The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2454: change

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Meng Zhang pestered Xianyun Zhenxian for a long time, and with the help of Fairy Yue'e, he got these two fairy talismans.

These two immortal talismans were much stronger than the ones Xianyun Zhenxian gave Meng Zhang last time.

These two immortal talismans are the proud creations of Liuyun Zhenxian, and Xianyun Zhenxian finally obtained them from the ancestors of the sect.

As long as it is motivated by the power of the true immortal level, these two immortal talismans can burst out the power of a normal true immortal's concentration blow.

Even in the battle of the true immortal level, these two immortal talismans can play a great role.

With Meng Zhang's current cultivation, he could not exert the true power of the two fairy talismans at all.

He carefully put away the two fairy talismans, and then carefully returned to Junchen Realm.

After returning to Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang handed over a fairy talisman to Taimiao, and Haosheng gave him some instructions.

The rumors that Meng Zhang asked the Taiyi Sect cultivators to spread have spread throughout the Junchen world after spreading and fermenting during this period of time.

Perhaps for ordinary cultivators, what is a true immortal, what is a treasure of the gods, is still far away from home.

But those high-level cultivators are very clear in their hearts that this matter is related to the next situation in Junchen Realm.

In particular, the high-level foreign invaders are very concerned about this.

If the six true immortals really fully open the treasure of the immortals and take it into their hands, then they can completely free up their hands and become free to advance and retreat.

Whether they withdraw from Junchen Realm directly, or use Heavenly Immortal Treasures to confront the enemy, the high-level foreign invaders will be very uncomfortable.

The high-level foreign invaders wanted to take action, but due to internal differences and fear of attracting a blow from the six true immortals, they could not act immediately.

It was at this time that Tai Miao secretly sneaked into the source sea again.

Entering Yuanhai again, Taimiao had a lot of sighs in her heart.

Most of the source of heaven and earth in the source sea has been lost, and the entire source sea is about to dry up completely.

In the source sea, the source of heaven and earth, which was ubiquitous, has become extremely thin.

Many dangerous places in the source sea also disappeared.

The source sea at this time is like a cloth bag full of holes.

Of course, Yuanhai's current appearance is also convenient for foreign infiltrators.

Those true immortal-level extraterritorial invaders did not dare to enter the source sea easily, but sent many subordinates to sneak into the source sea for investigation.

There are even some cultivators from the Junchen world who are fishing in troubled waters.

Some want to find treasures and gain benefits; some are spying on intelligence...

The number of these cultivators is far less than that of foreign invaders, and the scope of their activities is much smaller.

Of course, almost all the outsiders are mainly concentrated in the relatively shallow areas of the source sea.

In the depths of the source sea, there are still many sources of heaven and earth.

The six true immortals used the terrain here to arrange some formation restrictions and the like.

Outsiders rush in here, it is easy to touch these formation restrictions.

Even the powerhouses of the Void Return level are difficult to escape from the prohibition of the formation.

If the six true immortals were disturbed, it would be even more dead without a place to be buried.

Although the spies of foreign invaders are considered to be dedicated, but after all, they are not enough, and they are not willing to die in vain.

After losing a group of daring and most dedicated guys, the rest of the extraterritorial intruder spy didn't dare to go too deep.

As for all kinds of detailed information in the depths of the source sea, it is naturally difficult for them to detect.

Due to the recent spread of rumors, the high-level intruders from outside the territory issued a death order, asking these spies to go deep into the source sea and spy out more information.

Unfortunately, such an order did not have much effect except for the loss of more spies in vain.

As for what happened in the depths of the source sea, the spies still didn't know anything about the six true immortals' work on opening the treasures of the heavenly immortals.

Tai Miao hid her tracks, easily passed through the source sea on the surface, and came to the depths of the source sea.

He is not only a true god, but also has the knowledge of many cultivators.

The formation restrictions placed by the six true immortals cannot stop the true gods' footsteps, and can at most serve as a warning.

Tai Miao sneaked in, cracked and bypassed many formation restrictions.

After he entered the depths of the source sea, he finally inevitably touched a restriction.

The ban is touched, and the true immortal who receives the message will appear at any time.

Before, Tai Miao had been watching carefully.

A formation eye of these formations is also a key node in the source sea.

Even now that the sea of ​​​​sources has begun to dry up, there are still a large number of sources of heaven and earth in this node, which act as the driving force to maintain the formation.

Since the immortal talisman was in hand, Taimiao has been studying it carefully.

He instigated the divine power of his whole body, released the fairy talisman in his hand according to a special method, and slammed into the eye of the formation.

Although Taimiao was not able to fully utilize the power of this fairy talisman due to the difference in the power system, it still exerted the power of a true fairy.

The true immortal's strike not only destroyed the formation and prohibition, but also destroyed an important node in the source sea, causing a storm in the source sea.

It has been a long time since a storm of this magnitude had erupted since the source sea began to dry up.

After Tai Miao completed the task, she turned around and left, successfully escaping the source sea before the six true immortals arrived here.

The spies sent by the foreign invaders to may not have enough cultivation, but their eyesight and knowledge are first-rate.

The change in the depths of the source sea immediately alarmed them.

The powerful fluctuations in the source sea caused the source sea mutation.

This power is far beyond the level of returning to the virtual, at least it is the level of true immortals.

After the high-level intruders from outside the region who have been paying attention to Yuanhai received the information, they carefully observed outside Yuanhai, but no more information could be observed.

With such a mutation, are the six true immortals doing the trick, or has the relic of the immortals been opened?

It is unlikely that the Heavenly Immortal Relic will be opened, and such a level of power fluctuation is far from enough.

However, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of what happens. There is no room for mistakes in the matter of the treasures left by the gods.

Although there are still many disagreements and debates at the top of the extraterritorial intruder, they must respond.

The last time the barbarian army captured the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion and entered the blessed land, Jiuxuan Zhenxian turned into the ancestor Xuanxuan, and tried his best to protect the altar, completely disregarding his own safety.

As you can see, the rumors are not entirely unreasonable.

Those extraterritorial invaders of the true immortal level are still reluctant to enter the source sea rashly.

So they ordered the invaders from all over the world to attack the mountain gates of the major holy land sects once again, and they must enter their blessed land.

They want to see, are there any altars in the blessed land of the major holy places?

What, if any, are these altars for?

The dark alliance is now busy preparing for the ceremony that Fengqing Shangzun said, and he has no time to care.

The other comprehension forces in the Junchen world did not have the power to deal with the major holy land sects.

If you want to deal with the major holy land sects, you still have to rely on foreign invaders to do it yourself. (To be continued)

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