The old man was lying on the ground, and the young man was lying on the ground.

Outside the wall of blessing.

Ashes saw the temple traitor Cocoon enter the wall of blessing and hurriedly followed.

However, he was not a saint and could not enter the wall of blessing.

Just when Ashes was anxious, he suddenly felt a huge fluctuation of divine magic coming from the wall of blessing.

Then, golden light surged from the wall of blessing and connected to every infected person.

"This is a healing spell. Fuyao is transferring the magic plague from the infected person to her!"

The healing spell in the divine spell is actually a very special spell. It does not simply eliminate the disease or restore health, but transfers the pain and disease of the patient to the caster himself.

There is an important principle behind this magical spell: equivalent exchange. This means that if you want to perform healing, you must pay a corresponding price.

And this price is to bear the pain and discomfort caused by the disease of the person being treated.

In a sense, there is no clear upper limit to the power of healing, but it is limited by the physical condition and tolerance of the caster.

In theory, as long as the caster can endure and bear the pain of the person being treated, they may be able to cure any disease.

However, the reality is not so simple. Because the human body is limited and cannot bear too much burden and pressure.

So even the most powerful divine magicians will face their limits. When they bear too many diseases, they may endanger their own lives or even die.

"Nonsense, if you continue like this, you will die."

Ashes really want to save the world, but he wants Fuyao to live.

Because Fuyao is alive, the wall of protection will not fall.

The wall will fall if people are there, and the wall will collapse if people die.

By then, Cecil civilization will face a greater disaster.

"I must stop her."

"It's over, it's too late, the wall of blessing is beginning to collapse."

Just as Huijin expected, the wall of blessing is collapsing.

At this time, Huijin found that he could enter the wall of blessing. He hurriedly cast a spell and approached Fuyao at lightning speed.

"Hope, everything is still in time."


Inside the wall of blessing.

After seeing that Saint Fuyao decided to sacrifice herself to save the world, Jian's face did not show the expression of conspiracy.

And after seeing Saint Fuyao suddenly terminate the magic for some reason, Jian's face finally showed a bright smile.

At the moment when Saint Fuyao terminated the magic, Jian saw countless silk threads intertwined in front of her, gradually tangled together, and became difficult to separate.

Also saw countless waves rushing towards her and converging into a sea.

This is the thread of fate, and also the sea of ​​fate.

The sea of ​​fate is enough to drown two worlds.

"You finally woke up."

"It seems that only He can make you give up your faith."

A smug smile appeared on Jian's face.

Jian's purpose from the beginning to the end was not to kill Saint Fuyao.

But to make her fall into the devil.


"The magic has ended."

"I should be happy, but why is my heart beating so fast?"

For some reason, when he saw the magic end, Huijin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated violently.

As the master of the Temple of Light, a super magician-level magician, Huijin himself has awakened some of his predictive abilities.

His predictions have never been wrong.

Huijin knew that it was useless for him to be anxious.

Everything would be clear when he saw Saint Fuyao.

"We are almost there, just in front."

"Wait! What is that?"

From a distance, Huijin saw a lot of black air coming out of the place where Saint Fuyao was.

Ashes were not unfamiliar with the black air, it was the magic of the demons.

It was also a magical power different from Cecil's world.

"How could there be magic in the wall of protection?"

"Could it be the temple traitor Jian, how dare she, how dare she join the demons!"

Ashes had never been so angry.

He could accept Saint Jian's betrayal of the Temple of Light, but he could not accept that the Saint from the Temple of Light, Jian, a human, joined the demons.

However, when he saw the source of the magic, Ashes was stunned.

At that moment, Ashes once wondered if he was dreaming.

Was he under the enemy's magic and fell into an illusion?

Otherwise, how could he see that the Saint who dedicated herself to the world and was extremely pious to the gods was emitting boundless magic.

"How could it be, what happened?"

Huijing's hands couldn't help shaking, he really wanted to know what happened inside the wall of protection.

"You're here, old charlatan." Jian was the first to laugh when he saw Huijin coming.

She liked this kind of scene, liked the way the believers of the Temple of Light had their faith collapsed in front of her.

"What did you do to her?" Huijin approached Saint Fuyao while casting a spell to attack Jian.

Jian dodged the spell she hated the most with a single move.

Jian had lived for thousands of years, so a descendant like Huijin naturally couldn't move her.

"I just gave her some magic.

Some magic that can be converted into the demon race." Jian Yingying said with a smile.

This is the supreme magic of the demon race, which can convert other races into the demon race.

However, the caster must be willing and step into the realm of the titled magician.

"You traitor, don't you know what you are doing?" Huijin was furious, he had never wanted to kill someone so much.

But now, Ashes no longer had time to tangle with Cocoon.

Inside the wall of protection, the demonic energy was getting thicker and thicker.

Ashes deployed divine defense, and with difficulty approached the source of the demonic energy and entered the demonic energy.

In the center of the demonic energy, Ashes saw the saint Fuyao whom he had not seen for a long time.

He also saw the familiar statue in front of Fuyao.

At this moment, under the infection of the demonic energy, the originally holy statue was also covered with a layer of black air, which looked extremely weird.

Fuyao floated in front of the statue, with her eyes closed, and her long red hair danced wildly in the black demonic energy.

Boundless demonic energy surged out of Fuyao's body and gathered on her head.

And as the demonic energy changed, a horn gradually grew on Fuyao's forehead, between her original dragon horns.

On Fuyao's face, there was sadness, relief, and yearning.

Seeing this scene, the old Huijin was very sad:

"Are you really going to betray God and light?"

Hearing this, Fuyao opened her eyes with a complicated look:

"Light is just a color, how can you betray me?"

After saying this, Fuyao's face suddenly flushed unnaturally, and boundless demonic energy poured into her body at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

At the moment when the demonic energy disappeared.

Huijin knew that there was no Saint Fuyao in the Temple of Light anymore.

From then on, there would be one more witch in the world.

Witch Fuyao.

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