The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1472: Chapter 1472

Naren froze in an instant, his mind turned quickly, and his anxious Evergreen call that day was also about the death of his parents.

It was obvious that someone had deliberately revealed the news to him, and now Ji Jiu said again, then it is clear that this news was released by Ji Jiu...

Naren looked down at Ji Jiu condescendingly, and looked at his grinning smile, it was almost lingering, it seemed that his business was everywhere.

This is the person who lives in the dark, with a pair of eyes, always staring at the pain of others, waiting for opportunities.

"Do you think I will believe what you say?"

"Furthermore, even if what you said is true, so what, I don't even remember what my parents looked like now, so save some effort and see how your mother got retribution."

Although Naren said so in his mouth, his hand on his side was still tightly clenched into a fist.

Ji Jiu said that these are undoubtedly sending a message to him, then...

His parents' death is related to Ji Chenzhou?

No, when his parents died, Ji Chenzhou was as old as him, then it wasn't Ji Chenzhou, who would it be?

Is Ji Chenzhou's father?

If so, why did his father kill his parents, in such a cruel way...

"Naren, I said, I will ruin those photos, what else do you want? You did this for Ji Chenzhou, are you worthy of your dead parents?"

Ji Jiu didn't think that Naren didn't want to know. Looking at his appearance, could it be that he already knew but didn't care?

No, based on his understanding of Naren, if he knew the truth, he would definitely hate it. How could he do these things for Ji Chenzhou...

Thinking of Ji Jiu this time, Naren didn't know the truth.

"Ji Jiu, can you believe what you said? You just leave a mailbox, and you can copy countless copies of those photos. I am innocent, but not stupid. I keep the video of you and your mother being rounded, and I am afraid that you will not be good. Obedient? You also have a taste of being threatened in this way."

Naren himself felt disgusting when he said these things, because he was kind by nature, not the evil person, so he would feel very uncomfortable when he said the words of these evil people.

Thinking of Ji Chenzhou these days, because of Ji Jiu's threat, so arrogant people can only endure with gritted teeth, Naren wished to tear Ji Jiu apart.

Because of his loss of conscience, Brother Nan will die...

Brother Nan...

Thinking of Qin Nan's tragic death, Naren made a gesture command to Scar Chen.

Ji Jiu's mother looked like a tricky and vicious person, her face was very gloomy, even though her mouth was sealed with tape, she still stared at Naren with vicious eyes.

Naren glared at her back, such a woman really deserves a snake heart.

Ji Jiu's mother's clothes have been torn apart, Naren opened his eyes and didn't want to see the dirty things.

He would definitely not do this before changing to another job, but to treat a person who would be harmful to life like this, he must definitely give him a tooth for a tooth, so that she can feel the pain of the person she harmed.

Although Ji Jiu is cruel and cruel, how could he watch his mother be treated like this in front of him.

If the person in front of him is not Naren but Ji Chenzhou, then Ji Jiu will still think that he deliberately used this method to let him destroy those photos.

However, Naren was not Ji Chenzhou, he didn't have that kind of mind, Naren wanted to avenge Ji Chenzhou's mother and retaliate with teeth.

So Ji Jiu panicked, he couldn't just watch his mother being insulted...

"Naren, you give me the computer, I will destroy those photos now, I swear I will never keep any of them, I swear, you will stop them..."

Ji Jiu grabbed Naren's trouser legs, and the blood on his hands stained Naren's white pants, which was very eye-catching.

A man over there has already begun to take off his boxer briefs. Although Ji Jiu's mother is almost in her forties, she is still beautiful, the kind that a man would want to go after.

"Account...password..." Ji Jiu immediately said a series of numbers, clutching Naren's trouser legs tightly.

Regarding this kind of behavior that the opponent did not let go, but took the initiative to send out chips, Ji Jiu would never do it before switching to it, but now, he is really pressed by Naren.

"Ji Jiu, although I hate you as a person, I still know you well. I have ruined all the photos that can be posted on your accounts. It seems that your mother's position in your heart is nothing more than that."

Naren sneered, but all Ji Jiu's computer, his mailbox and other accounts were hacked. How could someone like Ji Jiu only prepare for this.

Someone must have photos in his hands. Once Ji Jiu has an accident, Naren will reveal those photos.

Or maybe there is a secret regular release account that will automatically release once you do not log in for a few days. These are all threatening factors.

Naren wanted to eliminate all these possibilities to prevent Ji Chenzhou from being threatened, and then killed Ji Jiu so that his scourge could no longer harm people.

A hint of hesitation flashed in Ji Jiu's eyes. He didn't expect that such a pure Ren would become so smart, and he would think of this.

"Your mother is really charming, look at the eyes of those men looking at her, and then take off the tape from her mouth, let you listen carefully, is your mother's name miserable or cool!"

Naren endured the disgusting surge in his heart, and said these dirty words, he was really very uncomfortable.

However, he must stimulate Ji Jiu in this way and let him explain everything.

"My former assistant is called Li Feng, he has photos on his hand, and Pei San also has..."

Ji Jiu slowly closed his eyes.

Ji Jiu's mother shook her head desperately, meaning that Ji Jiu didn't want to say that this woman would rather be rounded than lose the bargaining chip that threatened Ji Chenzhou and the president. It was really cruel.

"Your account and password will be released regularly without logging in!"

The corners of Naren's lips curled up slightly with a sneer, Nan Ge, soon, I will avenge you.

"account password……"

Ji Jiu completely explained everything this time, but he didn't expect that he would finally explain it to Naren.

In the hands of a man he was really interested in, he really underestimated him, and he could do it so cruelly.

Scar Chen's men quickly tapped the keyboard while holding the notebook, while the others also went out invisible, apparently looking for Pei San and that Li Feng.

"Naren, I told you, let my mother go, don't let those people touch her..."

Ji Jiu's voice was faintly angry. He never thought that he would lose in this way.

No, he won't lose... He fell again and again, didn't he still get up, nothing can knock him down in Ji Jiu, no...

"Ji Chenzhou's mother, shouldn't you ask your mother to let her go? No, she should ask her to let her go? But, did your mother let her go? No!"

There is no two words for Naren, and the bite is particularly heavy.

"Naren, you are so ridiculous, Ji Chenzhou's father killed your parents, why are you still here to avenge his mother?"

"Haha, it's ridiculous. Your parents are in the sky. They must hate your son. If you don't avenge them, you actually avenge your enemies. It's ridiculous..."

"It is said that you saw your parents being killed at the time, and you died miserably, right? That old man is such a person. He must be killed. If he knows whose son you are, he will definitely kill you. You still want to fight Ji Chenzhou together? Dreaming..."

Ji Jiu smiles madly and keeps smiling...

Naren's face was quite ugly, and his breathing became heavy.

It is really Ji Chenzhou's father, so what is it for?

"If your parents weren't killed by Ji Chenzhou's father, maybe the president now is your father, and you are the president's son, haha..."

Thinking of this possibility, Ji Jiuyi smiled crazily and burst into tears.

"Your parents were forced to be deported. When the news of their deaths came back to China, your grandparents died because of the bad news. Your grandfather died five years after being paralyzed by a stroke. Your family was broken and you died. You still avenge your enemies, are you worthy of your relatives who died tragically?"

Ji Jiu kept talking, he was trying to stop Naren and prevent his mother from being insulted.

Naren staggered and backed up a few steps, but Scar Chen caught him.

His eyes were dull. He had heard about it, but didn't know it was Naren's parents. It was a sensation at the time.

It was said at the time that Naren’s parents had stolen state secrets and fled...

He remembered the man's surname Ouyang, because it was a compound surname, so he remembered it more clearly.

"Your father's name is Ouyang Song. If you don't believe it, you can check it now. Is it true... At that time, he and Ji Chenzhou's father were campaigning at the same time, but he was eventually framed by him. ?"

At the end of the story, Ji Jiu didn't have the energy, because he said too fast, and he was kicked several times before, which would make his mouth sore, and even coughing would not come out.

Ouyang Song...

Asong... He remembers how his mother called his father.

He didn't remember his parents' names at that time, because they would always change their parents' names when they changed places.

At that time, my mother always complained about his father, why he would suffer with him. The memory of Naren was very vague, except for the scene where his parents were killed, which he would never forget.

It turned out that Ji Chenzhou’s father was the one who hurt their family so miserably...

Naren smiled, this world is so small, so small, he is actually with the enemy's son...

Naren felt the blood in his body gradually become cold, but his heart felt like it was burned, and the fire was burning with pain.

"Naren, let my mother go, the person you should deal with is not us, but Ji Chenzhou and his father..."

Ji Jiu looked at the hatred in Naren's eyes, he knew that his words were useful, and Naren must hate Ji Chenzhou to death.

"Isn't that your father too? If you want revenge, start with you first!"

Naren smiled, Ji Jiu must die today, he must die for Qin Nan...

"Naren, you can't kill me... how can you kill me? You can't kill, you can't kill, how can a person like you kill... That person, you should kill Ji Chenzhou, he... …"

Ji Jiu panicked. He didn't think that Naren would want to kill him. He thought he just wanted those photos. How could a shy person like Naren kill...

"Ji Jiu, you killed Qin Nan, you said how could I keep you alive!"

Naren sneered, and didn't want to look at Ji Jiu again. This person looked at Ji Jiu again and it made him feel sick.

"Brother Chen, it's all taken care of!"

What Naren said was handled, referring to Ji Jiu and his mother.

When Naren told Ji Chenzhou about his mother, he swore in his heart that he would avenge her if he had a chance.

Leaving aside his parents, the oath he swore must be honored.

"Naren, you can't do this... Naren, you can't kill me... you dare to kill me..."

No matter how Ji Jiu shouted, Naren had already left.

Naren believes that Scar Chen will handle it well and will not let anyone find any evidence.

Naren was trembling all over while sitting in the car, why...


God must be joking with him. Ji Chenzhou's father killed his parents and indirectly killed his grandparents. How ridiculous.

Ji Jiu must have lied to him, must be...

Scar Chen knocked on his car window and wiped out the smoke in his hand.

Naren put down the window, still shaking.

"Ouyang Song did happen. As for whether it is your father or not, you still have to check again. It will be easy for you to check this!"

Scar Chen looked at Naren worriedly, this child was really hard, turned out to be a child of a wealthy family.

"Brother Chen, thank you, I'm leaving now!"

Naren feels very tired, very tired, and very cold.

At this time, he especially wanted Ji Chenzhou's embrace, but he knew that he might not be able to jump in that embrace anymore.

After Scar Chen told him a few words, Naren drove away.

He didn't know how he drove the car to home on this road. When the car stopped, he realized that he had driven the car home.

Ji Chenzhou's men stood there, saw his car, and immediately took out their mobile phone to make a call.

Naren knew that he must have called Ji Chenzhou...

He ignored it, got out of the car and didn't go home, but went to the opposite Gu Jue's house.

The baby and the knight must be here, he wants a baby now...

You can't let Ji Chenzhou hold him, or let the child hold him, he is too cold.

When Naren came in, Chu Baiqing saw the blood on his trouser legs and immediately checked where he was injured.

"I'm okay, Chu Shao, it's Ji Jiu's blood..." Naren knew that he had disappeared like this, and he must be anxious to everyone.

When Naren spoke, Chu Baiqing was shocked again, "Are you able to speak?"

Naren smiled and nodded. Fortunately, only the pants had blood. Naren washed his hands and hugged the child. His eyes were red again...

When Ji Chenzhou rushed in, his legs were straight and his posture when he ran in was very stiff.

"What are you doing?"

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