The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2461: everywhere

Latest website: After Taimiao became the lord of the underworld, these extraterrestrial ghosts knew that nothing could be done. They could only hide in the shelter, avoid Taimiao's search, and wait for the opportunity quietly.

Perhaps, after they contact the headquarters of the ghost clan outside the realm and ask them to send more reinforcements, there is still a chance to overthrow the existing rule of the underworld.

It is a pity that because the Junchen world has entered into destruction and the shelters have been exposed, it is difficult for them to continue to avoid the wonderful pursuit.

In addition, Junchen World, a world that has entered destruction, has lost most of its value. It is estimated that the headquarters of the foreign ghosts will not invest more resources here.

In any case, Tai Miao destroyed many refuges of the foreign ghost clan, and killed and captured many foreign ghost clan, which was regarded as a trouble in the underworld.

As for whether there are any fish that slipped through the net, it is too wonderful to be sure.

As a very aggressive race, the alien ghosts are good at infiltrating and invading various worlds in the void.

Taimiao learned a lot of valuable information and learned a lot by interrogating the prisoners.

In the Yang World, the siege of the sect gates of the major holy places by various foreign invaders continued.

Resurrection of a number of Void-Returning powers, the strength of the major holy land sects, withstood the enemy's attack, and all kinds of foreign invaders fell into a stalemate.

The six true immortals have been staying in the source sea and will not come out easily.

After the last change in Yuanhai, after the power fluctuation of the true immortal level broke out, there was no follow-up.

After repeated discussions, a group of true immortal-level extraterritorial invaders still did not rush into the source sea.

After their observation and analysis, the six true immortals did not seem to have obtained the treasures of heavenly immortals.

They have strengthened the monitoring of Yuanhai, and pay attention to various changes in it at any time.

Before the Junchen Realm is completely destroyed, the source sea will be destroyed.

They don't have to wait too long.

They waited outside the source sea, waiting for the moment when the source sea was destroyed.

At that time, the six true immortals will no longer be able to hide in the source sea, and they can only escape from the ruined source sea.

Meng Zhang's main purpose of creating a mutation in Yuanhai this time was still in vain.

In the final analysis, Meng Zhang's strength is limited, and at most he can create power fluctuations at the level of a true immortal.

If the power fluctuations of the fairy level erupt in the source sea, most of the extraterritorial invaders of the true fairy level will not be able to sit still.

Since he could not capture the mountain gate of Ziyang Shengzong, Meng Zhang could only think of other ways to stabilize the territory of Taiyimen.

Dead Sands and the territories further north have been largely abandoned.

The endless sand sea, the area near the Jiuqu River, the Daheng Cultivation Realm, the Yuantu Prairie, and the territory of the Dali Dynasty were connected by various magic circles.

Taiyimen dispatched a large number of monks, laying out various magic circles and restrictions at all costs, in order to stabilize these areas.

As a **** who absorbed and refined the power of faith for the first time, Luna fully realized the benefits of the power of faith, and his injuries recovered quickly.

After converting to believe in gods, you will definitely face many difficulties in the future.

But for now, this is the best way to regain strength as soon as possible.

Luna's strength has not fully recovered, so he led his subordinate Cong God to help stabilize the territory of Taiyimen.

During this period of time, Meng Zhang successively ordained a group of gods such as mountain gods and land gods, and let them serve as the support of this world.

Driven by Meng Zhang, the power of the Sun Moon Blessed Land infiltrated and expanded outwards, covering the vicinity of the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate and firmly guarding it.

In the Junchen world, natural disasters broke out frequently, and when the big earthquakes continued, the Taiyimen territory began to calm down slowly.

Although it is impossible to completely eliminate these natural disasters, at least they are controlled within a certain range, so that they will no longer cause more damage to Taiyimen.

In the West China Sea, unprecedented earthquakes and tsunamis after another have destroyed and submerged a large number of islands.

The defense system placed on the Star Luo Archipelago was destroyed, many small and even medium-sized islands disappeared, and the island chain became no longer complete.

Fairy Guanghan, as the ruler of Xingluo Archipelago, made a timely decision.

She asked the cultivators on the surrounding islands to give up their territories and moved the mortals to the main island of the Xingluo Archipelago.

More protective circles have been built around the main island to defend against various natural disasters.

Due to several massive undersea earthquakes, the foundations of the main island were floating and the whole island became unstable.

At this time, the Moon Shadow Taoist couldn't care about hiding his tracks.

She came forward in time and asked Guanghan Palace cultivator to build a dynamic circle on the main island.

She personally drove the magic circle and made the entire main island begin to move, drifting towards the continent of Junchen Realm.

The current West Sea is no longer suitable for cultivators to survive.

The main island was facing the violent storm and waves, and slowly moved closer to the mainland.

Another ally of Taiyi Sect, Hailing Sect, had a tough time.

The situation in the South China Sea was no better than that in the West China Sea, and it became increasingly difficult for cultivators to survive here.

The South China Sea Alliance under the leadership of the Hailing faction has a great business, and it is really difficult to carry out a comprehensive relocation.

Many cultivators in the South China Sea Alliance are reluctant to give up their family business in the South China Sea until they reach the final desperation.

In addition to organizing those self-cultivation forces that are willing to migrate and relocating them to the Taiyimen territory, the Sea Spirit Sect is to ask the members of the South China Sea Alliance to abandon those smaller and more peripheral islands and concentrate their main forces on those large islands.

These large islands are relatively stable, can arrange more magic circles, and are better able to withstand various natural disasters.

The Hailing Sect itself, in addition to relocating some monks and a large number of mortals to the Taiyimen territory, its main force is still in the South China Sea.

The entire Junchen world has fallen into constant natural disasters, and the entire world is on the verge of destruction.

At this time, in addition to actively saving themselves or trying to escape the Junchen world, everyone became more looking forward to the large-scale ceremony prepared by the Supreme Master Fengqing of the Dark Alliance.

Despite all the difficulties, forces like UU Reading and the Taiyi Sect were holding back in secret, the preparations for the ceremony were still proceeding in an orderly manner, and it was almost completed.

The worse the situation in Junchen World is, the more everyone supports the actions of the Dark Alliance.

In fact, it is not only the territory of human cultivators, but also the overseas controlled by the True Dragon Clan. The situation has also gotten worse because the Junchen Realm has entered into destruction.

Even the True Dragon Clan, who are naturally good at controlling water and ignore the wind and waves, find it more and more difficult to calm down the stormy waves on the territory.

As a powerful race from the void, the real dragon family can enter the void and continue to survive even if the Junchen world completely collapses.

They have been rooted in the Junchen world for thousands of years, and they have great plans for this world.

To let them give up their thousands of years of planning and flee back to the void like this, the senior members of the True Dragon Clan are really unwilling.


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