Chapter 12

“Why do you think enchantment magic was created?”

The twelfth elder asks.

When I fail to answer, he chuckles.

“Because of laziness.”


A completely unexpected answer.

“Yes. Laziness. It was too bothersome to light a lamp in the dark night, so they created magical lamps. It was too bothersome to wash, so they made artifacts enchanted with cleaning magic. That’s how it started. But over time, they realized how widely applicable the study of enchantment was. Eventually, even ordinary people without mana could use magic.”

Now I understand.

Magicians are diligent people.

If they are not diligent, they cannot reach the level they desire.

But conversely, magicians are extremely lazy people.

They are very diligent about what they pursue, ‘magic.’ They train by splitting their time and strive to reach higher levels.

Therefore, they become lazy about everything else.

They don’t wash, eat, sleep, or tidy up their surroundings for the sake of magic training.

A magician’s laboratory is almost always messy and disorganized.

“Enchantment, which started to solve laziness, has now been recognized as a school of thought. It has now deeply infiltrated people’s lives. People can hardly imagine a life untouched by the hands of the enchantment school.”

Without magical lamps to light the dark night, one would have to hang torches and constantly check them. The enchantment magic created to solve laziness has created another form of laziness.

“What do you think is the most important thing in enchantment?”

“The magic circle, isn’t it?”

The lifeblood of the enchantment school is the magic circle.

The performance of an artifact is determined by how the magic circle is composed.

“That’s correct. But it’s not the exact answer I wanted.”

The twelfth elder removes the necklace hanging around his neck and shows it.

“It’s a necklace enchanted with the absolute barrier of the 7th circle. Not only that, but it is also enchanted with cleaning and curing magic.”

“Wow! Really?”

The absolute defense magic of the 7th circle, Absolute Barrier.

I wonder how much value an artifact enchanted with powerful defensive magic that can even block the sword energy of knights would hold.

The Twelfth Elder soon answers my curiosity.

“If you put it on the market, you would get at least 10,000 Jin Gold.”

“10, 10,000 Jin Gold? Really?”

1 Jin Gold is 1,000 Gold.

10,000 Jin Gold means 10 million Gold.

‘A, a billion.’

It’s an amount that makes my jaw drop.

But when I think about it, it doesn’t seem like an expensive amount.

“If it only had Absolute Barrier enchanted, it would only be worth about 5,000 Jin Gold.”

“Aren’t Clean and Cure lower-level magic?”

“That’s right. The important thing is not that the two spells are lower-level, but that this necklace has three spells enchanted on it.”


“Multi-enchantment is a very high-level task. It’s because you have to overlap magic circles. If mana interference occurs during the overlapping process, the artifact will be destroyed. Even an artifact with just two spells enchanted on it sees a significant price increase.”

The Twelfth Elder, having finished his explanation, puts the necklace back around his neck. I lick my lips as I watch the necklace dangle from his chest.

“Do you want it?”

“H, haha.”

Of course, I want it.

It’s worth a billion won.

Even if I can’t bring it to reality, anyone would want an artifact worth a billion won.

“Later, you will make it yourself. Now, I will explain why the Artifact Cultivation Project starts with the Enchantment School.”

The Twelfth Elder gets to the point.

“The Artifact Cultivation Project ‘Perfect’ is literally about cultivating a flawless magician. Let me ask you, when do you think is the most dangerous moment for a magician?”

“When they have exhausted all their mana.”

“That’s right. No matter how powerful a high-circle magician is, if they exhaust all their mana, they are no different from an ordinary person. In fact, they are weaker than knights in terms of physical strength, so if they find themselves in a critical situation, they are more likely to die. But-!”

The Twelfth Elder raises his voice.

“If you learn enchantment, you can escape that moment of crisis.”


“There is no law that says you must use enchantment magic only on carefully crafted items. You can carve magic circles on stones or wood lying around and turn them into artifacts. Of course, they would become one-time-use artifacts, but they are sufficient to overcome a moment of crisis.”


I understood the words of the Twelfth Elder.

If you have a magic circle and a mana stone to activate it, a wizard can create and activate an artifact even without mana.

“The purpose of the project has been explained, so let’s start right away. By the way, you can stay here for a month. After a month, you have to move on to the next process, so try to make as much as you can yours during that time.”

“I will do my best.”


The first thing I learned was the magic circle.

A magic circle is the process of drawing runes necessary for magic activation and the lines that deliver mana to the runes within a circular shape.

A magic circle consisting of one circle is a 1-circle magic circle, and if there is another circle within one circle, it is a 2-circle magic circle.

The number of circles used in the magic circle determines the circle of the magic circle.

Circles, runes, and lines make up the entire magic circle.

In reality, when drawing a magic circle, people draw hexagrams or pentagrams, but the actual magic circle was far from that.

It was just about drawing the optimal route to deliver mana to the circles and runes.

Scratch- Scratch-

The first practice was to draw a magic circle on a hardened clay plate.

Engrave the circle that forms the basis of the magic circle and carve the rune of flame in the center. Dig a small groove in the center of the rune and draw a line connecting the rune and the circle.

The final task is to engrave the activation word and the deactivation word between the circle and the rune.

“Fire. Deactivate.”

After engraving the activation word, finish it.

“Is it done?”

Insert a very small piece of mana stone into the small groove.


With a small vibration, a red aura appeared and disappeared from the clay plate.

Holding the clay plate, no, the first artifact I made, I say the activation word.



A flame rises on the plate.

Interestingly, the flame does not go out.

When I say ‘deactivate’, the flame disappears as if it were a lie.


Laughter comes out naturally.

I think about making and selling this in reality.

“?. There are already artifacts that create flames, right? Even if the performance is poor, there’s no need for a luxurious artifact just to create flames.”

For now, I abandon the plan to mass-produce this artifact.

No, selling 1-circle artifacts in reality doesn’t seem efficient.

“The problem is the mana stones.”

In the world of Doomsday, it’s easy to obtain mana stones, but not in reality.

You have to mine them from the 29th-floor mana stone mine or occasionally hunt monsters that possess mana stones.

The 29th-floor mana stone mine is occupied by the United States, and they export it at a high price, making it hard to obtain.

I’ve heard that the competition among the awakened inside the Infinite Tower is fierce to the point of being brutal.

In reality, all the awakened from every country are fiercely competing to occupy places with monsters or materials and minerals that are traded at high prices or could become national strategic weapons.

“Ho-. Have you already succeeded in making an artifact? You’ve enchanted it with fire magic.”

The Twelfth Elder looks at the clay disc in my palm with amazement.

“As expected, you are the greatest talent in the history of the Magic Tower. Have you tried enchanting other magic as well?”

“This is the first time.”

“Ho, really? The magic circle is clean, and the runes are well engraved. The mana circuit is also well drawn. Good job. With this, let’s finish the 1-circle magic enchantment and move on to the 2-circle.”

“Is that okay?”

The Twelfth Elder seems to have entered my mind and picked out the words I wanted to hear.

“1-circle magic artifacts are only for training apprentice wizards of the Enchantment School. The real artifacts start from the 2-circle. Even the ones sold to people are 2-circle artifacts. There are a few who seek 1-circle artifacts, but they are very few. I will give you an assignment.”

The word “assignment” makes my eyes light up.

“I will give you three days. Make a 2-circle artifact and bring it to me. You can choose the magic to compose the magic circle yourself.”


When I came out of the capsule, the kitten was still asleep.

There was still quite some time left before dawn.

When the day breaks, I will take the kitten to the animal hospital.

Lying on the bed, I search for YouTube videos related to the awakened, especially enchanters.

– The world’s first successful creation of a 3-circle Aqua Slash artifact.

I click on the video.

– Finally, our Dream Work has succeeded in creating a 3-circle attack magic artifact.

Dream Work is a guild of enchanters based in the UK, a world-renowned artifact-making guild.

– It’s a trade secret, so we can’t show you the process of engraving the magic circle.

What they made was a fairly large metal disc. It looks to be about 20 centimeters in diameter. It also appears to be 2 centimeters thick, and it seems to weigh over 5 kilograms.

“Isn’t it too big?”

The life of an artifact is its size.

Why, you ask?

Because of the convenience of carrying it.

Carrying around a metal disc that is 20 centimeters in diameter and not light in weight would be very inconvenient.

The pendant on the necklace with the 7-circle Absolute Barrier and the 2-circle and 3-circle magic that the Twelve Elders showed me is only about 3 centimeters in diameter.

An artifact with a 7-circle magic enchantment, and even multiple enchantments, is only 3 centimeters.

– Let’s demonstrate it right away.

The blond man introduces the artifact and soon points the metal plate forward and says the activation word.

– Aqua Slash.

Blue mana gathers in front of him and soon takes shape.

“Wow, not bad.”

It’s not very big, but you can definitely tell it’s a sword.

The created Aqua Slash quickly cuts through the front.


The power doesn’t seem very impressive.

To be precise, the mana that makes up the Aqua Slash looks too insufficient for a 3-circle magic.

In that state, it wouldn’t be able to produce the power of a proper 3-circle magic.

But the people who watched the video seem to think differently from me.

Most of the comments praise Dream Work for achieving a great feat. Some comments were from global companies, saying they wanted to collaborate with Dream Work to create artifacts.

“Is that really such a big deal?”

From noble mtl dot com

It seems my master’s thoughts were right.

“A half-baked wizard…”

I watch a few more videos.

I feel disappointed by the parade of artifacts that are inferior to Dream Work’s video and throw my phone onto the bed.

Then I remember something a soccer player said in an interview a long time ago.

– If you’re frustrated, why don’t you do it yourself?

“Yeah. I’ll just make it myself.”

I lie down on the bed and close my eyes.

Dreaming of striking it rich with enchantments and making a fortune.

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