In the early morning, wisps of sunlight gradually spread over the earth.

On the edge of a barren forest, the sound of hooves rang out everywhere.

In front of it is a plain. On the plain, there are obvious traces that are scattered in it, and it seems that it cannot be concealed at all.

"Are you there?"

A middle-aged man looked at the scene ahead and muttered to himself with a frown.

He was wearing dark white armor and riding a black horse, looking mighty and tall, like a mighty knight.

"It should be right in front." Beside him, a voice sounded and responded.

It was a middle-aged man who looked only in his thirties. At this time, he was also wearing armor and slowly rode up behind him.

Behind them, Adil followed unhurriedly, also observing the traces ahead.


The previous middle-aged man turned around and looked at Adil: "You take someone to the front to have a look first, remember to be careful."

"Yes, Lord Gru."

Adil glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him, and after returning, he slowly walked forward with the knight behind him.

The plain in front of it seemed very quiet. Although there were a lot of traces, the people who had been entrenched here before were long gone, leaving only an empty place.

Adil took the lead and swept around casually, checking the surrounding traces, hoping to find some useful information.

"A large number of unknown odor molecules were examined, compared to adult males."

When I came here, the mechanical voice sounded again in my mind.

Listening to the prompt of the chip in his mind, Adil was suddenly stunned.

He looked towards the far west direction and said nothing for a long time.

That's the direction the chip is pointing.

During the inspection, the breath molecules of that group of people spread all the way to the west, all the way to the forest in the distance.

"Wrong direction..."

Looking in that direction, this thought arose in Adier's mind, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Before setting off, he had a detailed understanding of the terrain in this area.

According to his original calculations, if the group of bandits wanted to escape from the territory of Count Boria and escaped the pursuit, the best choice should be to flee to the north.

That is the fastest and safest way to leave this territory. Whether you want to escape back to the border, or you want to loot in the territory of other nobles, you must take that road.

"Lord Adil, the results of the inspection are out!" A call came from his ear.

Adil looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a middle-aged man walking towards him with someone.

This is his second-in-command, named Asilah, who is also a powerful warrior.

"Judging from the traces at the scene, the group of robbers should have gone north."

With a serious expression on Aisila's face, she looked at Adil and said seriously.

His words were greeted by Adiel's deep gaze.

Adil looked at his deputy, his deep and calm eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man, and he almost looked at him furiously.

"Go back and report to Lord Gru first. I'll take someone to check here for a while."

He looked calm, looked at his deputy and said quietly.

"This..." Asilah was stunned for a moment, her face showing embarrassment, but her eyes turned to one side.

Following his gaze, Adil looked in the direction from which he came from a distance.

At this time, there was no one there, and it seemed that they had returned to the camp.

Looking at this scene, Adil looked at the deputy in front of him, his eyes calm: "Bring others, follow me to other places to see."

"What?" Asilah was stunned, not knowing what Adil meant.

"I seem to have seen a figure pass by in the west just now,

Maybe the group of robbers are still left behind and hide there. "

Adil said casually, staring at Asilah's face from the corner of his eyes.

When he showed that he was going to look west, Adil clearly saw Asilah's calm face suddenly change color.

He stood on the spot and smiled reluctantly at Adil: "Sir, we have checked the surroundings very carefully. The group of robbers did escape to the north, there can be no mistake..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at Adil's always calm eyes, and couldn't help but change his words with a wry smile: "Okay, if you insist, sir."

Only then did Adier nodded, raised his right hand, and slowly walked forward on his horse. It seemed that he was really ready to go to the west to explore.

Looking at Adil's movements, Asila made a secret gesture at the moment he turned around, and then quickly followed on horseback.

As they slowly walked forward, the surrounding warriors mounted their horses and quickly chased after Adil.

Soon, the spacious plain was quickly passed by them.

They crossed a small river, came to a forest, and dismounted on foot.

When we got here, a large number of pedestrian traces appeared again, almost undisguised.

Looking at this scene, Adiel frowned subconsciously, and it seemed that his attention was suddenly attracted by the scene in front of him, and he walked over slowly.

Around, the rest of the warriors walked forward, and when Adil was unaware, they silently surrounded him.

click! !

The sound of the long sword coming out of the body suddenly sounded, and a little sword light flashed in the air, with faint fluctuations of life energy.

when! !

A black long sword suddenly came out of the body and slammed into the long sword behind him.

"You can use the knight's secret skills, who are you?"

In an instant, Adier turned his head suddenly, the long sword in his hand had been drawn out at some point, and he looked behind him coldly and said.

In front of him, a shadow quickly fell backwards, as if unable to withstand the force of the previous confrontation, could not help but step back several steps.

Looking at the young man in front of her, Asilah's heart trembled, and a trace of horror flashed in Adil's eyes.

"Who am I? Of course I am your subordinate, Lord Adil."

It didn't take long for him to hear Adil's words, a sneer appeared on his face.

"I don't recall having a knightly lieutenant."

The expression on Adier's face was calm, and he didn't seem to have a trace of turbulence. At this time, he looked at the person opposite, but there was no expression on his face: "Tell me, who sent you."

On the opposite side, Asilah did not answer the question, but was silent for a while, and then smiled back: "It seems that all of us underestimate you."

"You have been promoted to a knight for a long time, but you have to pretend that you have just been promoted, why?"

He looked at Adil in front of him with a chill on his face, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, Adil's strength exceeded his expectations, far exceeding the scope of a newly promoted knight.

This had to make him suspicious, thinking that Adil had actually become a knight, but he had been hiding it, and it was only revealed recently.

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