anxiety in my heart, because I don't know when I will be caught back.

"I am Feng Yan, you don't want to leave Helianting, I will help you."

Feng Yan thought that He Lianting was sleeping with his brother, and he was about to get rid of his people.

He Tingchen on the phone was stunned for a while, then laughed, "Thank you, Mr. Feng, for your kindness, I can't leave yet."

He Tingchen couldn't leave because he didn't want to involve innocent people. He agreed to cooperate with Heliansheng. That was because she was Helianting's sister. Even if he left, Helianting would not do anything to her.

However, others are different. He Lianting's temperament is definitely to retaliate. When the time comes, the person who is retaliated may not necessarily be a person.

"Although I don't know why Mr. Feng helped me, but if I say something inappropriate, don't provoke Helianting. His cruelty is not what you can imagine."

Feng Yan said this to himself suddenly, he must have said he was going to He Lianting.

"He slept with Feng Xi..." Feng Yan directly told He Tingchen the truth.

"He won't!" He Tingchen directly gave him an affirmative answer.

Because he knows He Lianting very well, he will not just go to sleep alone. The male pets who go to his bed must undergo strict inspections and must be cleaned before they are allowed.

And Feng Xi is his sister's husband, so he can't sleep with Feng Xi because of how much he loves Heliansheng.

"He Lianting and Feng Xi drank too much." Feng Yan said after a few seconds of pause.

"I have been by Helianting for so many years, and I haven't seen him...drunk!"

He Tingchen paused before he was drunk, because it was not that he had never been drunk, because that time He Lianting was drunk, and it was the only time He was drunk and almost killed him.

"Are you sure?" Feng Yan was already relieved.

"Helianting doesn't sleep with Feng Xi, it's mostly a misunderstanding."

He Tingchen said with a smile, with a certain tone.

"Thanks." Feng Yan hung up after speaking.

Turning around, he kicked Feng Xi's ass.

Feng Yan asked angrily, "Does it hurt?"

Feng Xi sat up on the sofa all of a sudden, "Why doesn't it hurt? Let me kick you and try!"

Feng Xi was in a bad mood at first, so he would naturally be annoyed by being kicked.

"I'm asking you if it hurts?" Feng Yan asked with gritted teeth.

Feng Xi looked at Feng Yan dumbfounded, where? where?

Then, he touched his **** and instantly understood what his brother was talking about.

He immediately shook his head, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all..."

Then, Feng Xi was happy, it didn't hurt, wouldn't it be...

Fuck, brother, are you kidding me?

Feng Yan raised his foot and wanted to kick this guy again, how could he be so mindless.

"My eldest brother is too naughty!"

Feng Xi will feel particularly comfortable this time. It turned out to be an oolong game. Uncle, you wait to see how I go back to clean up you.

However, the eldest brother's matter was resolved, and Feng Xi fainted again. There are still people outside the wife!

And that little white face...

"Sheng Sheng is not that kind of person, there should be a misunderstanding between you."

Looking at Feng Xi in those years, I knew what he was thinking.

"Go home!" Feng Xi didn't wear any slippers, and ran out barefoot.

"I'll go over and take a look." Feng Yan sighed.

"Go ahead, just make things clear."

Because there is still the eldest brother's matter, it is not easy to come forward in those years.

Feng Xi went home in a hurry, but He Liansheng went out.

When she came to the place where Su Jin was settled again, He Liansheng's mentality was already much calmer.

Su Jin looked a little nervous when she saw her coming in, but still pretended to be calm.

"Mrs. Feng, I have..."

Su Jin bit her lip, as if she didn't know how to speak.

"Su Jin, do you know why I help you?"

He Liansheng was standing by the window. On the old window sill, there was a storage box that He Liansheng bought many years ago, which had faded.

Su Jin touched her stomach, "Because I have Feng Shao's child in my stomach..."

"Wrong, because I once lost a child, so I can't just sit idly by."

He Liansheng felt very painful thinking about the child he had lost before.

If the child is still there, he will be born soon...

He must be a handsome and cute boy, like Feng Xi...

"If I were a cruel woman, you and your child might not be where now."

When He Liansheng said this, his eyes were cold.

Su Jin's face was a little pale, and she kept holding the sheets in her hands.

"So, don't make any demands with me."

He Liansheng said again, originally to seal Su Jin's mouth.

Because she saw the message "I have something to say" in Su Jin's eyes.

"Mrs. Feng, I thought about it last night, children can't live without their father..."

Su Jin said that he was about to kneel down for Heliansheng. This time, Heliansheng did not stop her like he was in the office.

But still standing there...

"Mrs. Feng, I dreamt last night that Shao Feng was holding the baby. He liked it very much. He also said that he would be responsible for us..."

"So, Mrs. Feng, you can fulfill us! This kid really can't live without his father, he will be very pitiful..."

"Su Jin, are you forcing me to become ruthless?"

He Liansheng interrupted Su Jin directly.

People are really greedy, do you think she is good at talking?

Just because she is kind, should she make such an unreasonable request?

At this time, He Liansheng thought of Feng Xi's words again, it was really ironic to live together.

"You don’t want your child to be without a father. If you give birth to a child, I have tested the DNA. It is Feng Xi’s. If the child stays, you take the money and leave. If it’s not Feng Xi’s child, I will give you to Feng Yan. ?"

He Liansheng looked into Su Jin's eyes, and she wanted to judge again if she was lying.

Asking her to do amniocentesis, she can't do such a cruel thing, but in her heart there are ten thousand and ten thousand people who don't want this child to be Feng Xi's.

A panic flashed in Su Jin's eyes, and this panic happened to be seen by He Liansheng.

"Afraid of Feng Yan? You should know that his door is closed but there is no return."

He Liansheng's white hands clenched tightly, and Su Jin was afraid.

"I won't... go to seal the door, the child is the one who seals the less..."

"It's really Feng Shao..."

Su Jin lowered his head and kept emphasizing, but obviously his tone was not as firm as yesterday.

"Since you said that the child is Feng Xi's, let's check the DNA!"

He Liansheng is now 80% sure that Su Jin is lying.

That means the child is not Feng Xi's...

Knowing this fact, Heliansheng wanted to laugh, laughing loudly.

The mood is particularly smooth...

Su Jin looked at He Liansheng nervously, "But...yes!"

"Then go! If the child in your stomach is indeed Feng Xi's, I will allow you to enter the door of Feng's house now."

He Liansheng can now affirm that Su Jin's faintness is due to her lack of confidence and why this is because the child in her belly is not Feng Xi at all.

So what is the purpose of her finding herself?

He Liansheng thought of the mysterious person's phone call again, and the time it appeared was really a coincidence.

"Really, really?" Su Jin's eyes flashed with surprise.

"If you find me, you should know that everything Feng Xi now owns is mine, so naturally it is my decision."

The corners of He Liansheng's mouth showed a faint arc, like a smile but not a smile.

Now that someone wants to destroy her happiness, she naturally won't sit still.

How could I be so uncomfortable, how could I be fooled.

Fortunately, she and Feng Xi have not really divorced...

She wanted to see who was so deliberate about breaking her and Feng Xi apart.

"Well, thank you sister!"

Su Jin happily changed his words directly to He Liansheng.

He Liansheng smiled, laughing very happy.

"Let's go!" He Liansheng wanted to see how Su Jin went on.

"Ok...ah..." When Su Jin stood up, he suddenly lay on the bed again.

"Sister, my stomach hurts..." Su Jin covered his stomach and said in pain.

He Liansheng was a kind person, even if she knew that this might be an excuse for Su Jin to deliberately avoid amniocentesis, but she still thought of the pain when she had a miscarriage...

"If you don't feel well in your stomach, go back another day!"

He Liansheng wanted to give Su Jin time to prepare, would she contact the mysterious person.

Although these are all her guesses, just give her a chance to prove it.

When he came out, He Liansheng called her brother and asked her to send two people to her.

She needs to monitor Su Jin's movements.

He hung up his sister's phone here, and He Lianting looked at Feng Xi who came over aggressively.

And behind Feng Xi was Feng Yan...

"Why did you do something wrong and moved your brother out, why didn't your brothers come?"

He Lianting sat on the sofa with a condescending posture.

He completely regarded this as his home, and Feng Xi stood there, this is obviously my home...

"Uncle brother, there is a limit to your jokes, I really have tolerated you for a long time, but you are too special, because you lied to me, saying that we both slept, Shengsheng will be with me Divorce, don't you want us to be better?"

Feng Xi pointed at Helian Ting and said that he was really killed by his elder brother.

He Lianting got up directly, "Nonsense, I didn't want to divorce you, it's because other women have your children!"

He Lianting quit, he didn't know the pot.

Feng Xi blinked, woman? child?

What's all this?

"What woman? Where did the child come from?"

When Feng Xi asked He Liansheng about this, he also asked himself, completely confused.

He never thought of Su Jin's episode.

Feng Yan frowned and connected the matter back and forth. This big oolong is making trouble.

Only one Su Jin appeared between Feng Xi and He Liansheng, and she might become pregnant in the end.

He handled this matter, and the girl had insisted that Feng Xi had fallen asleep at him from the beginning.

Later, I was probably frightened, changed my words and said no, and left after taking the money.

Feng Xi also drank too much, and there was no way to verify the truth.

That's what happened, and now it seems that Su Jin has come out again.

"You ask me? You asked me what you did?"

He Lianting asked Feng Xi with a sneer.

He wanted to beat Feng Xi very much now, but looking at his harmless face, he couldn't do anything.

"I have never slept with any other woman except Shengsheng. How can I have children? Don't wrong me..."

Feng Xi was in a hurry. It turned out that his wife didn't let him touch it because of this.

When he knelt down to Heliansheng, the conversation between the two people was stunned. Why was it so inch.

How could there be such a coincidence, do you want to play with him like this?

"You didn't sleep, how did that female college student get pregnant?" He Lianting didn't bother to look at Feng Xi.

A man would never admit it.

"Female college student... brother, isn't it that... isn't it?"

Feng Xi suddenly remembered that the college student was a model.

"I'll let Han Bing check it." Feng Yan was also about to ask Han Bing to check if Su Jin had returned.

"Quickly investigate, you dare to frame me, quickly investigate!"

Feng Xi was angry. He drank too much that night, but he never touched her.

Actually dared to calculate on him, so that he and their family Shengsheng had such a big misunderstanding.

Almost divorced, and even let their family Shengsheng suffer such a grievance, she must be killed.

He Lianting looked at Feng Xi's eyes, didn't you just say no?

Why does this remind me again?

"Uncle, I swear, I didn't sleep with her, don't look at me with such a look."

Feng Xi couldn't laugh or cry. He dared to swear to the sky that he absolutely didn't do anything to sorry their family Shengsheng.

He Lianting looked at Feng Xi, "Really didn't do it?"

Of course He Lianting hoped that nothing would happen between Feng Xi and his sister.

"Uncle, really not, I swear!"

Feng Xi's eyes were firmer than ever before, and now he thought how sad his wife should be.

He Lianting looked at Feng Xi, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

"No need to prepare for selection!"

He Lian Ting has already let people start in He Lian country to choose a man worthy of his sister.

When Feng Xi heard this, "Uncle, aren't you looking for a man for Shengsheng?"

Feng Xi asked tentatively. If Brother Brother dares to do this, he swears that he will put laxatives in his meals...

"Why? No? If it wasn't for Shengsheng threatening me, don't move you, you would have been unloaded long ago!"

He Lianting looked indifferent and sat back on the sofa again.

Feng Xi's mouth was choked open, unable to speak. It turns out that the elder brother really found a man for their family Shengsheng...

"Brother Uncle, you are really good..." Feng Xi sat there aggrievedly, and verified again that Brother Uncle is not a brother.

At this time, Feng Yan also got a reply from Han Bing. It was indeed Su Jin who had secretly returned to Beicheng.

"It's Su Jin, seven months pregnant. Sheng Sheng, who I found yesterday, is now arranged by Sheng Sheng in the house she used to rent."

Hanbing's work efficiency is very fast, and he found these within a few minutes.


Isn’t their Shengsheng okay yesterday morning and didn’t come back at night, and the attitude towards him after coming back was because of the woman Su Jin...

"Dare to play this hand."

Feng Yan didn't expect a college student to have the courage to play with him.

"She didn't even take that pill at the time..."

To be safe, Feng Yan also let her take the contraceptive pill before giving her money.

"What kind of contraceptives, the child won't be mine at all, I didn't touch her."

Feng Xiqi jumped straight, why his brother didn't believe him anymore, he said he hadn't done it before.

You can't assume that the child belongs to him just because the woman is holding a belly?

"Except for my family Shengsheng, I have never touched any other woman. I didn't know it before, not now, nor will I be in the future."

Feng Xi was really going crazy, so why didn't everyone believe him.

Even my brother didn't believe him, so he gave that woman some contraceptive pills...

Where did the usual cleverness go? It is clear that it is a trick to ask for money.

There are too many women like this, and they won't let go when they get the chance.

When Feng Yan looked at Feng Xi, he was also dumbfounded. It was not that he didn't trust Feng Xi, but his past life, which was hard to believe.

Feng Xi used to be crazy about playing, but he really wouldn't have casual relationships with people.

"I can remember these words. You should be thankful that our family Shengsheng has you in his heart. Otherwise, you have one organ missing now."

If his sister hadn't threatened him, he would have castrated Feng Xi.

How could he be able to jump around here.

Fortunately, I didn't do it, otherwise, I misunderstood what would happen to his sister's future happiness.

Feng Xi immediately covered the position of his crotch. Uncle, you are cruel...

"Uncle, if you didn't lie to me, you wouldn't have made such a big oolong."

Feng Xi was aggrieved, Feng Xi was aggrieved, how could he have such a big brother.

Fortunately, Shengsheng is the only brother in their family. If there are so many brothers like him, wouldn't he be going to die?

"We are already asleep, a bed, is there a problem?"

He Lianting said it for granted. He said that they slept because Feng Xi's own IQ was not enough, so he had to think about that.

"Uncle, you didn't explain it and misled me. You did it on purpose."

Feng Xi was wronged, but he was even more thankful that the **** incident did not happen.

If something like this really happened, he was afraid that he would live in the shadows all his life.

Fortunately, everything was a misunderstanding, and nothing bad happened.

"Why don't you say that you are stupid."

He Lianting originally thought Feng Xi was a smart person, but what happened this morning proved that Feng Xi was stupid.

"He is not defending you, not playing with you."

Feng Yan was unhappy when he heard that their family Feng Xi was stupid.

Although he usually said that Feng Xi was stupid, Feng Xi was stupid, but that was what he said.

Looking at his brother, Feng Xi finally said he was done.

Usually, he said he said the most stupid.

"You brothers have a good relationship, everything is the same!"

What Helianting said, doesn't it mean that your IQs are all the same and you are stupid.

Feng Yan really endured He Lianting for a long time. Brother Rao meant that before the wedding, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes like this.

Don't make the relationship too rigid, after all, Helianting is now in their country.

Regardless of the relationship between his in-laws, he is also the president of a country and can't be neglected.

Therefore, Feng Yan didn't want to cause trouble for his brother. He always suppressed his temper.

He said about fighting that day, but he actually wanted to do it, but in the end he held back and fought the landlord.

It was really because Helianting was too irritating to speak. Which of them had been irritated by others.

But he was repeatedly arrogant.

How did Feng Yan know that He Lianting was not arrogant, but that he was born with such a temperament.

I am used to giving orders to the commander, and I am used to talking.

"It's because our family members are stupid, so we should be bullied."

As soon as Feng Yan finished saying this, Feng Xi was stunned. My God, how could his brother say such a thing?

You must know that Xie Si's Fengyan has always been a poisonous tongue, so why did he say such a counsel...

"Who is bullying you? Tell me, I'll give you a head start, Brother Brother is not for nothing."

What does it mean to be confused? He Lianting is an example.

Feng Xi looked at He Lianting again, the eldest uncle is the eldest uncle, Gao, this is beautiful.

Feng Yan squinted his eyes slightly, the green veins between his forehead faintly floating.

I've seen shameless people, so shameless, this is the first time I have seen you.

Just when Feng Yan wanted to say this sentence, He Liansheng came back.

She came in and saw that Feng Yan and Feng Xi were all there. She was taken aback, and then greeted Feng Yan, "Brother."

Who knew that before Feng Yan had time to respond, He Lianting responded, "Well, I'm back."

He Liansheng's elder brother was obviously speaking to Feng Yan, because he was smiling at him.

Who knew he was cut off by Helianting.

He Liansheng glanced at her brother, then said to Feng Yan, "Brother, why didn't my sister-in-law come here?"

Feng Yan didn't answer at first, but looked at He Lianting.

Looking at his eyes, I was saying, "Come, you should answer again and ask why your wife didn't come?"

He Lianting ignored him, but looked at Feng Xi.

Feng Xi looked anxious and aggrieved, looking at his wife.

"Your sister-in-law will be embarrassed by this uncle who makes such an oolong."

Feng Yan didn't talk about Su Jin and the child, but first accused the elder brother.

"What's wrong with my brother?" He Liansheng looked at her brother again, what oolong?

Feng Yan looked at Feng Xi. After the two of them exchanged glances, Feng Yan said, "Then I still need my brother to explain, what happened to this oolong in the morning?"

Feng Yan looked at He Lianting with a provocative look in his eyes, probably saying, to see how you explained to your sister that you fell asleep with your brother-in-law.

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