The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 241 Voodoo Zombie Cursed Gold and Terrifying Head Drops

Iveta was about to leave the tavern to find the gold lost on the Black Friday.

The tavern proprietress grabbed his arm and said, "Where are you going? You can't leave. If you leave, the black mist will rush in. Something will happen to everyone here, including your subordinates!"

Iveta glanced at the people in the room. Most of the sailors and captains had already run out of the tavern because of inexplicable wounds on their bodies.

The people protected by the white magic on his body, including Captain Sam, whom he had just recruited, as well as five soldiers, carpenters, chefs and doctors, two vampires, the Hearthstone Witch and two knights, all followed closely. He was around him, so he was not exposed to the black mist.

Iveta said: "This is indeed a problem. If I leave, all of you will be dropped by the Black Friday. It is extremely inconvenient to move in the black fog, and everyone may be in danger. But if I don't go If we look for the gold lost on Black Friday, the pirates’ attacks will never stop. So, what should we do now?”

It was indeed a legendary pirate ship, but its mere appearance put everyone in the port into a difficult situation.

The other party is simply a natural disaster at sea.

There is still a whole port of people supporting him, and officials from the Republic of Belisarius are trying to figure out a way to solve the problem. If he encounters this ship alone at sea, it will really be like a mountain blocking his way. A powerful enemy.

It is really difficult to solve.

It's no wonder why the sailors and captains here changed their colors when they heard the name of Cross Island.

When Iveta was in a dilemma, the Hearthstone Witch thought: "All magic has loopholes. Head-lowering spell is no exception. In my observation just now, I found that the black mist is composed of undead. I think the key to this magic should be..."

She stretched out her hand, and a mass of black mist floating in the air was absorbed by her magic power. There were several screaming faces in the thumb-thick black mist that entered her palm.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "This black mist is composed of the souls of the dead. The souls form the connection between the beheaded people on the shore and the ship. The curse works on them through this connection."

"This connection is the key. If this connection is destroyed, the Black Friday will destroy at least half of the people in the entire port."

"Wait a minute, this is legal magic. This kind of magic requires at least a high-level wizard or a high-level witch to use it!"

Ivita saw another sailor not far from her outside the tavern, covering his mouth as if he couldn't breathe.

It looks like someone who died in drowning, but the problem is, this is the shore now.

He leaned against the wall and tried his best to reach out, trying to grab something. He also asked for help from the people passing by as he ran away, but no one paid any attention to him.

Five minutes later, he died beside the wall like a hanged man.

On the other side, the Hearthstone Witch figured out a way to let Ivita see the connection established between the undead on the Black Friday and the people on the dock. She chanted a few spells into the fog, and then she held the The mist was placed on Ivita's hand, and several illusions suddenly appeared in front of Ivita's eyes——

One vision was of some small cabin on the bottom of a ship hung with bright red candles;

An illusion was of a knife cutting off the left arm of a scarecrow. Then Ivita saw with her naked eyes that the owner of a barbecue meat shop opposite the tavern had his left arm cut off. The broken arm was actually in the same position as the scarecrow. The location of the break is exactly the same.

The last vision he saw was that under the corpse of a half-giant humanoid hanging in a small cabin, stood a naked man covered in various bright colors of paint. He only used paint on key parts. Peacock and owl feathers were used as a cover.

He casually picked up the scarecrow on his left, and a black name suddenly appeared on the scarecrow's belly. Then he threw the scarecrow into a basin. As the scarecrow fell into the water, the scarecrow actually looked like a drowning man. Just like struggling in the water, swimming up and down in the water, struggling to survive.

But soon, the scarecrow lost the strength to continue struggling and fell to the bottom of the basin.

Ivita finally understood why someone drowned alive on the shore.

The black mist composed of undead formed a channel that cursed everyone on the shore who touched the black mist.

This black mist connected them with the scarecrow in the wizard's hand that they saw in the picture. As the wizard burned, flooded, stabbed, and chopped the scarecrow into pieces, the person whose name appeared on the scarecrow would also appear on the person's body. The same phenomenon occurs.

This is the legal magic [Head Down], a curse from the Demon King [Asmodeus].


The focus is on severing the ghosts of enemies and building a connection between the Scarecrow and the people on the dock.


Iveta thought that there was no way she could deal with this move.

He suddenly turned around and looked at the two knights of the Persepolis family and the Shadow Sword of the Holy Sword in their hands.

Ivita walked over and took the sword from the hands of the two knights of the Persepolis family.

Persepolis said, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to do an experiment." Ivita raised his sword and slashed at the black mist passing in front of him. At this moment, Ivita felt the sword in his hand vibrating violently with excitement, as if he was also eager to crush it. This black mist.

All the evil spirits in the black mist that the sword touched were chopped into pieces by the sword. The sunlight shone on the sword, and the refracted sword light caused the surrounding black mist to automatically retreat.

Seeing this scene, Ivita knew that she had guessed correctly. This sword could cut into pieces the communication channel built by the innocent souls and the innocent souls.

Ivita threw the Rose Fairy's defensive magic necklace to the Hearthstone Witch. Suddenly, the black mist gathered towards him, but under the reflected sword light of [Tomon]'s contaminated holy sword Shadow Sword, they all avoided it again.

Ivita said: "This sword can indeed resist the head-lowering technique."

"Hearthstone Witch, keep an eye on them first."

"I'm going after the people who stole the gold and the person responsible for finding this port."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Okay, okay!"

Ivita heard the rumble of artillery coming from the port. Lahainavu Town was already organizing people to fight back. Many forts near the port were already firing at the giant ship on the sea.

Seeing that Ivita was going to find the gold thief, the vampire Wilson immediately followed him. He said to Ivita: "Sir, I am immortal and am not afraid of the head-dropping technique. I will use my mental force to help you."

He immediately grabbed a fleeing person next to him and used mental coercion on him. “Did you see a bunch of people pushing carts?”

Ivita used Tomon's sword with her backhand to cut through the black mist flying towards Vampire Wilson.

In this way, the two of them went against the direction of the people fleeing the port, walking through the black mist, looking for the gold of [Asmodeus].

At the same time, Ivita saw the sailors wearing tricorn hats who got off the Black Friday. Each one of them acted as if they were not afraid of death, and they would kill everyone they saw.

Guard patrols have been called in at the port.

Among those patrol guards were professional knights specially trained by the Republic, including great knights, formal knights and knight servants.

However, the brave and fearless pirates who came off the Black Friday often had their swords inserted into their chests by the knights, and they also wanted to attack the knight guards with death. As a result, the standing knight guards at the port actually fell into a disadvantage.

Ivita could see that the sailors on the Black Friday actually had superior knights, grand knights, formal knights and knight squires, and each of them was fearless and fearless, and they did not look like living people at all.

Vampire Wilson once again hypnotized a fleeing businessman. After not asking about the desired result, he looked at Ivita and said, "Those should be the legendary voodoo zombies."

"They are controlled by the head-lowering technique. They are obviously still alive, but their bodies seem to be in hibernation. Their minds are empty and they are controlled by others."

"Because they are not undead, you cannot use undead methods to deal with them. You are not afraid of churches, holy water and the sacred number 4."

"Not afraid of cats."

"But he is as brave as the undead and is not afraid of death."

Ivita swung the holy sword continuously, cutting off the black mist flying towards them. "cat?"

"Yes." Vampire Wilson said: "Legend has it that cats are the gatekeepers of various afterlife worlds, so the undead are afraid of cats. The cat's meow can make the undead enter the afterlife and cannot survive in the mortal world."

He grabbed a businesswoman again and roughly restrained her, making her look into his eyes.

"Let me ask you, have you seen a group of people pushing carts nearby? There is a sack on the cart, and it seems that there is something very heavy in the sack?"

The businesswoman looked dazed, and then said: "I saw it. When I ran over just now, I saw the people you mentioned hiding on the roof of the house at the end of the alley in front. They seemed to be having internal strife. I saw They dumped bodies on the rooftops."

Iveta raised her eyebrows and hid on the roof.

Pretty good at hiding it.

Ivita immediately headed in the direction she pointed, and Wilson quickly followed.

When the two passed through the crowd and arrived at the place the businesswoman had mentioned, they saw a row of cloth shoes exposed by a group of hidden people on the roof at the end of the street.

They hid in the recesses of the roof.

Ivita shouted to the top: "Get down!"

There was no response from above.

Ivita sneered. "Still pretending? If you don't come down, I will fly you and the roof off."

His anger rose slightly, and a hundred magic hands turned into gravity, entangled with each other, and turned into a huge arm. With Ambrose's huge war as the source of magic, this arm changed again.

The arms that were originally bare now looked not only thickly muscled, but also wearing some crude armor.

The arm hit the roof of the building next to it, directly making a hole in the roof.

Suddenly, the five people hiding on the roof were so frightened that their voices changed.

"Wait, we're coming down, wait, we're coming down."

"Don't hit us, we'll come down right away."

Five wretched-looking men climbed down from the roof one by one. They looked at Ivita in fear.

"We don't know you at all, why are you attacking us..."

Iveta sneered and didn't talk nonsense to them. She used her magic hand to turn into gravity and sucked down the sack of gold on the roof.

A sack of gold fell to the ground, and the faces of the five sailors turned green.

Ivita threw the magic whip to the magic hand. The magic whip suddenly grew fifty meters long and whipped the five people.

The five sailors looked at Ivita and the huge arms behind him that were very materialized in horror.

"You... do you want to steal our gold? This is illegal, you will be hanged!!!"


A whip fell like a gust of wind. The person who had just accused Ivita of stealing the gold was illegal and wanted to hang Ivita had been knocked away by the whip of the huge arm, and his body turned into an afterimage. , the next moment he was smashed into a house, and the house collapsed.

For the remaining four sailors, those words of accusation against Ivita were about to be spoken out in their throats, but they were swallowed obediently.

Because the scene just now was too terrifying.

They didn't dare to speak at all.

Ivita looked at them coldly. "This gold doesn't belong to you at all. It belongs to the pirate ship that attacked the port, doesn't it?"

The four sailors remained silent.

They all lost the confidence to speak.

The most honest one said slowly, "Yes."

Iveta said curiously: "What makes me wonder is how you five losers managed to steal gold from that kind of ship."

Some of the four sailors wanted to talk, and the most astute sailor said to Ivita: "My lord, if I tell you on my own initiative, can you let me go?"

"Just let me go. The other three have nothing to do with me."

Ivita frowned. "Who said I was going to ask you? There is no need."

"I have an easier way to find out the truth."

"Huh?" The so-called clever sailor couldn't believe it.

"How would you know if you didn't ask us..."

Ivita said to Wilson, "Use mental force on them."

Wilson nodded to Ivita and said, "Yes."

Then, Wilson walked up to the four sailors, grabbed one of them by the collar, lifted him up, and stared at each other with his eyes. "Tell me, how did you get that bag of gold?"

Under the horrified looks of the three sailors, the sailor said dully: "We used to do night work in this port. We help people unload cargo at the dock every day while others are sleeping."

"But at night two weeks ago, five of us picked up a man floating on the pier. The man was still holding a bag of gold in his hand. He was swimming hard, but he was exhausted and suffered a serious injury. injury."

"He swam to the shore with great difficulty."

"Our original intention was to save the man who fell into the water, but when we saw the bag of gold, we had a bad idea, so we fished the man out of the water and threw him into the water, still on his ankle. There's a big rock tied to it."

Iveta was speechless.

So that’s what happened.

The remaining three sailors looked at the vampire Wilson in fear. They did not expect that they could still ask for secrets and information in this way.

There was really no need for Ivita to ask them to tell him proactively.

They didn't even have a chance to surrender.

Vampire Wilson asked the sailor who was grabbed by his collar and lifted up: "Do you know the identity of the man who fell into the water?"

The sailor said in a daze: "We only know that he is a pirate."

"Now it seems that he should be a pirate who stole the loot from his own ship, but who knew that he turned out to be a pirate on that terrifying ghost ship."

Ivita understood.

It is very normal for pirates to steal their loot and run away on the shore.

Wilson picked another sailor and asked again, and he got a similar answer, so that he could determine the truth of the matter.

Wilson asked Ivita, "What should we do with these four scum?"

The four sailors quickly knelt on the ground, crying for their father and mother, and wailing bitterly.

He also said that they had sincerely changed their minds.

Ivita asked him with a smile. "This matter is left to your judgment. Okay, what are you going to do?"

Wilson said tentatively: "Throw them into the black fog over there?"

Ivita thought for a moment and then said, "Okay."

Wilson's face lit up, he was happy because Ivita trusted and respected him.

Then, he threw the four sailors who were pale with fright into the air one by one, and threw them directly into the black mist. The overly powerful death energy directly corroded the bodies of these four scum.

When they fell again, they became four white skeletons.

Seeing the death of these four sailors, Ivita was about to go find the person in charge of the port, but as soon as he picked up the bag of gold from the ground, a formal knight wearing a captain's uniform came over from the corner of the street.

He is none other than the voodoo zombie on Black Friday.

The voodoo zombie staggered over, his eyes fixed on the bag of gold.

Ivita and Wilson looked at each other, both of them showing solemn expressions.

Because they didn't expect that the Black Friday crew would come to their door at this time.

The voodoo zombie looked at the bag of gold in Ivita's left hand and stretched out his hand.

Iveta said: "If I give it to you, will you leave? Or, can you give me some benefits as a reward for helping you find the gold?"

The voodoo zombie took out the stabbing sword fastened to his waist with his right hand, swung it forward, slashed diagonally, and split several bricks in front of him in half.

What he meant couldn't be more obvious.

There was no grass left wherever the Black Friday went. How could they leave just because they got the gold?

Ivita nodded, held up the bag of gold to it, and said, "Then I understand."

"That's why I can't give you gold."

"I want to give the gold to the person in charge of this port. If you want the gold, please wait a moment."

"You can ask him for it yourself later."

The voodoo zombie became angry, or the owner behind it became angry, and controlled the voodoo zombie to scream.

I will update 5,000 words today. It will be a little less in the past few days, but there will be a lot of updates soon.

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