The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1544: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-I am still restless with He Tingchen, a

Yu Sheng's voice trembled slightly, it was because of anger, she was also quite angry.

He Tingchen is such a nice person, how could he be treated like this by He Lianting.

Just because he was bought, can he be treated so casually?

Yu Sheng seemed to have expected that one day He Lianting would regret treating He Tingchen like this.

That day, he discovered how much he cared about He Tingchen, and even, that day, he would find that he had fallen in love with him. However, at that time, he had already damaged He Tingchen's body and his body was full of holes...

At this time, He Lianting looked at Yu Sheng again, seeming to be a little impatient with her changing temperament.

"You take off your mask first, I'll call again!"

When Yu Sheng saw He Tingchen loose his lip biting teeth, He Lianting should have stopped pinching him.

Yu Sheng wanted to help him, she thought, even if He Tingchen didn't help her, she wanted to help him.

Because this man really makes people feel distressed,

Although she is a woman, she still wants to protect him.


He Lianting didn't expect Yu Sheng to say this, but despite the naivety.

However, the tone was obviously much better than before.

Yu Sheng thought, He Lianting's temper was really just what he said. He Tingchen has been by his side for so many years.

Has it always been such a careful life?

It is said that the companion is like the companion tiger, staying beside Helianting is also the same, right?

Yu Sheng was still waiting for He Lianting to take off his mask, staring at him with a pair of smart eyes.

He Lianting didn't say anything, but turned to He Tingchen directly.

He Tingchen was skilled in taking off the mask for Helianting.

The mask is special, it looks like it is very textured and heavy, but it is actually very light.

He Lianting turned his head and looked at Yu Sheng.

"Call!" Helianting's thin lips opened slightly, and he said such a word, but he was extremely domineering.

Yu Sheng's mouth is also open, but he can almost stuff an egg...

What did she see?

He Lianting is not a half-blood, but he does have a pair of very beautiful ice blue eyes.

And there was a mole under his left eye, which was very eye-catching.

He still has eyeliner, but that is definitely not the eyeliner drawn, but natural...

His nose is straight and his lips are thin...

He gave people the feeling that Yinwu was cold, but there was a kind of demon from his bones.

This is simply incredible, no wonder he has to wear a mask, anyone who sees this face will be surprised.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a masterpiece of God, it is really perfect to the extreme.

He Tingchen is long enough to be charming, but compared with Helianting's demon, it tastes a little worse.

The most important thing is that Helianting is cold, extremely cold, and those thin lips seem to be born not to laugh...

"Brother!" Regardless of Yu Sheng's depression and shock, He Lianting impatiently urged again.

Yu Sheng came back to his senses and called Brother...

"Are you really my brother? Do you look like us?"

Yu Sheng pointed to herself, and compared with Helianting, she really felt that she was an ugly duckling.

"Yes, it's not like, call me brother!" When He Lianting spoke like this, he was saying that his patience was about to be polished.

He was on the verge of getting angry.

In fact, He Tingchen was all sweating for Yu Sheng, and no one dared to do this in front of He Lianting.

It can be said that she is the first.

And Helianting didn't get angry either, this was probably the first time.

After all, it was the condition that he had put forward. In the end, Yu Sheng lowered his head and whispered "Brother".

However, the voice was so small that Helianting didn't hear it clearly.

"Heliansheng!" With a low growl of Yu Sheng's name, Helianting was obviously already angry.

"Brother." Yu Sheng called out.

Her voice was loud this time, and Helianting could hear her clearly.

"Remember, you are Helian Sheng, and there will be no more Sheng in the future."

He Lianting was very satisfied with Yu Sheng and called his brother.

(From here, Yu Sheng changed his name to Heliansheng. I think Heliansheng sounds pretty good.)

She has no opinion on this point. In fact, she has long wanted to use the surname Yu.

She even thought about whether to change it to a seal, but then she didn't take it seriously.

He Liansheng's cell phone rang, she took it out and saw that it was Feng Xi's, and she remembered.

He said that he would come to pick her up at noon, but she actually forgot. He Liansheng answered the phone, "Sorry, I forgot you are coming to pick me up, I'm out..."

He Liansheng explained apologetically.

He Lianting looked at her apologetic look, and an unhappy look appeared on her face again.

Feng Xi on the phone asked He Liansheng what he was doing.

"Helianting came to me for lunch..."

He Liansheng still didn't subconsciously, adapting to the fact that He Lianting was her brother.

As soon as he said this, Yu Sheng heard He Tingchen groan.

Even if she didn't see the process, she knew that Helianting must have squeezed his hand again.

Did Helianting use his hand as a venting thing?

He Liansheng clearly remembered that He Tingchen's hands were very beautiful.

She thinks that such a hand is for playing the piano because it is too long and perfect...

Appropriate, but now it is used as a gadget when Helianting vents...

"It's my brother who came to pick me up for dinner. You can go there first, and I will call it myself in a while."

He Liansheng felt that He Lianting was taking advantage of He Tingchen today. If he weren't there, she wouldn't be able to call out this loud brother.

She just didn't want He Tingchen to be angry and cause pain because of her.

When talking to He Tingchen last time, she could often see the look of exhaustion in his seductive eyes.

He should be really tired, otherwise he wouldn't show such an expression inadvertently.

With people like Helianting, I will feel tired for everyone!

After Yu Sheng said this, Feng Xi on the other side of the phone said, "I'll go over and eat together."

"Don't, eat again when you have time!"

He Liansheng didn't want Feng Xi to come over, especially when he took a bite of his uncle.

He raised Helian Ting, as if how much they wanted to recognize him.

It made him feel beautiful...

"That's fine, I'll let Jiang Yu pick you up in a while!" Of course Feng Xi listened to his wife.

It's not eating with other men, and brother, he is absolutely relieved.

Besides, maybe the daughter-in-law just wants to chat with the elder brother alone.

After all, after so many years of living without each other, we still need to understand and adapt.

He is completely understandable, and he also finds that he is now more and more empathetic...

All these credits belong to his wife, who has changed herself completely.

Feng Xi thought so over there, He Liansheng hung up the phone after he hummed.

"Where are you going in a while?" He Lianting turned to look at He Tingchen and asked.

The lazy movement and the slightly squinted expression seemed to ask such a sentence inadvertently.

"Shen Zhou...the birthday of the child of Ji Shao's family..."

He Tingchen actually didn't want to go anymore, because He Lianting came, and he felt that the air in Beicheng had become extremely depressed.

The only people like Shenzhou who can breathe freely, He Lianting is also pulling them out of his heart little by little, starting from the name...

"You want to go too?" He Liansheng asked this.

Heliansheng found that he especially liked asking people questions condescendingly.

And every question is not so easy to answer.

It was like such a simple question, He Liansheng felt that if she answered yes, then what He Lianting said next, she must feel a little regretful.

But, if you say no, it is a lie, she is not good at...

If you don't answer and pretend to be stupid, obviously you can't. These three people are obviously asking her.

"Yeah." He Liansheng still hummed in the end.

"Then I will go too!"

Sure enough, after He Lianting said this, He Liansheng saw He Tingchen slowly closing his eyes.

He Liansheng even saw deep despair in his eyes, and was unwilling.

How He Lianting treated He Tingchen, but just now, she was going to die of anger.

It's just that she can't help He Tingchen to get through the siege. She knows that even if he is humiliated by He Lianting, He Tingchen's bones cannot be tainted.

However, it was such a man who did not touch the world, he was bullied and played like this.

She thought it was just the slightest touch in their relationship.

He Lianting must have done more to He Tingchen. With so many people here today, what is the face of He Tingchen?

He Liansheng thought, He Tingchen must not want to go now, but the more he does not want to go, He Lianting will definitely want him to go.

"Are you going to wear a mask? There are many children there, and you will scare them."

He Liansheng spoke to He Lianting in a very flat tone.

"Then go like this, they don't want to see me too, today I am happy to meet them!"

Helianting was indeed very happy, because Helian called his brother.

Although she called reluctantly, but she also called, regardless of her emotions.

Just hear what he wants.

Heliansheng thought he would wear a mask if he said, she would definitely tell him not to go, so as not to scare the child.

However, Helianting said not to wear it. In the end, she even moved out the gift.

"Then have you prepared a birthday present for the child?"

Anyway, He Liansheng just didn't want He Lianting to go, she just wanted to help He Tingchen.

"Ready!" He Lianting just narrowed his eyes and said.

He Liansheng may not know it. This is the first time He Tingchen has seen him. If someone asks He Lianting questions like this, he will answer them patiently.

You know this is something that has never happened before.

Because Helianting disdain to answer anyone's questions to him, others dare not do things that waste his time.

Now He Liansheng had nothing to stop her, and she also felt that she wanted to stop it when she asked such questions. He Lianting was not angry, and she was already showing her face.

In this way, the three of them finished their meal and went directly to Ji Chenzhou's home.

He Liansheng didn't know where Ji Shenzhou's house was.

But Helianting's top luxury caravan just drove all the way to Ji Shenzhou's house.

It's as familiar as my own home.

He Liansheng saw He Tingchen's expression worsening.

"I'll get it!" Who knew when he got off the bus, He Lianting took her shopping bag directly from He Liansheng's hand.

"No, not sinking, I can."

He Liansheng was embarrassed, a gentleman should be something every man should have, but this kind of gentleman's behavior appeared in He Lianting's body, she felt a little weird.

Who knew Helianting didn't listen to her at all, and he still took it.

Then, holding He Tingchen's hand, he walked inside.

He Liansheng looked at his empty hand and felt that something was wrong.

When He Liansheng walked into the courtyard, he saw a large box lying in the courtyard.

They were all pianos. Heliansheng laughed when he saw these.

She said, everyone knows that babies love pianos, and they must buy this.

Don't think about the knights, it must be the assembled Transformers.

Sure enough, when I walked inside, I saw a few big Transformers boxes.

He Liansheng thought, and didn't know which piano and transformers Feng Xi prepared.

Thinking of Feng Xi's furious way, He Liansheng wanted to laugh, but it was a pity that she didn't see it.

He Liansheng still thought about Feng Xi's inability to do so, but he didn't expect that he would be angry to death for a while.

When He Liansheng entered, Feng Xi came out to pick her up.

"You killed my wife so badly, did you let your uncle take off the mask?"

Feng Xi held Heliansheng and kissed her on the cheek.

This resounding kiss is the supreme commendation to his wife.

"See? You were taken aback?" He Liansheng still dare not look into He Lianting's eyes.

She was afraid of being sucked in. Looking at He Tingchen's eyes before, she felt that she was going to be sucked in. As long as the owner of these eyes thinks.

However, Helianting's eyes don't need his master to think, but people who have seen it will feel like they want to be taken away.

"Those eyes are too beautiful, but they are too cold. I looked at my elder brother and it was cold all over."

When Feng Xi said, he shook his body purposely.

"Then you don't look at him." He Liansheng walked inside holding Feng Xi's arm.

"My wife, I'm in a particularly bad mood today. I was critically beaten and I need comfort."

Speaking, Feng Xi rubbed He Liansheng's body, like a little cat and puppy who only had to please the owner to comfort him.

"Are you talking about birthday gifts?" He Liansheng smiled, probably not the only one in a bad mood, Feng Xi.

Everyone should be depressed.

"No, why do you think they are all the same as what I bought? What do you think?"

Feng Xi is angry when he thinks of this, they won't buy anything else?

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi's childish appearance, and his heart was particularly warm.

"It's okay, I'm sure..." He Liansheng wanted to comfort Feng Xi, but was interrupted by him.

"What's even more irritating? Uncle brother actually prepared a gift for the baby knight, and the two of them liked it specially. Originally, the two children were disappointed because of the piles of pianos and transformers, but they didn't expect the big The gifts my uncle brought, they like to scream..."

"And the eldest brother has a good way. His sweets completely bought the Naxi kids."

"My elder brother is amazing, but he really underestimates him..."

Feng Xi kept talking here, and He Liansheng felt angry when he heard it.

He Lianting said that he had prepared a gift. What was she talking about?

She thought he was a gentleman who helped her carry things, but he wanted to take it for herself.

The birthday present she prepared became his?

What is this brother? Why are you so shameless.

"What did you just say? Wife."

After speaking, Feng Xi remembered that his wife was also going to talk just now.

"No, nothing..."

He Liansheng couldn't tell Feng Xi that the gifts he had prepared by his great brother were actually prepared by her.

If I said that, with Feng Xi's character and the depression in his heart at this time, he would definitely go in and fight He Lianting.

The children will be happy now, don’t make any more children, the children’s birthday is the most important thing.

She will settle accounts with Helianting on this matter.

How could there be such a person? He Liansheng would be able to appreciate Feng Xi's anger.

She was also frustrated.

Why is there such a big brother?

The eldest brother loves Sansao so much, he will definitely not do such a thing.

Is her brother fake?

Isn't it a pit girl?

When I entered, everyone was still looking at Helianting, and he seemed to be unable to feel the light at all.

Sitting there steadily, the knight and baby are sitting beside him, one on each side...

The knight opened the archaeological dinosaur box, but he didn't know how this thing was played?

And took out a small hammer and brush...

"Chocolate? How do you make this?" The knight raised his head and asked Helianting.

He Liansheng looked at He Lianting and waited for him to make a fool of himself. Where would he know how to play with this thing.

Let you grab my things...

"It's broken." Who knew Helianting just said casually, and he got the correct answer.

Heliansheng is even more angry, is this all right?

Sure enough, the knight started to use a small hammer to break the layer of chocolate.

Then I saw the soil made of chocolate froth.

No need to ask Helianting this time, the knight knew that he would use a small brush.

In a short while, the dinosaur bones were exposed.

The knight was surprised to call out, "Thank you, I like it very much."

Cavaliers rarely show such an excited expression. He succeeded when he assembled the model, and he was also very calm.

When Ji Chenzhou saw his son so happy, he became even more depressed.

Did he not invite Helianting to come? He didn't forget, he also gave Naren a camera from their family.

No matter what the purpose is, he is not happy, and dares to hit their Naren's idea.

At exactly this time, Naren came over, and Helianting asked, "Do you still like the camera?"

The tone was surprisingly gentle.

Naren's eyes were blank, and then suddenly realized that this was asking him, and then smiled and replied, "I like it, thank you."

Naren's face is habitually slightly flushed.

However, as soon as he looked up, he saw Ji Chenzhou's unhappy face.

He smiled bitterly, is he also very wronged?

Ji Chenzhou also said to him that day, "You are both married women and men, but you can still make men think about you, so it doesn't make people worry."

Naren is not convinced. He is married, so why can't people be worried?

He is no longer an old man. Where is the capital that people are thinking about?

"We have broken cameras!" There are many cameras at home.

Every Naren likes it too, but if I haven't collected it, I will always think about it. Therefore, when Helianting sends it, Naren will accept whatever he says.

What he wants is the camera, and doesn't care who sent it.

But Ji Chenzhou cares about who sent it, not about the difficult-to-collect camera.

"The eldest brother is amazing, he still knows that Naren likes the camera, and he still feels restless with He Tingchen, and even thinks about Naren, really..."

Feng Xi leaned down and pressed to He Liansheng's ear and whispered.

He Liansheng looked at He Tingchen, who was sitting aside, trying to reduce his existence as much as possible.

Intuition tells him that her brother gave Naren the camera for a reason, and it's not a concern at all.

It is because of He Tingchen, and it is hard to say whether He Tingchen knows this.

After all, the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, and some things are difficult to understand once they get stuck.

He Liansheng felt sorry for He Tingchen, his eyes always reminded her of when she was most helpless.

At that time, she couldn't cry and couldn't find a word to describe her situation.

Because any words and words appear pale and weak in front of such a display.

Nor can you tell anyone that because of your pain, others can't empathize.

Therefore, He Liansheng can better understand He Tingchen's desire to leave.

The air thirsting for freedom is no longer regarded as a marionette in this way.

Even a woman can't stand being treated like this, let alone such a man as bright as a diamond.

Over there, Huo Zhongrao glanced at Li Beichen, and Li Beichen gave him a look that "must regain the home court".

Now these children's fathers are all over the age of impulsiveness, and a day's life is quite boring.

You don't need to work hard either, being too comfortable always makes people want to be crazy.

Huo Zhongrao actually did not show the majesty of his elder brother, and said no, he even nodded.

Helianting is too arrogant. He insists on disturbing everyone's peace, so how can he let him make trouble.

Sometimes things just don't go to your liking, as originally planned.

However, there will be accidents in everything, for example, "worshiping" his elder brother Feng Xi extremely.

While eating, Helianting asked Heliansheng to sit beside him.

He Liansheng didn't want to sit, because he was still angry, so why did he let her sit, she just sat.

She would still be angry about the gift.

"Come here, my wife sits here next to my elder brother." There was a funny Bixi who didn't know how angry his wife was at this time.

I thought she was not comfortable eating with her elder brother because of her thin skin.

He has been matching up there, anyway, he is thick-skinned, it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is to let his wife adapt to the fact that she has a brother as soon as possible.

With his real family, he thinks his wife will feel even more happy.

He Liansheng was half pressed into a chair by Feng Xi.

"Give me a bowl of soup!" As soon as Heliansheng sat down here, Helianting issued an order.

He Liansheng bit her lip and looked at him. She didn't believe that he couldn't see it. Now there were five words written on her face, "I'm angry with you."

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