The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7490: not yet out, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The land of origin is the beginning!

Jiang Yiyun's explanation reminded Jiang Yun of the inner layer that Bei Chenzi took him to, where there were exits leading to three different places.

One leads to the outside of the cauldron, the other leads to the gathering place before the origin, and the other leads to the time and space where every living being comes, which is the most hopeful way back for all living beings.

Apart from the exit leading to the origin, the other two exits are actually the starting point for the monks living in the cauldron!

Looking at Jiang Yun, Jiang Yiyun obviously knew what he was thinking at the moment, and said lightly: "If your power of time and space is strong enough, you can travel through time and space at will without anyone's help."

"Just like me back then, even if Bei Chenzi knew about it, it would be very difficult to catch you."

"But now, you can't do it, so when I send you away, I just send you to the so-called inner layer, which is the place Bei Chenzi took you to."

"The exit leading to the outside of the tripod and the origin of it originally existed, and that position is equivalent to the tripod mouth of Longwen Chiding tripod."

"But the third exit was created by Bei Chenzi himself."

Jiang Yun was puzzled and said: "Why did Bei Chenzi open up an exit for the monks to go home?"

Although he didn't have much contact with Bei Chenzi, Jiang Yun absolutely didn't believe that the other party would be so kind and willing to send the monk who strayed into the place of origin home.

Jiang Yiyun said calmly: "After the place of origin appeared, Bei Chenzi was worried that time and space would be chaotic, and the power of time and space would continue to spread, which would affect the entire environment in the cauldron, so he simply moved the heart of the tripod to the place of origin. He himself stares at the place of origin."

"If the power of time and space is too large and chaotic, he needs to stop it quickly."

"This can be regarded as another kind of restraint for him, so that he has to concentrate most of his time on the land of origin."

"Later, he discovered that if the same creatures in different time and space meet each other, it is very likely to cause the collapse of time and space."

"In desperation, he could only open up the third exit, so that the monks who entered the place of origin can go home, so as to prevent them from encountering another self."

Jiang Yun nodded clearly, understanding the various consequences that may be caused by the chaos of time and space.

Bei Chenzi was responsible for maintaining the stability in Longwen Chiding, so naturally he couldn't ignore it.

As for the fact that selves in different time and space cannot appear at the same time, let alone meet each other, this is what Jiang Yun heard from himself in the last reincarnation.

Moreover, the self in the last reincarnation was also proficient in the power of time and space, and traveled through many time and space.

He even made the Great Desolation Time Dial...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked Jiang Yiyun: "Did I see you in the last reincarnation?"

"Also, you made this Great Desolation Time Dial and gave it to him?"

The last time I reincarnated, I might have met Jiang Yiyun, Jiang Yun had already thought of it.

But now, based on my own experience and the function of the Great Desolation Time Dial, it should not be a magic weapon that I could create in the last reincarnation, but it can only be done by Jiang Yiyun in front of me!

Jiang Yiyun nodded and said, "It's not too stupid."

"He has indeed been here before, and the Great Desolation Time Dial was given to him by me."

"Because in my opinion, his aptitude and other aspects are better than yours, and the power of time and space is far beyond yours, so he entered the place of origin very early."

"It's a pity..." Jiang Yiyun shook his head, and didn't continue to say: "He's gone, so there's no point in talking about it, you should go."

"Do you want to take any of these people here?"

"Speak out if you have anything, and I will send you away together."

Jiang Yun knew that the other party was really determined to let him go, and he was not going to tell him anything anymore.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not continue to insist, and looked around and said: "The two soul and mirage clansmen, and Miss Qin from the Chaos Territory, I will take these three people away."

"By the way, there is also this banshee."

"As for the others, I want to kill them!"

The Lord of Heavenly Stems and Jiang Yunna had a great enmity. Now that the other party does not have the support of the Divine Tree of Ganzhi, and is now in a coma, this is the best chance to kill him.

As for General Jin Chan and others, since they have surrendered to Bei Chenzi, they are also hostile to him.

If you keep them alive, they will become your enemies in the future. It is better to take the opportunity to kill them all.

However, Jiang Yiyun shook his head and said: "You can't kill them, they all have a soul with Bei Chenzi."

"However, they will definitely be sent out by Bei Chenzi, so you should wait until later, and then you can find a chance to kill them."

"Okay, you should go!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yiyun didn't give Jiang Yun a chance to speak again. With a wave of his hand, Jiang Yun's body immediately flew into the sky uncontrollably, and flew towards the sky.

Hun Yanfeng, Shen Lin, Qin Xiang, and the banshee followed closely behind him.

Looking at Jiang Yiyun who was getting smaller and smaller below, although Jiang Yun still had a lot of doubts in his heart, at this moment, he couldn't ask anything.

The next moment, Jiang Yun only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he had already left Dan Lu, and was placed in a vortex of colorful light.

And at this moment, I seem to be transformed into a leaf, constantly circling with the rotation of the vortex.

Naturally, this vortex is composed of the power of time and space.

Jiang Yun and the other five people disappeared quickly in the whirl of this vortex.

Inside Dan Lu's face, as Jiang Yun and others left, Jiang Yiyun suddenly spread his palm, and a candle appeared in his palm.

If Jiang Yun was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this was the candle that imprisoned Ye Bai and came from outside the cauldron.

Apparently, Jiang Yiyun took the candle away while Jiang Yun was unconscious.

Gently playing with the candle in his hand, Jiang Yiyun said to himself: "Although your strength and choices are not very good, you have brought me a lot of surprises and surprises."

"However, man's calculation is really not as good as heaven's calculation!"

"I ask myself that I have prepared enough. Even if there are variables, I should at least keep things running on the track I want."

"But now it seems that I still overestimated myself."

"Not to mention Jiang Yun's growth, it has greatly exceeded my expectations, and even Ji Kongfan and Gu Bulao..."

Shaking his head, Jiang Yiyun continued: "I had imagined how and what identities they would appear by Jiang Yun's side, but I never expected that one would become Jiang Yun's master, and the other would become Jiang Yun's year-end friend. !"

"Fortunately, they have all come here this time, so I can revise my plan!"

"As for Jiang Yun, he has already taken precautions against me and guessed that I will replace him."

"Then the way he will go next is nothing more than the same as him in the last reincarnation, at all costs, to break the trap I set up!"

"You guys, why are you all so disobedient?"

It’s fine if you don’t believe in others, but you don’t even believe in yourself, so let me tell you what’s good about you! "

"Well, in the end, I still have to follow my own plan!"

Jiang Yiyun clasped his palm, and when he spread it out again, the candle in his hand had disappeared without a trace, but there was something else.

Stone of Origin!

Looking at the Stone of Origin, Jiang Yiyun smiled coldly and said, "Aren't you coming out yet!"

After the words fell, he suddenly smashed the stone towards the ground.

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