As time passed, Adil and the others kept walking towards the south.

A few days passed, and when I arrived at the area in front of me, the surrounding environment was finally no longer a wilderness, and other pedestrians and caravans gradually appeared.

They followed these people on a rough road, and soon came to the Duchy of Barron not far away.

At noon, walking at the front of the team, Adil looked into the distance.

Ahead, a city was already in sight, forming a dot in his sight.

In the team, others don't have such a good sight as him, and they can't see the city in the distance, but it doesn't prevent them from knowing this through various information.

As Fulaer, who went to investigate, passed the news of his upcoming arrival back to the team, the atmosphere of the entire team couldn't help but become more relaxed, and the atmosphere that seemed a little depressed due to the long journey was also empty.

Looking at the increasing number of pedestrians ahead, the people in the team couldn't help but smile. Even Elva, who had always looked decadent, stepped out of the carriage at this time, with a slight smile on his face.

"After walking for a while, our people will greet you in front."

In the distance, Fulaer quickly ran over on his horse and said quickly to Elva in the team.

In order to save time, more than a month ago, he sent a few knights in the team to take a step forward to notify the people in the south to come and greet them. At this time, they were almost in front and were about to join them.

After a while, as the distance got closer, Adil looked forward.

There, a huge team was coming towards them, with a total of one or two hundred people.

Leading the team in front was an old man in a black coat, who was riding a horse and quickly ran towards Adil and his party.

A figure quickly rushed out from behind Adil.

Fulaer, dressed in armor and with a smile on his face, greeted the old man who ran fast in front of him: "Vara, long time no see!"

"It's really been a long time." On the opposite side, looking at Fulaer, the old man's originally calm and serious face also squeezed a smile.

They walked to the middle of the two groups, then quickly dismounted, gave each other a hug, and then began to arrange other things.

"I already know what happened, what about Lord Boria's child?"

Valla looked at Fulaer in front of her with a sigh on her face, and then asked.

Speaking of Elva, Fulaer's face suddenly looked a little ugly, but he just stood there and said: "Master Elva, he is still resting on the carriage behind."

Looking at Fulaer's face, Vara was thoughtful in her heart, and then gradually looked behind Fulaer.

His eyes were very sharp, and he quickly scanned the front of the team with a scrutiny eye. After seeing Adil on the horse, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is this the one?" He looked at Fulaer and asked in a questioning tone.

"That's right." Fulaer nodded: "His name is Adil, he is the child of Baron Ashland, and he is also an extremely rare half-elf."

"Half-elf." Hearing this, Vala's eyes became brighter, and she stared at Adil tightly, as if looking at a rare treasure.

Behind him, there was a middle-aged man in a noble dress, who was following behind him at this time, also constantly looking at Adil in the distance, with intense fiery in his eyes.

This behavior of his made Fulaer noticed, and he couldn't help but ask, "Who is this?"

"He is from his own clan in the south, and is the nephew of Duke Arriere." At this moment, Valla came back to her senses and explained to Fulaer.

"Hello, I'm Siduru." Behind Walla, a gentle smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged nobleman.

"It turned out to be Lord Cidru!" Looking at the middle-aged noble in front of him, Fulaer's face suddenly showed a look of awe and admiration: "I didn't expect Duke Arieu to send someone over this time.


As a descendant of wizards, the Farcus family is far more than the count of Boria.

The south is the stronghold of the Farcus family, and there are many branches of the Farcus family, some of which are even stronger than that of the Earl of Boria.

The Duke of Arieu is the strongest of them, directly ruling a small principality, and it is very powerful. Stronger than Count Boria, who originally ruled the Northland.

"There's no way." Hearing Fulaer's words, Sidru showed a wry smile on his face: "The blood of the ancestors, which has been passed down to the present, has become thinner and thinner. In the past hundred years, the number of qualified people in the entire family has become more and more The less, for each one must be valued."

"What's more, this time, not only our clansmen, but also a half-elf appeared."

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Sidru's face: "As a half-elf, even if this child can't become a wizard, his child is at least half likely to have talent. If he can become a formal wizard, then his descendants will Among them, at least three generations have absolutely possessed the talent of wizards, which means a lot to us."

They chatted on the spot for a while, leaving a group of people to bring the nobles who had migrated in front of them to the city for resettlement, leaving only a few people such as Elva and Adil.

"Lord Cydru."

Walking to the front, after a brief introduction, Adil showed a gentle smile on his face.

"Name: Cydru Fakus. Strength: 5.4. Agility: 5.7. Constitution: 5.6."

In the dark, the sound of the chip machine in his mind sounded again, which surprised Adier secretly.

This is a great knight. Although he is far from being Adil's opponent, it also makes him awe-inspiring.

In the original Northland, there were only two great knights on the bright side, but now that he has just come to the south, he can meet one, which makes Adiel a little surprised.

Of course, it is also possible that Count Arieu specially sent a great knight for the sake of safety.

"Lord Boria should have told you that after coming to the southern countries, Duke Arieu will take care of you." Looking at Adil's appearance, Sidru smiled, and he seemed to be interested in Adel. Dill was very satisfied: "Although you are a descendant of Lord Boria, you are also our clan. In terms of relationship, Duke Arieu is also your uncle, so you can go to our place with peace of mind."

On the side, listening to this, Fulaer was a little silent, and after a long time he said: "I will take Elva to settle in the Duchy of Barron, don't worry about us."

"If that's the case, then please two adults." Adiel said sincerely without changing the smile on his face.

Listening to this, Valla and Sidru smiled at the same time beside Fulaer, and secretly relieved in their hearts.

On the side of Adil, Elva seemed to be ignored by the people present, just stood quietly on the side, without the slightest chance to interject.

His face was pale and his footsteps were a little vain. At this time, he stood silently beside Adil, with a little unwillingness in the depths of his eyes.

Watching this scene from beginning to end, Adil also sighed, but he still didn't say anything.

From the moment the Northland fell, Elva's identity had changed, and he was no longer the glorious successor of the Northland, but just an ordinary noble. If it weren't for Adil's relationship, I wouldn't even have the qualifications to stand here and listen.


After arranging Elva, Adil followed Flaral and others to the country of Duke Arrie in the south.

Half a month later, in a prosperous city, Adil came to one of the palaces.

Aside, Valla and Cidru stood silently, looking like they were waiting for someone.

After a while, in the front, the figure of a middle-aged man appeared.

It was a tall man with a majestic face and a majestic figure. At this time, he was wearing a blue leather jacket and walked in front of Adil.

"Lord Arieu!!!" A voice came from beside him.

When they saw the middle-aged man in front of him, Valla and Sidru responded without hesitation, making Adiel understand the identity of the person in front of him.

"Are you Adil?"

He looked at Adil in front of him, with a kind smile on his majestic face, looked at him and asked.

In this regard, Adil's face showed a bit of nervousness and embarrassment at the right time, and he seemed to be a little nervous and nodded: "Yes."

Looking at his appearance, Arie's kind smile did not change, and he spoke to Adil very kindly.

After they chatted here for a while, the tension that Adil showed slowly disappeared, and he seemed to be much more relaxed.

Only then did he stand up and take out a letter from his arms: "This is the letter that Uncle Boria asked me to bring to you."

He handed the letter up and said so.

Looking at the letter, Arieu was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. He took the letter from Adiel and stood there and looked at it.

Adil had read this letter before. It mainly wrote some detailed information about the North, as well as the detailed reasons for the fall. It did not involve too many other things.

At the end of the letter, Adil and Elva were specifically mentioned above and asked to take care of them.

The handwriting on this letter was scribbled because of the serious injuries he had suffered before his death, but it did not hinder his reading.

After Duke Arieu quickly read the letter in his hand, a sad look inevitably appeared in the depths of his eyes, which was well concealed by him and was not discovered.

"I already know what Boria asked me to do."

He looked at Adil and said, without showing any strangeness on his face: "About the sorcerer, he must have already told you Boria about the wizard."

Seeing Adiel nodding in front of him, Arie continued: "The fleet of wizards from afar will come to the south every year to receive apprentices from various wizarding families and take them to other continents. Calculate the time, now There are still two or three months before the arrival of this wizarding fleet."

"During this time, you can rest here with me."

PS: Recommend a book "Management of Astrological Things", the following is an introduction:

The invincible captain, known as the butcher of the empire and the executioner of the battleship, returned to Earth after a downfall, but the opportunity for his redemption and return to the battleship is in Mengniang's astrological diary. A wonderful journey that is amusing and sometimes profound begins.

Your life is very unsatisfactory, and I'm here to unravel the mystery for you.


So... I learned from the experience of the last book promotion. This time, the author has read a few chapters... I feel that the writing is good, but it does not meet my taste.

This author has already finished a million-word book, and his character is guaranteed, and I read it, and I feel that the writing is actually quite good, but the style of the whole book is more two-dimensional, and ordinary readers may not be able to read it.

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