The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3261: quasi-ally

Remember [New] in a second! Taiyi Realm was busy up and down, but top monks like Meng Zhang were idle instead.

Seeing that the situation in the Taiyi Realm had stabilized, Gu Yue Lingqing also left temporarily to meet the monks stationed here by the Gu Yue family, and visit relatives, friends, and old friends by the way.

When he left Gu Yue's family back then, he was just a true immortal and could not enter the upper echelons of the family.

Now that he is promoted to an immortal, he has a place at the top of the family.

As one's cultivation level increases, one's status and treatment will naturally also increase, which is a common practice in the cultivation world.

Although he couldn't return to the family headquarters for the time being, his things couldn't get away.

Of course, for a Tianji master family like the Gu Yue family, Tianji Xianshi is the real core of the family.

Even if Gu Yue Lingqing became a celestial being, she would not be able to enter the core of the family.

As the first large family to initiate the development of the Hengling star area, the Gu Yue family has invested a lot here.

The family sent several angels early on, led a large army here, and established the earliest base.

Even though Wuliang Tianzong intervened in the war later and became the leader, he did not embezzle the interests of the Gu Yue family, but instead helped it expand.

The Gu Yue family also continued to expand their investment, constantly sending more forces here.

The Gu Yue family has a huge base here, controls several resource-rich areas, and actively participates in the battle on the frontal battlefield...

A Celestial Immortal's strength is still very important to the Gu Yue family at this time.

Some elders of the Gu Yue family persuaded Gu Yue Lingqing to stay and help the family fight.

Back then, Gu Yue Lingqing left her family and smuggled into the Junchen Realm in order to obtain the resources to break through the realm of the Celestial Immortals.

Now that he has achieved his goal, he should return to the family and serve the family.

However, after thinking about it, he decided to stay in Taiyi Realm for the time being.

The Taiyi Realm participated in the battle in the Hengling star area, and the plan was not small, and it was very likely that they would encounter their former enemies, so it was the right time to employ people.

The senior members of the Gu Yue family did not interfere with his decision.

Originally, when the Gu Yue family invested in Taiyimen, it was because they were optimistic about Taiyimen, and hoped that when the family faced catastrophe in the future, they would get help from Taiyimen.

Now that the Taiyi Gate has grown up and developed to such an extent, doesn't it just show that the family's senior management had a long-term vision at the beginning, and the investment was not in vain.

In order to prevent the original investment from being in vain and continue to make friends with Taiyi Sect, the Gu Yue family is willing to give more help to Taiyi Sect.

The current Taiyi Gate deserves more resources from the Gu Yue family.

Under the recommendation of Gu Yue Lingqing, Meng Zhang came to the base of the Gu Yue family in person with generous gifts, and paid a visit here.

During the visit, Meng Zhang and the senior members of the Gu Yue family had a pleasant conversation and had a comprehensive exchange.

The two sides reached a number of cooperation agreements.

At this time, the Taiyi Realm is already qualified to live on an equal footing with the Gu Yue family.

Although the Taiyi Realm has not formally formed an alliance with the Gu Yue family, it can enjoy the treatment only available to many allies.

The two sides can conduct fair transactions and share a lot of information, and their respective monks will increase their exchanges...

The Gu Yue family has a special status in the Lingkong Immortal Realm and has a wide range of friends, so they are valued by the Lingkong Immortal Realm officials.

The senior members of the Gu Yue family promised Meng Zhang that they would use their connections to help resolve the dissatisfaction of some official monks in the Lingkong Immortal Realm with the Taiyi Realm.

As for the grievances and grievances between some cultivation forces in the Taiyi Realm and Lingkong Immortal Realm, such as the Sanyang Xianzong, the Gu Yue family would not openly stand on the side of the Taiyi Realm due to their consistent stance.

However, they will secretly provide relevant information to the Taiyi Realm, so that the Taiyi Realm can take the lead.

When needed, they will even secretly provide a certain amount of combat power to the Taiyi Realm.

When visiting the Gu Yue family's base, Meng Zhang exchanged ideas with the second-level angels of the Gu Yue family.

Although Meng Zhang has the inheritance of Taiyi Golden Immortal, he knows how to cultivate and how to use the power of the cave.

However, the records in the ancient books are not as appropriate as the personal experience.

The senior Tianxian of the Gu Yue family was very kind to Meng Zhang, and did not hesitate to give him advice and impart some personal experience to him.

Meng Zhang didn't stay in the Gu Yue family's base for too long, but he benefited a lot.

This visit to the base of the Gu Yue family, Meng Zhang basically achieved his goal.

With the Gu Yue family as a quasi-ally, Taiyi Sect can benefit greatly in all aspects.

Although the Taiyi Realm has a relationship with the Wuliang Tianzong and has been taken care of to a certain extent, the relationship between the two parties is not equal.

Wuliang Tianzong used more of Taiyi Realm.

When the Taiyi Realm has no use value, or the use value is not enough to offset the official pressure from the Lingkong Immortal Realm, will Wuliang Tianzong still support the Taiyi Realm so much?

Many friends have many paths, let alone such powerful friends as the Gu Yue family.

Although the Gu Yue family does not have a Golden Immortal in charge, it has a long history and unfathomable background. Even those Golden Immortal sects must maintain a certain degree of respect for them.

Because he was worried about the situation in the Taiyi Realm, Meng Zhang didn't stay at the Gu Yue family base for too long, and returned in time.

After he went back, with the help of Gu Yue Lingqing, he arranged for the two monks to come and go.

It is foreseeable that the war in the Hengling star area will last for a long time.

The two monks had enough time to communicate with each other and deepen mutual trust.

After Taiyi Realm took control of that area, no foreign enemies have invaded yet.

In addition to human cultivators, there are also many monks of other races in the Taiyi Realm, which can be used to mine various resources.

Not to mention, the Taiyi world has long been accustomed to using mechanism creations to drive barbarians and other alien races, and even use various domesticated spirit beasts for resource collection.

Many monks in the Taiyi, especially the direct line monks of the Taiyi Sect, are relatively free for the time being and have time to visit the Gu Yue family.

Not long after Meng Zhang returned to the Taiyi Realm, a wave of monks from the Gu Yue family came to visit.

In this way, the monks of both sides began to communicate frequently.

The benefits of this exchange soon became apparent.

Some resources that were scarce on the side of the Taiyi world were solved by the Gu Yue family.

In the past, there was no direct contact between the Taiyi Realm and the Gu Yue Family, and it was difficult for the two parties to carry out large-scale transactions.

Now, both parties are in the Hengling star area, communication and transactions have become much more convenient.

For some resources that the Gu Yue family base does not have, the senior management of the base will actively contact the family headquarters and ask them to send them over when they send out a transportation team next time.

Not to mention those high-level monks in the Taiyi Realm, even Meng Zhang has gained a lot of benefits in such a transaction, and obtained several precious resources that are conducive to the improvement of the cave.

Of course, the Gu Yue family didn't help the Taiyi Realm for nothing, they also got some precious specialties from the Taiyi Realm.

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