After the tip of the steel vine covering the force field penetrated, it immediately began to release energy!

Ricardo’s divine energy of war is inherently destructive!

This catharsis directly causes violent energy to spread throughout the opponent's body.

Many blood vessels burst out on Tagula's body!

Ricardo has directly locked multiple points on the opponent's body with his force field, and then from those points, he continuously vents energy to destroy his body!

On top of this, the vine tips then begin to ignite the infernal flames!

The catharsis of energy and the burning of the flames of purgatory, Ricardo wanted to turn this final attack into a punishment that could bring great pain to the opponent!

"You made Lorient become an ice sculpture and die in that kind of pain. Now I will let you taste a hundred times the pain!"

"Tagulla, do you think no one saw what happened when you were in the Mirror Temple?"

"I'm sorry, I witnessed the whole story of your evil deeds."

Ricardo tortured Tagula with disgust.

When Snow Duke Tagula was pierced through Ricardo's body, he was immediately overwhelmed by tremendous pain. When he finished his surprise and felt what was happening...

In pain, I heard the truth of Ricardo's narrative.

"So, so... the Blasphemy Card that was stolen at that time, and the Star Stealing Sacred Armor Leo... were also you..."

As Tagula struggled, his eyes were full of shock.

Ricardo smiled grimly.

"Don't try to trick me into anything, I like to watch my enemies lose with all their confusion, and then die with eyes open!"

Immediately, the purgatory flames in Tagula's body became more intense, and the flames burned directly through his body and began to adhere to his body surface.

Within just a few breaths, all the organs in Tagula's body had been burned to ashes while suffering great pain...

Under his human skin, he has gradually become an empty shell riddled with holes.


Tagula was still trying his best.

His eyes looked at Ricardo full of hatred, "It must be you, it must be you... But you underestimate me too much! Twisted Dream!"

Tagula's whole body seemed to have been tortured for a long time, and he was close to collapse.

When he was finally exhausted and dying, he uttered a mysterious word.

Twisted dream?

Ricardo felt somewhat familiar when he heard this word.

Then, he saw Tagula's whole body begin to disintegrate.

Then, he saw during the disintegration process, a small winding snake with a somewhat familiar appearance, with a blue ball of light, sprang out quickly!

It was shot directly at the special device placed aside on the ground of the Storm Tomb!

It's the exploit device of the Divine Dream!

An exploit more advanced than the one Ricardo used to solve the modern world's 13 Grimmauld Place?

Ricardo watched as the winding little snake melted into the exploit device after touching it.

Then the exploit device shook for a while.

It emitted a dark light.

Then the entire device levitated.


The device splits directly into two halves.

It is divided into two devices with mirrors.

The texture of the two mirrors is the same as the device Ricardo used in No. 13 Grimmauld Place, the Jack the Ripper villain.

And after the two mirror devices are separated.

Between the two mirrors, there is a black ray shooting out.

Two mirrors are directly connected.

Between the two mirrors, there seemed to be a twisted black mist struggling.

A human face is looming among them...

…It’s Tagula!

I saw Tagula looking at Ricardo in the black mist full of resentment and hatred.

"Boy, your strength is indeed unexpected! You forced me to a dead end! But you can't even think of leaving here alive! This is after Divine Origin Dream obtained precious fragments of foreign laws from the Great Expedition to the Mirror World. The installation that was made!”

"You can't kill me. No matter how I am destroyed, I will leave behind my ghost mirror clone in the end... Now my last remains have been integrated into this evil environment... merged into the core evil spirit! I will become the core evil spirit A part of your spirit will lock you in this evil realm forever, and you will suffer endless pain in the endless cycle of the world!"

Tagula cursed...

Ricardo frowned...

His left eye is still in the state of crazy and pure eyes.

His mind was extremely calm at the moment.

Pictures of the road ahead kept popping up in my mind, and then shattered.

He is searching for the location and identity of the evil spirit at the core of this evil realm...

In his mind, he thought of the little winding snake he had seen when he had just dealt with the Archbishop of the God of War Church...

And the strip that emerged from Tagula just now...

"Draw your sword and fight to the death!"

"The target of the duel is the core evil spirit of the evil realm! It is judged that its identity is the fusion of the will of the nightmare world and the clones of many wizards and ghost mirrors!"

Many pictures and information passed through Ricardo's mind, and then he said this sentence coldly.


The crazy and pure eye in his left eye shines brightly.

He entered the state of ecstasy again!

The conscious mind watches calmly, while the powerful subconscious surface emerges from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hmph! I don't know, no matter what you do..." Tagula's face became more and more distorted in the black mist...

At this moment, the two mirror devices were getting longer and longer, and his body was reflected on both mirrors.

"So your name is Ricardo... No matter what you do, it will be in vain. This special time cycle evil environment will become your helpless prison, and you will suffer endless torture from me..."

Tagula's voice sounded like a madman.

However, Ricardo just indifferently unfolded the black wings of purgatory behind him.

The huge black wings of purgatory brought up a gust of wind.

Then, in the air of the Exorcist Tree Temple where there was a blizzard, a large number of ice mirrors condensed directly in the air.


A purple-black flame of lust ignited directly in the black wings of purgatory that longed for Ricardo.

From this flame, an arrow wrapped in purple-black flame was shot directly.

The arrows are mini arrows that look like the arrows on the Cupid Purple Flower card.

Expressive consciousness Ricardo also felt within the spiritual space.

The runes representing the flower language ‘Cupid’s Purgatory’ started to flicker.

Immediately afterwards, the runes symbolizing the language of flowers, ‘Mirror Clone’ and ‘Spiritual Devouring Body Control’, also flashed continuously...


Ricardo felt a mechanical sound in his ears.

The evil brain of the subspace hidden outside the dimension is also deducing something crazily...

'..."New World Law" was promoted to the fourth ring senior...'

In my state of ecstasy, I actually deduced the new world law?

‘…The condensation progress of [Nature’s Ice and Snow Heavenly Mirror] in the Natural Divine Path Sequence has been improved…’

Then, after using the "New World Law" to deduce a law totem, it started to condense...

It's a pity that the damage done to Tagula just now did not destroy him.

The improvement of skills through the Blasphemy Couple is still relatively limited...

Although it is currently in the process of condensation, it has not been completed...

However, it seems that it is enough for myself in the state of admiration?

Ricardo looked at the totem of law that was only in its rudimentary state in the mental space and flickered...

Then the purple-black flame arrow that just flew out penetrated into an ice mirror in the air.

The ice mirror then fired out a purple-black laser.

The laser shot straight at another ice mirror, then reflected, and then shot at another ice mirror...

Two ice mirrors, three ice mirrors, four ice mirrors...

Soon, at the speed of light, the purple-black beam was directly reflected in thousands of ice mirrors scattered throughout the air...

The entire evil environment is shrouded in this entire constructed purple-black light network!

At the speed of light, this is just a moment!

Then the scarlet light flashed out in Ricardo's eyes.

In front of Ricardo, several huge ice mirrors appeared...

Then, from the huge purple-black light network constructed, a purple-black beam of light hit the ice mirror, and then was reflected into the black fog where Tagula's face was.

"What are you doing?"

The speed of light was so fast that Tagula couldn't understand Ricardo's sudden movements at all, and he had no time to think.

He only felt when the purple-black beam shot in.

His thoughts seemed to have changed.

All my original thoughts were instantly taken over by lust...

Then, between the two mirror devices where his face was, the black mist was directly compressed...

Compressed into a pair of long and straight black noodles, connecting the two mirrors.

After the purple-black beam of light entered, the black surface was gradually surrounded and shrouded by more and more black beams of light.


The purple-black beam begins to reflect continuously at the speed of light between the two mirrors!

On this reflection path, you can see that the tilt angle formed between the two beams is only a small value.

Just relying on the small angle difference, the purple-black beams directly expanded from a pair of very thin beams to a thick beam that enveloped the entire black noodles!

Wrapped in black mist!

"Twisted dream, accelerated cycle!"

Ricardo, who was in a state of ecstasy, simply pronounced a mysterious word.

The feeling of the word is the same as what Tagula pronounced just now.

"You are... you are... you are actually... able to control this device?"

Tagula's tone seemed extremely broken.

However, for the calm and calm Ricardo, begging for mercy would not be of any use.

After the light beam between the two mirrors was enveloped in black fog, it began to distort.

Between the mirrors, the changing scenes of the evil situation are evolving at an extremely fast speed!

Ricardo could feel that under the blizzard, the tree palace of the Exorcism Hall next to him seemed to be starting to become blurry...


At this moment, a small winding snake escaped from the tree hall of the Exorcism Hall.

It's the thing that escaped just now when the Archbishop of the God of War Church died!

Expressive Consciousness Ricardo directly judged...

…But as soon as it escaped, there was an ice mirror waiting for it on the ground.

The little snake directly merged into the ice mirror, and then shot out from the ice mirror in front of Ricardo and merged into the light beam between the two ice mirrors.


The little snake let out a miserable cry. It suffered the same fate as Tagula. It was also swallowed by the distortion after being integrated into the black beam between the mirrors!

Ricardo felt that the entire Exorcist Tree Palace seemed to be becoming somewhat fragmented after this integration...

It's like this entire area is unreal...

The sky was like a broken Wanhua mirror, and black fragments began to peel off layer by layer...

"The entire time loop evil realm is disintegrating just like the original evil realm of 13 Grimmauld Place...the time loop is being released..."

It was at this time.

Ricardo suddenly stepped forward and raised his hand.

Directly from the huge ice mirror in front, a figure was pulled out.

It's Parafenni!

I saw the tall beauty with purple hair being pulled out directly from inside.

Her eyes were filled with confusion.

Xianchi Ricardo looked at the other party indifferently, and then directly uttered a new word:


He calls God by name!

Just after Ricardo pronounced the word.

Parafenni's blank expression changed immediately.

A pair of pure golden eyes appeared among them.

Parafani's temperament suddenly became extremely noble and indifferent.

There seemed to be divine power descending around him.

His purple hair fluttered.

There is a purple diamond pattern forming between the eyebrows.

Let His face suddenly become majestic and also possess a sense of holiness.

"Leo cub!"

Longing Ricardo pronounced another word.

Then I saw him summoning the Holy Seat Armor of Leo Cub next to him.

Then the jet-black lion clone stood directly next to it.

"In the name of Purgatory, I canonize Arianna of Nightmare as my purgatory vassal!"

After Ricardo finished speaking indifferently.

He just stretched out his right hand and arrogantly took the strange Parafani in front of him into his arms.

Then he kissed the purple diamond-shaped mark on Palanfani’s forehead!

Just a gentle kiss like a dragonfly touching water.

The abnormally shaped Ariana's face was drooped as she was embraced by Ricardo.

He felt Ricardo's gentle kiss like a dragonfly on water.


Shock followed by confusion!


After Ricardo gently kissed his forehead and parted it, he saw a small winding snake in the purple diamond-shaped logo. Ricardo sucked in his breath and pulled it out!

Ricardo's left eye's insanely pure eye shot out a purple-black light, which directly enveloped the winding little snake.

Then this beam of light shot directly at the Leo Cub armor next to it!

The purple-black light directly penetrated into the armor.

The original Palanfani, because she was hugged over, still had some residual energy on her body, and her face was directly buried in Ricardo's arms.

The purple-haired beauty with golden eyes suddenly had a slight blush on her cheeks.

Then he realized what just happened.

He immediately raised his head suddenly.


"Mortal, are you trying to purify the nightmare pollution in my soul!? It's so arrogant and wanton. How could you think... well, you actually did it by doing this?"

"In such a clever way, you actually have your own purgatory plane. By integrating my polluted side into the Holy Seat Armor I gave you, and then canonizing you as a purgatory vassal... you actually directly expelled and purified my pollution?"

"This is simply..."

"It's incredible... You have your own virtual realm of purgatory. Who are you, Your Highness?"

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