The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1538: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-Yu Sheng killed someone

Yu Sheng's body was like a small tree swaying in the wind, as if it would be blown down at any time.

Little tears flickered in her eyes, as if as long as Feng Yan nodded, or said "yes"

It will drop in an instant...

Feng Yan's hand hanging on his side, grasped and released, his jaw faintly floating.

"That's my husband, you can't hide it from me..."

Yu Sheng's voice trembled, and Feng Yan didn't give a negative answer immediately, and Yu Sheng's heart sank.

"Shengsheng, Xiaoxi is... hospitalized!"

For the first time, Feng Yan stammered in front of others.

Because this person is Shengsheng, she is more vulnerable than anyone else.

People will feel distressed when they see it. She wants to be cautious and careful, for fear of any deviation.

Finally put down all the cautiousness, but it was such a result.

Feng Xi's car accident was also caused by Yu Sheng. If she knew the cause, she would definitely blame herself.

Yu Sheng stood there quietly, motionless, his tears seemed to be frozen, and did not fall.

"The situation is not terrible..."

Feng Yan tried to comfort Yu Sheng. He was worried that Yu Sheng would not be able to stand this situation.

"Brother, take me to the hospital!"

To Feng Yan's surprise, Yu Sheng was very strong, perhaps stronger than ever.

Because she was scared, she told herself that she had to grit her teeth. Even at this time, her body could no longer stand and she was about to fall down.

However, she still told herself that Yu Sheng and Feng Xi were waiting for you...

Looking at Yu Sheng, Feng Yan squeezed the word "good" from his throat.


When Feng Yan's car stopped, Li Beichen's car also arrived.

Seeing Yu Sheng getting off the car, he knew this was not hiding it.

"Three brothers." Yu Sheng and Li Beichen said hello.

The state was much better than Li Beichen expected.

"Nothing too much, don't worry."

In other words, it means breaking a few bones and raising them. The most important question now is that Feng Xi is not awake.

However, I still have to say a word of comfort, after all, women's bearing capacity is weaker than that of men.

Yu Sheng didn't say a word, because her heart was tugging, relying on the thought of wanting to see Feng Xi, she supported her from falling.

When he came to the ward, Gu Jue saw Yu Sheng for a moment. Then, without saying anything, he walked out, leaving Yu Sheng alone.

Yu Sheng watched Feng Xi lying on the bed, his body began to tremble, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, it was difficult to take every step.

The room was very quiet, only the sound from the instrument.

Feng Xi just lay there motionless, not knowing she was here...

Yu Sheng's tears were like a river bursting its bank, falling completely uncontrollably.

When he got to the bed, Yu Sheng thumped and fell to his knees.

The open mouth was speechless, and tears slipped in.

Yu Sheng held Feng Xi's hand, warm, thin...

You can feel that he has lost a lot of weight by holding his hand, and Yu Sheng's heart is painful as if he was pricked by a needle.

"It's me who is not good, it is me who is not good, shouldn't fight with you..."

Yu Sheng finally made a sound. If they didn't quarrel that night, Feng Xi would not drive out, there would be no car accident, and would not lie here unconscious like this.

On the way here, Feng Yan briefly talked about Feng Xi's situation.

Yu Sheng listened to angina, how painful her Feng Xi should be, he was not the most afraid of pain.

Except for holding Feng Xi's hand, Yu Sheng did not dare to touch his body for fear that he would hurt.

Yu Sheng has never cried like this, since she was a child, she has never cried, because she is afraid because she feels bad...

She wanted to lie here instead of Feng Xi and bear all the pain for him.

Outside the door, Feng Yan, Li Beichen and Gu Jue, heard Yu Sheng's cry, their expressions deep.

When Yu Sheng's cry stopped, Feng Yan was the first to rush in, worried that Yu Sheng would pass out.

When he entered, Yu Sheng was wiping away his tears, his eyes and nose were red from crying.

However, it is clear that the mood has calmed down.

"How did he get into the car accident, can you tell me the truth?"

Feng Xi drove very steadily, even if it was regenerating, there would not be such a serious car accident.

Feng Xi's car is top-notch in all aspects, unless it is a heavy-duty vehicle, and such a car accident can happen if it can't be avoided.

Just now, a few people also discussed whether to tell the truth with Yu Sheng, and the final conclusion was to tell her the truth.

"It's Gu Qiwen..."

Feng Yan just said Gu Qiwen's name, and the rest can be understood without saying Yu Sheng, what's going on.

"Gu Qiwen, because of me...Feng Xi lies here because of me..."

Yu Sheng's eyes suddenly darkened, and then she stood firmly on the wall. Gu Qiwen was because she...

That crazy woman...

Yu Sheng has never hated a person, even if Yu Qiang tried to strengthen her several times, she did not hate it, just felt sick.

Even if Du Xiaoyu lied to her, she never hated it because it was not worth it.

However, at this moment, she felt hatred for a person for the first time.

"Have you caught it?" Yu Sheng wanted Gu Qiwen in front of her, and if she had a knife in her hand, she would definitely plunge into her body without hesitation.

Let her experience what pain is...

"The Master Xiu's people have been caught, and they haven't dealt with her yet, it won't make her so dead!"

Gu Qiwen's murder was deliberate, plus her unsuccessful murder of Yu Sheng, all these things together will put her in jail.

However, before this, she will never make her feel better.

"Take me to see her!"

Yu Sheng's eyes were cold, watching Feng Xi lying there, her heart was prickling, she would make Gu Qiwen hurt hundreds of times.

Perhaps it is because the blood of the Helian family is flowing in the bones. The unique character of the Helian family is warlike and fierce. Once aroused, it will make people tremble with fright.

At this time, Yu Sheng clenched her fists, she wanted Gu Qiwen to pay for it.

Feng Yan also clearly saw the change in Yu Sheng's eyes. He nodded after pondering for a few seconds.

Yu Sheng kissed Feng Xi's forehead, so heavy, "Wait for me."

After saying such a sentence with trembling lips, Yu Sheng got up and left.

A part of Master Xiu's power is still preserved. After all, he killed so many people before, and the necessary protection is still needed.

Therefore, he has a dedicated base, and Gu Qiwen is locked here.

Feng Yan wanted to accompany Yu Sheng in, but she refused.

When Yu Sheng saw Gu Qiwen, she didn't seem to be beaten except for a little embarrassment.

Gu Qiwen sneered when she saw Yu Sheng.

"Is Feng Xi dead? If he is dead, he won't let you go, right?"

Gu Qiwen laughed madly. People like her have a lot more hatred and heart for people than ordinary people.

Whoever makes her feel unhappy, she will want to kill her, otherwise she will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Since she was forcibly sent abroad by Gu Shaoting, she has been suffering every day, and she wanted to kill Yu Sheng with all her heart.

However, she wanted Yu Sheng to die, lose shelter, kill Feng Xi, make everyone hate her, spit on her, and then kill her by herself. That would be the most hateful.

However, she was obviously going to succeed, but she was caught.

After planning for so long, she finally failed to kill Yu Sheng.

When she had known that she should have been in the car with Feng Xi, she killed her.

Yu Sheng walked towards Gu Qiwen step by step, raised her hand and slapped her.

"Your hatred comes from hitting yourself in the face, right?"

When Gu Qiwen slapped herself at Feng Xi's office that day, Yu Sheng knew she would not give up.

People like Gu Qiwen are the only ones who beat others, so how could they allow others to beat her, let alone beat herself.

However, Yu Sheng did not expect that she would not be afraid of Feng Xi, and would dare to drive him so crazy.

It's just that the personality is distorted to the point of abnormality.

"If you come to me, hurt the innocent, you are not afraid of retribution."

Gu Qiwen's face was slapped to the side, Yu Sheng's palms were numb, she slapped her very hard.

"If you seduce my man, you are not afraid of retribution. If you hook up with Feng Xi and Gu Shaoting on your back, you are not afraid of retribution."

"Yu Sheng, a woman like you, any man who touches you will be unlucky."

Gu Qiwen was tied up, so her hands could not play, she could only shake her body, her eyes were red.

Yu Sheng looked at Gu Qiwen and her hideous face.

"I really want to know if Feng Xi is dead. To say that this man is really pitiful enough. Seeing my wife wear a ring to other men, and let other men wear a ring to her, it is a dead heart. Are they all there?"

"Then I will fulfill him and let him die. Isn't he arrogant? I think he is arrogant when he is dead?"

"Haha, Yu Sheng, you should be grateful that I was caught, otherwise you will have pictures of Gu Shaoting wearing rings with each other being broadcast. Feng Xi's car accident is a masterpiece of you and Gu Shaoting."

"You all deserve to die, all of you... all of you deserve to die..."

Yu Sheng only felt his brain buzzing, Gu Shaoting, Ji Zi, photos...

Feng Xi's accident was caused by her alone, she was the one who harmed him...

"How can someone like Yu Sheng understand that wearing a wedding ring can't be let others wear it? Haha, you don't understand anything... If you understand, you won't be fooled by Du Xiaoyu..."

Gu Qiwen was talking messy things, because Yu Sheng didn't understand feelings, and she lacked love since she was a child.

She doesn't even understand the emotions of men and women...

When Gu Qiwen and Du Xiaoyu divorced, she asked Du Xiaoyu why she liked Yu Sheng.

She is not so stunning and beautiful. Du Xiaoyu's answer is, "Yu Sheng looks sensible and independent, but she is innocent and innocent in love as a child. No man would dislike such a woman."

Innocence is like a child...

Because of this, she didn't know how to avoid suspicion and asked Gu Shaoting to help try on the ring.

Gu Shaoting understands that because she likes Yu Sheng, she selfishly guided her to put a ring on him, and finally bought the ring herself.

In fact, Yu Sheng was born to be cared for. All her perseverance, patience and sensibility were forced out by life.

I force myself to mature and adapt to all circumstances.

Yu Sheng recalled the scene of the ring trial that day, and slowly closed her eyes. It was her fault and she didn't think so much.

She just wanted to try it on, and the last thing she wanted was a pair of brand new rings.

She didn't think so much. At the time, she was so excited. The first time she did something that could surprise her and be romantic, her whole mind was not working well.

It seems that the brain can't turn if it doesn't listen to it. Is this the reason why love makes a person's IQ lower?

"So, you planned all of this, drove into Feng Xi, then spread the photos, and then pointed the finger at me and Gu Shaoting, making others mistakenly believe that Gu Shaoting and I killed Feng Xi, Gu Qiwen, and Gu Shaoting were yours. Brother, you can do things like this, you really are not human..."

Yu Sheng was thinking about what is going on in this society, how can people's hearts be twisted like this, is life inferior to those two slaps in her eyes?

"Those who make me unhappy will die. You all deserve to die. I won't let you die..."

Jealousy and hatred have turned Gu Qiwen into a murderer, and she wants everyone who provokes her to die.

"Haha, and Du Xiaoyu, isn't he willing to look for a woman behind my back? I will let him pay for it. Isn't his Du family the only son? I will let him cut off his children and grandchildren, he will never have his own in this life child……"

To say that a woman gets cruel and crazy, it won't make you think of how crazy and cruel it is.

It turns out that Du Xiaoyu can't give birth to Gu Qiwen...

She read the new article before and said that in order to avenge her husband’s infidelity, a woman gave him a medicine to kill sperm. This husband only learned later...

It turns out that such a thing is true, and Gu Qiwen actually did it to Du Xiaoyu.

"You are a lunatic..."

"I'm quite tolerant to you, you know, I originally wanted to push you downstairs and let you die with your child. Who knew you had a miscarriage... The **** has a child, and he must punish you."

Gu Qiwen's face was savage, if she hadn't been tied up, she would have jumped up to bite Yu Sheng.

She is completely mad, completely mad...

"People like you shouldn't live, you will pay for what you do."

At this moment, Yu Sheng made a decision in his heart that if Gu Qiwen hurt Feng Xi in this way, she would make her pay the price.

An idea has been in her heart for many years, and now she wants to do it.

No matter what the price, she wants to do it.

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he didn't want to watch Gu Qiwen anymore, so he turned and walked out.

She was thinking about the whole plan in her mind. She had thought about it when Yu Qiang repeatedly harassed her and tried to strengthen her.

I thought about this plan many times, but in the end she endured it all. In the end, she went out to work and finally escaped Yu Qiang's harassment.

When Yu Sheng came out, Feng Yan stood at the door smoking.

"Brother, let her go!"

Yu Sheng's voice was hoarse, but he was unusually calm.

Feng Yan looked at Yu Sheng, his eyes meant to ask why she was let go.

"Brother, do you believe me? If you believe me, let her go."

Yu Sheng did not say what she was going to do, because she knew that if she did, Feng Yan would definitely not agree with her.

However, she must do this. Gu Qiwen dared to treat Feng Xi so madly, she must make her pay the most painful price.

A person like her with a devil in his heart should not be alive and should not end well.

Feng Yan looked at the firmness in Yu Sheng's eyes, no matter how smart Feng Yan was, he would never think of what Yu Sheng would do.

But if she wants him to believe him, he believes.

Gu Qiwen was pulled out and told her that when you could leave, she was stunned.

She thought she would die here, but she was just released.

She thought there must be no evidence to prove that she hit the person, so she was released.

Haha, it must be like this.

Gu Qiwen was thrown on the road. When she took off the blindfold, she saw her eyes and she was really released.

Gu Qiwen thought in her heart that she would be lucky if she survived a catastrophe. She had to take a bath and eat a meal.

She didn't take a few steps, but was stopped by the people behind her.

Yu Sheng looked at the complacent Gu Qiwen, and looked at her with that smile.

When Gu Qiwen saw that Yu Sheng was alone, her mouth also sneered.

"Are you trying to die?" Gu Qiwen is half crazy now, she wants to kill everyone who makes her uncomfortable, and she wants those who have given her unpleasantly to die.

She wants those who have lived better than her to get no happiness.

She refuses to accept the injustice of fate. Why is a woman like Yu Sheng who has nothing, will be loved by men, and she will say innocence, and she is a feminine woman, how is she inferior to Yu Sheng...

"You want to kill me? Gu Qiwen, you are not enough to kill Feng Xi, but you still want to kill me. Are you killing me? You will kill Gu Shaoting and Du Xiaoyu again..."

Yu Sheng's expression was cold, and he walked towards Gu Qiwen step by step.

"Haha, you all deserve to die, I will kill you all, Yu Sheng, people like you don't deserve happiness..."

When Gu Qiwen listened to the names Yu Sheng said, she hated them very much.

Yu Sheng had an extra knife in her hand, she looked at Gu Qiwen's ghostly face and walked towards her step by step.

Gu Qiwen only stared at Yu Sheng's face without seeing the knife in her hand.

When Yu Sheng walked to Gu Qiwen's side, a knife in his staggered hand fell.

Gu Qiwen saw that it was a knife, and immediately bent over to pick it up.

Yu Sheng showed a panic expression and turned to run.

"Yu Sheng, go and die..." Gu Qiwen rushed over at her.

He stabbed Yu Sheng with the knife, Yu Sheng turned sideways, and the tip of the knife plunged into Yu Sheng's stomach.

When Gu Qiwen was stunned, Yu Sheng drew out the knife and stabbed Gu Qiwen...

Yu Sheng moved very fast, and Gu Qiwen could only stare at Yu Sheng with wide eyes.

Yu Sheng's eyes were cold, this should be your retribution, Gu Qiwen, you shouldn't hurt Feng Xi.

Do you know that he is my life, my only one.

This is your retribution...

Watching Gu Qiwen fall, Yu Sheng slowly took out the phone and tapped the button to stop recording.

Then I called the police...

"Someone wanted to kill me, and when I was struggling, I also injured her... I need an ambulance, I shed a lot of blood... The approximate location here is..."

When Yu Sheng made this call, he had been looking at Gu Qiwen.

Gu Qiwen looked at Yu Sheng angrily, "You bitch, wait... and go to jail!"

"Yu wait to die...go to die..."

Yu Sheng looked at Gu Qiwen who was still struggling, and slowly fell down.

"Gu Qiwen, if you don't die, you have to sit in prison in this life."

"If you hurt me, I won't hate you like this, but if you hurt Feng Xi, I will never forgive you."

Yu Sheng's face has a coldness that she has never seen before, she needs a embrace and a shoulder.

She finally had such a warm embrace, she would never allow anyone to cool him down.

She came to protect her Feng Xi and didn't need to dirty anyone's hands.

The moment Yu Sheng closed her eyes, she heard the sound of a police siren.

Yu Sheng's injury was not serious, and the part where the knife tip went in was not deep.

Gu Qiwen did not die, and the injuries were serious.

When Yu Sheng was under investigation, he recorded his cell phone to the police and explained the situation.

She is a legitimate defense, and Gu Qiwen deliberately murdered.

Adding to the collision with Feng Xi, it was an attempted murder, and Gu Qiwen was really going to get through the prison this time. (The plot requires it, don’t follow suit!)

When Yu Sheng woke up, he sat on the bed and cried all the time.

Yu Sheng opened his eyes slowly, his throat was sore, as if he had been burned by fire.

Yu Sheng raised his hand to hold Shi Nian's hand, smiling...

"You said you, there are ways to cure that mad woman's sin, you said why you hurt yourself, you said that if you pierce deeper, you have an accident, what should Feng Xi do..."

She was so angry and anxious that she felt sorry for Yu Sheng, how could she have the courage to do so.

He quickly took the water cup and brought the straw to Yu Sheng's mouth.

Yu Sheng smiled and drank the water, his voice finally felt more comfortable.

"Feng Xi hurts, let her taste what he suffered..."

Yu Sheng felt distressed that Feng Xi was hurt like this because of himself.

Feng Xi had never suffered from such pain since he was a child, and he has been cared for so well.

Why should she be harmed like this.

"They will do these things, you say you... how painful!"

It hurts even if a cut is made by the hand.

Not to mention that the knife pierced into the body.

"Sister-in-law, I don’t hurt... I never know what it feels like... because I don’t dare to hurt, but after I have Feng Xi, I feel like a clay figure gradually infused with emotion, I know it hurts , So, seeing Feng Xi... lying there, it hurts me..."

The corners of Yu Sheng's eyes gradually fell with crystal tears.

All her emotions were poured there, her passionate love for a man.

If she was born in ancient times and the enemy is now, she would definitely be the woman holding the sword in front of Feng Xi.

"If you let Feng Xi know... you are injured, he will die of distress, and Feng Yan now also blames himself. He didn't protect you, so why didn't you think you would do this..."

It's not just Feng Yan, even if it's changed, no one would have thought that Yu Sheng would do it.

What Yu Sheng didn't know was that outside the ward at this time, a man was there, looking inside the ward through the slender glass.

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